
Sage hummed softly and sort of shrugged. "No you're right...id probably just beat up whoever did anything," he noted with a chuckle. He shrugged when she mentioned not really wanting to be a cook, a quick "more food for me then," rising from his lips in a playful manner before greeting the kids as they ran in, helping them get their food and settling Mari down before plopping into his normal seat between Mari and Silas.
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Mari rolled her eyes at him lightly. "That's sounds about right. Arson is far too classy for you," she mused lightly after a moment or two. When everyone ran downstairs, she smiled lightly to him after a moment, then to the kids. She reached over to help Liz cut her steak up, although Silas was already nearly done, and was starting to poke fun of Liz for not being able to cut it all up. Mari shot him a bit of a 'mom glare' and he soon went quiet to eat. Soon they'd all finished, and she wandered off to wash the dishes up, although she was still pretty buzzy about getting out the house for a few hours a day.
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Sage simply chuckled with a shrug in response to her comment. She was probably right.. arson wasn't really his style. Of course, he'd set a few buildings on fire, but that wasn't really the best way to get back at someone. He'd rather just break their face. He kept Silas entertained, so as not to start getting into trouble teasing liz while Mari helped her, eventually moving to help get them ready for bed while Mari cleaned up dinner. Once they were asleep, he moved back to the kitchen, settling down on a chair happily.
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Mari stood up to get everything cleared up, wiping down the sides and things before eventually going to flop down next to Sage, her head on his lap as she let out a soft groan. It had been a good day... well, imagining Sage committing arson wasn't great, he'd probably hurt himself more than he fixed things, but a good day all the same. "You know, now that I think about it, you'd look pretty sexy wandering out a burning building," she teased lightly. "Just so long as you haven't set yourself on fire," she chuckled lightly.
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Sage grinned over at Mari when she flopped down next to him, chuckling in response to her comment. "You think I'm sexy anyway, babe," he mused lightly. Though, at her next comment he couldn't help but roll his eyes. "I'm careful with fire," he protested with a laugh. "I'd be perfectly fine," he added with a laugh.
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Mari smiled lightly to him and sort of shook her head after a moment or two. "Well, at least you know," she mused happily. At his next comment, though, she rolled her eyes. Sage, you're not careful with anything. I'm lucky if I can get you to be careful with the dishes," she mused, pouting up at him, gently playing with a stray hair that had slipped from his bun. "You'd come out all crispy. That would be a shame," she sighed dramatically.
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Sage chuckled softly and just grinned down at her, shaking his head slightly in amusement. "If I hadn't figured that out before you started complaining I didn't strip for you enough I would have at that point," he noted with amusement, sort of half teasing her. He couldn't help but grunt when she said he wasn't especially careful with anything, but shrugged. "Well, if I know you like me raw I'd prefer to stay that way ," he chirped. "So no roasting myself setting something on fire."
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Mari chuckled lightly to him, clearly amused. "Well, it's taken you so many years to accept it," she complained, then pouted at him with a playful expression across her face. "And I never complained, just suggested you should do it more," she chirped to him lightly, then huffed out a soft breath at his next comment, obviously amused at the whole thing. Of course Sage wouldn't go starting fires, but the idea of it all made her laugh. She sat up a little and held his face in her hands, leaning in to press a light kiss to his lips. "You know I like you raw," she giggled lightly after a moment or two, nodding in agreement to his next comment she just giggled lightly. "Yeah, please don't roast yourself. I like you as is," she mused.
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Sage hummed lightly and shrugged in response to her comment, rather amused by the whole thing. "No, you definitely complained about it," he mused, nudging her lightly. "I recall you flopping dramatically into my lap too," he added with a snicker, grinning over at her when she grabbed his face and then kissing her back with a happy hum. "I think I'd rather not get roasted myself," he agreed lightly, grin just lingering on his face.
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Mari rolled her eyes, letting out a bit of an exaspertated huff when he told her she was complaining. "I don't complain!" She chuckled to him, giving him a bit of a pout. "Me? Being dramatic? Never. Is it a crime to want to see my super gorgeous once in a while?" She asked with a bit of a laugh, a smile across her face as he kissed her back, clearly just amused by this whole thing. She gave a thoughtful hum at his next comment. "Mmmm.... roasted Sage," she teased lightly before sitting up and climbing off him and offering him her hands. "I'm going to get ready for bed," she chuckled lightly to him, wandering up stairs, making their bed and going to get showered.
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