
"Yeah. We should go to college together. We could have a future, Sage." She said, looking up at him, smiling. "Imagine, we have kids, a house, maybe even I get a steady job." She said, musing. "What do ya say? Think we have a chance at forever?"
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Sage glanced over at her and hummed with a nod. "I think we'd have a pretty good shot at it all," he noted in thought. He'd never really thought he'd go to college, but he could work. The trades. Art. He enjoyed that. She could go to school, if she wanted. They'd make it work.
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"Or, we could just settle down fresh outta high school. My brother would easily fork over 200K for his sister to move out of his house." She chuckled (Going off for an hr or so)
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(you're all good) Sage chuckled softly and shrugged. "I'd always planned on just starting an art business somewhere," he admitted. "College was never really in my scope of things." He laughed when she mentioned her brother paying to get her out of his house. "You could still go to college...we could just get an apartment nearby it or something," he added with a shrug.
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"Does that mean we can move out together?" She asked with a smile. "I'm in."
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Sage chuckled softly and nodded. "If that's what you want," he noted. He threw an annoyed glance at the door when he heard a woman's shrill voice come through as his stepmother came home. She was complaining about...some other woman. He wasn't sure who. On the phone. Ugh. "Would get me out of here at least," he noted dryly, obviously not pleased with his family situation.
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"Of course, love." She said, "I should actually introduce you to my brother. As my boyfriend. Don't say anything about last night. 'Kay?" She kissed him and stood up off the bed. Amira took his hand, leading him to the window. She hangs all the way out the window and jumps. She lands on her feet, dropping into a squat, silencing her landing. She waves Sage to come follow. She quickly snuck into her house, up the stairs, and to her room. She runs back down the stairs, being obvious about her desent. Luke stood, "Where are you going, Amira?" He questioned, approaching her. "I invited Sage over. You will be okay with it." She wasn't asking, she was telling him. She went to go get the door, letting Sage in.
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Sage raised an eyebrow when she mentioned introducing him to her brother. "What happened to him killing me," he mused, more amused than anything. He had no doubt he could win a fight against the older man, however he didn't exactly want to fight or hurt her brother. He hoped it wouldn't come to that. He kissed her with a nod, moving to tie his hair back quickly. He frowned at his mirror, looking over the piercings and lip ring and tattoos and long hair and black clothes and scars...he didn't really look like a good boyfriend. But he was willing to try, for her. So he took a deep breath, pushing the negative thoughts away and meeting her at the front door with a smile.
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"Hey." She said, excited. "Come in." She gestured to the inside of her house as though he'd never been there. "Welcome. Luke, this is Sage. Sage, this is Luke my brother." She said, glaring at Luke. Luke sighed and offered to shake Sage's hand halfheartedly. "Hi." He sighed. Luke took a step toward Sage, testing his predictability. "So what are you gonna do? Knock her up at 17? Whisk her out of my life, because i'm all for it. Take her away. We done here?" Luke asked Amira. "Sure." She said, waving him off. "Go see your wife or something. Luke brightened at the mere idea of his wife. He grabbed the keys and walked out with a wave behind him. Amira rolled her eyes. "He's obsessed with her. She's some author and makes, like, 400K a year." Amira said, taking Sage's hand. "We now have the house to ourself." She said, feeling accomplished. Edited at November 18, 2024 08:29 PM by Blue Diamond
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Sage pretended like it was his first time stepping into the home, with a quickl glance around, gaze landing on her brother. He shook the other man's hand, eyebrows raising as the other male spoke. When he was gone, he turned to Amira, slightly dumbfounded. "That was....interesting," he mused after a moment. Then he gave her a grin when she said the house was to themselves. "Well, then, how about I 'knock you up', as your brother so eloquently put it," he purred, stepping closer to her with a mischevious glint in his eyes. "Or would you rather knock me up this time, prove your brother wrong," he added, mostly messing around but not really minding either way.
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