
Sage just had the girl a grin when she rolled in, finding the whole situation rather amusing if he was being totally honest. "What were you planning on doing today," he hummed after a moment. "I just have the horses....though maybe we could all go on e a picnic or something later," he mused after a moment or so.
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Mari just hummed in agreement write shrugging softly. "I wasn't going to get much done today," she hummed softly to him. She was sort of tired, but admittedly happy to relax for a little bit. Though, the idea of a picnic was nice. "That would be quite nice," she murmured softly. "Would we be taking the kids?" She asked curiously. She didn't mind... she loved the little mites, and wouldn't be at all opposed to them coming along.
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Sage sort of nodded happily in response to her comments, giving her a wide grin after a moment. "They can come with," he chirped with a nod. "They'll have just as much as we will anyhow," he noted, a light smile lingering on his lips as he thought about the kids, running around happily with them.
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Mari smiled softly to him after a moment, the idea of the kids running around making her light up. She did love them... she loved that she'd somehow managed find someone she loved so much to have children with her. It was such a silly thing... but she never thought she'd have that opportunity. Her eyes fell onto the cross necklace the doctor had given him years back, and sort of reached to play with it with a hum. "Have you ever taken this off?" She asked with an amused chuckle. She never thought about it much... it was definitely a cute sentiment.
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Sage just grinned at her and let out a content huff of air, tightening his hold on her slightly as she shifted a bit, just nestling in a little bit. When she reached for his necklace, he sort of hummed and reached up to touch it, resting between the dip in his collar, same as it always did. "Nope," he mused softly. "I don't suppose I have," he added with a shrug, dropping his hand.
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The woman groaned when he tightened his hold on her. "What, you don't want me to move at all?" She teased, though her eyes quickly turned back the necklace. She let go of it when he reached for it, but soon picked it back up again. "You know, something I wonder how we've managed to keep two kids alive for so long. But it is a miracle that you of all people managed not to break a necklace that was already ancient," the teased playfully, pressing a light kiss to the cross before laying it softly back between his collar.
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He sort of hummed with light amusement whe. She teased him about not letting her move. "Nope. You're stuck with me," he teased lightly, pecking the top of her head before shrugging in response to her other comments, a grin lingering on his face. "I'm not sure how Ive managed that either," he admitted with a sort of laugh, fingers moving to run along the chain absentmindedly after a bit. "But if it does break I'll just fix it again," he added lightly.
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Mari let a little grin cross her face when he pecked her head, but soon tilted her head up to look at him with a bit playfully grumpy pout. "Being stuck with you is the last thing I wanted," she mused teasingly. She fiddled with the little cross with a little grin, then moved to peck his lips again happily. "I'm not denying that you could fix it," she mused softly. "I'm questioning how you've managed not to break something so delicate for so long," she chuckled, amusement clear in her voice. Edited at October 27, 2024 09:05 AM by Belle
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Sage sort of rolled his eyes at her first comment, though couldn't help but chuckle slightly as well. Her other comments he just grinned at, humming happily after the kiss. "I can't say I even know the answer to that," he noted in a rather amused voice. "Normally something like this wouldve been destroyed a while ago," he added. Then he wrinkled his nose. "Though, something tells me the doctor was somewhat rowdy when he was a young adult too," he added with a chuckle. "Maybe it's just stronger than it looks."
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Mari wrinkled her nose at him before flicking his shoulder with her finger. "Don't roll your eyes at me," she played, though soon started trying to sit up after patting the arm that was around her. She then chuckled, a smile spreading across her face. "Well you've had it since we met. I've definitely broken necklaces since then," she mused teasingly. She pursed her lips, thinking about the doctor then shrugged. "I can't imagine him being anything but old, never mind rowdy," she mused.
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