
Sage sort of just stuck his tongue out at the woman playfully when she flicked his shoulder, snickering lightly. "What are you gonna do about it," he teased lightly. "Give me a spanking?" He really was just messing around...there was no ill intent between either of them, he knew that. Though, at ehr next comment, he sort of chuckled and nodded. She had broken jewelry, he supposed, occasionally....and he was just as surprised as her this one hadn't broken. It was certainly old enough to break rather easily. "Oh, I've heard enough stories about him and his old mule to rethink a few things over the years," he chuckled fondly.
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Mari pouted at him as if disgusted, then sort of rolled over so that she was resting on his chest. "I would, but you'd probably like it and it wouldn't be much of a punishment," she mused lightly, sort of going to blow a playful raspberry to his neck. She hummed at the mention of the doctor, then rolled her eyes in amusement. "I've spent too long working with him to see him as anything but an old dude," she mused lightly. "I wonder how he ended up working in the castle. Not many doctors around, and there would have been less when he was younger. I wonder how he even became a doctor for that matter," she mused lightly.
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Sage couldn't help but snicker in response to her comment and shrug. "Probably," he mused lightly, a light yelp coming from his mouth when she blew the raspberry on his neck, wriggling away with a laugh before settling in again. "I do believe he had wrinkles, white hair, and an old man attitude from the moment his poor mother popped him out," he noted with find amusement. "I'm not entirely sure he ever grew out of his teenage rebellion years though, considering how often he tried to prank me," he grumbled. He pranked the guy back though, so it was fun on both ends.
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Mari rolled her eyes at him, though pecked his nose when he settled down under her. "That's not meant to be a good thing, you know," she chuckled, patting his chest again. "How else am I meant to punish you?!" She teased, poking her face next to his again. At his next comments, all she could do was laugh. "See, that's exactly what I imagined!" Mari then cocked her head. "Well, I bet he was pretty cool. Anyone who can prank you must be pretty turned on... you're always on your toes," she mused.
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Sage sort of snickered in response to her comments, nodding slowly. "I suppose liking something doesn't make it a very good punishment, does it," he just hummed, really amused at the conversation they were having. Never thought they'd be talking about her spanking him. It was just funny. "I could come up with some ideas," he added, a mischievous light in his eyes, but pecked her forehead and nodded when she mentioned the doctor. "He's the only one who's managed to get away with stuff like that," he mused fondly. "We always have a good time."
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Mari sort of watched him with a little grin, just happy to be with him as of then. She sort of held onto his cheek, dipping his head to she could press a playful kiss to his lips. "You're a funny guy, hm," she mused, pecking his lips again before cocking her head. "Oh, can you now?" She asked, the whole conversation just amusing her. She sort of just flopped down ontop of him with an amused chuckle. "Get thinking then," she giggled. "We can see what might work tonight," she teased, letting out a rather amused laugh. She then grinned when he mentioned the doctor. "You two are very similar," she hummed, pecking his chin happily.
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Sage sorry if just hummed in amusement, raising an eyebrow slightly at her comment. "Was that an invitation I just heard," he sort of cooed, really just messing about but more than happy to oblige if it was. He couldn't help but he amused by it all though, and hummed with a fond nid and smile when the doctor was brought up again. "I suppose that's why we got along so well," he hummed. "He must've seen something of himself in me, it he probably wouldn't have worked so hard to keep me around at first," he chuckled.
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Mari sort of shrugged, glancing out the window as though contemplating. "Could have been," she mused, cocking her head. "You can make what you'd like of it," she chuckled softly. They really were just messing around, but she wouldn't be too concerned if anything happened. Mari grinned at the mention of the doctor, then shook her head. "You both get along like you do because you're both hard headed," she mused, and moved to peck his nose. "And I've never met anyone more stubborn than you but the doctor," she chuckled, pecked his nose again.
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Sage sort of chuckled in response to her comment, pecking her lips lightly. "We'll see what comes of it later, yeah," he sort of hummed after a bit, grinning over at her when she mentioned them both being hard headed. "That's true," he msued with a small laugh and shake of his head. "That's probably the only reason he didn't pick me up by the scruff and toss me out like a raccoon trying to get into his medicine cabinets," he added with a snicker. (short i gotta run lol)
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Mari gave a grin after a moment, his peck drawing an amused laugh from her. "We'll see," she mused, pecking his lips again before sitting up again. "I wanna go make a picnic first though," she giggled lightly. After a moment, she sort of bobbed her head from side to side thoughtfully, though just seemed amused. "Only reason he don't throw you out is because he's too frail to throw anyone," she then wrinkled her nose. "Saying that, he did help carry you back after your dad died," she hummed, starting to sit up before slipping out of bed.
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