
Sage hummed lightly in response to her comment and shrugged. "well then we can spoil each other," he chirped lightly, really just wanting to enjoy some time with Mari before he went off to work again. He'd check in on Anya later maybe, but he wouldn't stay long if he did. Or maybe he'd just do that tomorrow. He wasn't sure, but he'd figure it out eventually. He hummed with a nod when she said she could boss him around a bit, and then shrugged when she mentioned the old apron. "I have no idea," he admitted with a chuckle. "Oh, I'm always up for being goofy," he noted with a laugh, nodding when she asked if waffles were alright. "Sounds good to me," he chirped, moving to gather the ingredients he knew they'd need.
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The woman cocked her head a little bit before giving a small chuckle. "The point of breakfast in bed is so that you get to rest longer!" She chuckled softly to the boy. "It takes the spoiling out of it if you have to make breakfast too," she complained with a bit of a chuckle. She then sort of moved to peck his lips happily. She didn't know what he'd be doing today... she had a feeling he'd be going up to the castle. She'd made her mind up by then to go and speak to the doctor and see if he needed a hand up there. She was just getting bored now. The kids were had school soon too, so she thought it would be nice to bring a little extra money in. They didn't need it, but it just meant they could take the kids on holiday or something. She glanced up at him with a grin after a little while, though. "I'm thinking I should maybe go and find it. Just for later," she mused in reference to the apron. She then sort of cocked her head at him. "Goofy? When have you ever been goofy," she mused gently:
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Sage shrugged and gave the girl a grin in resposne to her comment. "Well yeah, but I like spending time with you so I figure we can get the best of both this morning," he chirped before setting the ingredients out on the table with a hum before moving to grab some bowls to mix the stuff together with. Of course, her comment about finding the apron earned a grin from him, and he laughed before nodding. "I think you shoulod," he agreed, eyes twinkling mischeviously. "You're goofy plenty," he noted lightly, pecking her on the cheek as he moved to pass her. "We're being goofy now, talking about the apron," he added. She really couldn't argue that one, he figured.
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The woman sort of rolled her eyes at him, though soon moved to pick up the bowls off him, then mixing the stuff together. She had him grab the crimp from the cupboard, so it wouldn't take as long to make them all. She turned it on to let it heat up, though turned to him with a bit of a smile. "Really? You like spending time with me? Since when?" She asked with a bit of a chuckle. "I never see you anymore," she complained in a joking manner. She finished mixing everything up, and soon settled down on a stool while she waited for him to pour the mix into the crimp. A small hum of consideration escaped her, though put on a flirtatious little smirk. "Maybe. Maybe I can pick a little something up for tonight instead," she hummed in a sort of thoughtful manner, a little giggle escaping her. "I'm not goofy," she mused gently to him before grinning at him. "I thought we were flirting!" She mused playfully to him.
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Sage couldn't help but laugh at the girls comment,shaking his head in fond amusement and moving to peck her cheek lightly. "We're together right now," he protested lightly. They saw each other pretty often...it helped that most of his work was from home, he supposed. But he was busy most days, so it would be nice to have some time to spend with her just the two of them messing around and such. "maybe," he hummed, nodding in agreement to her next comment, snorting when she said she wasn't goofy. "Flirting is being goofy," he protested lightly, rather amused with the whole conversation as of right then.
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The woman rolled her eyes, and sort of pointed the spoon at him before going to pull some plates out. "Well that's just because I'm your wife," she accused, an amused chuckle escaping her after a moment. She was just playing around, she supposed... she was definitely more awake now than she had been. She was also just glad to spend a bit of time with Sage. They saw eachother enough, yes, but they didn't just spend time together. Other than when they were sleeping, of course. That was a bit different, though. She rolled her eyes again at his maybe before sort of shrugging. "I don't know. Babe, I've gotten used to your version of flirting... I don't know about you but I feel like it's not meant to be goofy!" She chuckled gently to him.
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Sage simply grinned over at the girl, humming as if in thought in response to her comments. "Well, my flirting seems to work, considering it normally gets me laid pretty well," he chirped, moving to pour the dough onto the little stove sort of thing they used to make the waffles. Though, at her next comments he sort of gave her a playful pout before moving to grab her hips and press her against the counter, sticking his face close to hers and purring something the kids definitely shouldn't hear to the girl. He probably would've added to it, but by then he heard Silas' sleepy footsteps coming down the hallway so he simply hummed and pressed a slightly lingering kiss to the girls lips. "We'll finish this conversation later," he whispered before moving to greet Silas happily as the boy wandered into the kitchen.
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Mari watched Sage with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, her lips quirking up at the edges as he boasted about his flirting. She rolled her eyes, but there was no denying that, yes, when he did flirt be definitely got what he wanted, and no, he it wasn't as bad as she often teased him got... even if she’d never admit it out loud. He had a way of getting under her skin, his easy confidence and that damnable grin that made it hard to stay annoyed with him for long. "Babe you get pity fucked," she mused softly as she watched the batter hit the pan, the sizzling filling her ears for a moment before ebbing away. She did sort of jump when he moved her back, her hands instinctively moving to rest on the cold counter top. She stared up at him, her heart already starting to pump stupidity... and the blush on her face wasn't helping to cool her down. At his pur, though, she just sort of stared up at him stupidly. She was going to respond, though by then he'd clocked Silas. She met him willingly for the kiss, though groaned when he pulled away. She rolled her eyes st his comment, though was suddnly very excited for later. "You're so crude sometimes... and yet you never follow through with any of it,," she whispered with a teasing huff before looking back over Silas, greeting her son with a grin as she went to fork out some waffles for the child.
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Sage could feel his grin growing as the girls face flushed and she sort of just....gasped at him. He could make her flustered when he felt like it, for sure, but normally he just did the cheesy stuff. It made her laugh if nothing else. But when he did think about what he was going to say, he supposed it was all something he could fouster her with. He settled Silas at the table happily, grinning over at the girl in response to her comments. "Sure I do," he mused. "And now I'm gonna have to prove it to you, aren't I," he added rather mischievously as he grabbed some waffles for himself and slid in the chair next to his son, turning his attention to Silas'somewhat sleepy chatter.
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The woman sort of glared at him when he made his comment, though sort of moved to grab some syrup, cream and strawberries for the boy to top hos waffles with. Liz wasn't likely to be up for another few hours... which was fine, she supposed. She just had to make sure there was enough for her when she crawled out of bed. She sort of shrugged over at him before looking back to her son happily, handing him a little pate with two waffles, then handed him some syrup when he picked it out. She then couldn't withhold her chuckle when he continued to cover the entire plate of food with syrup... she did eventually take the bottle off him. "Silas you'll make yourself sick," she mused lightly as she put the bottle to the side, which earned her a pout from the child. She couldn't stop her little laugh, and took a glance over at Sage. "He's defiantly your son," she mused good naturedly. She sort of looked over at her husband, a little smile on her face, now more amused than flustered. "Not necessarily. Babe if you're not brave enough you don't have to prove anything," she teased lightly, then went and handed the man some cream.
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