
The smell of the food had woken sage up a bit more, so when Mari placed the plate in front of him he started picking at it all right away. When he noticed her lay her head down, he sort of chuckled, cocking his head at her. "If you're still tired why'd you get up," he asked, voice laced with amusement. He didn't really mind, but the table also wasn't a great place to sleep. "We can go lay down again if you're tired," he added. The kids wouldn't be up for a while.
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Mari stayed settled on the table for a little while and let out a soft breath when he spoke. She just groaned softly and shrugged. "Because I wanted to make breakfast for our children," she murmured quietly with a bit of a yawn. She groaned and nodded quietly. "Take me back to bed," she grumbled quietly, closing her eyes.
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Sage chuckled softly in response to her comment, shaking his head in amusement. "We have plenty of time before they're up, babe," he noted softly, just moving to offer her his hands and tug her along and back upstairs, settling down down in the bed with her happily. He was more awake now ...but he was still groggy enough to be more than happy to be able to sort of half drift off for a while longer.
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Mari shook her head at him with a soft hum. She took his hand and let her tug him along, though. She was so tired, but the kids were normally up by then and would usually be begging her for something to eat... oh well. The kids would have food ready for them whenever they went downstairs. She flopped down on Sages chest and wrapped him up in a big bear hug. "I love you, Mr Tavern Boy," she murmured quietly, burying her nose into his neck with a heavy breath of air.
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Sage sort of flopped down onto the bed, opening his arms up for her to flop down onto him with a soft chuckle. He wrapped himself around her happily, humming softly in response to her comment as he just relaxed under her. "I love you too," he murmured softly, just nestling his nose in her hair and breathing in her scent. Really, he just enjoyed being with her.
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Mari just grunted before she drifted to sleep rather quickly. She thought she had energy, but as soon as she got up she realised she really just didn't. Plus, Sage smelled good, his heart beat was calming and he loved her. Even just the way he wrapped his arms around her rold her that. If the world was going to blow up at any moment, now would probabaly be a good moment.
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Sage felt a sort of smile cross his face when he noticed the girl drift off to sleep. He'd sort of moved to drag his fingers through her hair gently, just enjoying the way her breathing slowed and she relaxed against him. He really did love her...their little family was his whole world, and he didn't know how they'd ever manage without her. They'd almost had to, at one point, and it had nearly destroyed him. But that hadn't happened. They were ok. All of them. And he wouldn't let anything or anyone mess that up.
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Mari settled down, her sleep becoming deeper and deeper by the second. She hadn't been this tired in ages. She didn't know why she was tired, but she was enjoying the rest. The deep sleep, Sages soft breaths moving her softly up and down on his chest. She felt so safe with him. It had to be maybe an hour later when she finally started to wake up, and moved to wrap her hands softly around his bicepts as her nose buried deeper into his neck.
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Sage had stayed where he was, eventually drifting off into a light sleep. When Mari shifted, he sort of opened his eyes, tightening his hold around her when he felt her curl in more. He closed his eyes again with a content huff of air, really just glad to be able to relax like this. He hadn't heard the kids wake up yet....so they still had time to do nothing. He did plan on this being a lazy day of sorts, since yesterday had been so hectic. He did want to check in on Anya though ... Maybe they'd all stop by later and see the doctor anyway.
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Mari hummed when he held onto her tighter, and pressed her lips against the skin on his neck with a bit of a smile. She loved this man way too much. The lengths she'd go to to keep him happy and safe were insane. She sighed and sort of rolled over onto her back, still resting half on his chest as she woke up slowly.
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