Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Summer   
$: 0
Forecast: Nighttime Thunderstorms with Hail
Sun 10:09am  
Stables Online:  86 
Greenwood Estate
10:08:29 Green
Thank you!
Oh those are pretty names,
Greenwood Estate
10:07:16 Green
My friend and I both have black and white cats. Mine are Hamlet and Fiona and my friend's are Owen and Ophelia
What are your cats names?
Ironically my cat's name is Kitty. We couldn't think of a name so we kept calling her Kitty. Now it's the only thing she responds to.
She's my old grey cuddle buddy.
Awww I love cats.
I only have one but my mom has a black and white one named Waldo.
Greenwood Estate
10:05:41 Green
10:05:08 Zen's AAs
I think I'm going to try for an apricot AA program with this one... but combating all the extension is going to be so fun -HEE Click-
Greenwood Estate
10:04:08 Green
What is your cat's name? I have two cats myself. My friend also has two.
I got a cat on my lap, to am pretty good.
I hope you feel better soon.
It sucks being sick.
Greenwood Estate
10:01:57 Green
I'm good! Sick but good! How about you?
How are you doing today Green?
Greenwood Estate
10:00:45 Green
Hi everyone,
The Joker
09:58:17 Ari <3
Oh cute
-HEE Click-
The Joker
09:57:16 Ari <3
Same here, it doesn't cover them completely but it definitely makes them more affordable
Willow Grove
09:55:53 Stalker of Chat
Its very nice to get store credits from quests. Beyond helpful for me, ive been able to afford a few svens since that update
The Joker
09:54:07 Ari <3
I gotta say I'm such a fan of the questing system update, specifically the credits
Greenwood Estate
09:32:47 Green
Hidden Falls in packed right now
Gem Queens Estate
08:54:20 Snow❆Gem
Pretty homo dun grullo with those speckled white socks. :D

-HEE Click-
Gem Queens Estate
08:52:13 Snow❆Gem
Man, there's two i like but they have WEE requirements. I have only like 2 unbred mares like that. lol

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Greenwood Estate
10:08:29 Green
Thank you!
Oh those are pretty names,
Greenwood Estate
10:07:16 Green
My friend and I both have black and white cats. Mine are Hamlet and Fiona and my friend's are Owen and Ophelia
What are your cats names?
Ironically my cat's name is Kitty. We couldn't think of a name so we kept calling her Kitty. Now it's the only thing she responds to.
She's my old grey cuddle buddy.
Awww I love cats.
I only have one but my mom has a black and white one named Waldo.
Greenwood Estate
10:05:41 Green
10:05:08 Zen's AAs
I think I'm going to try for an apricot AA program with this one... but combating all the extension is going to be so fun -HEE Click-
Greenwood Estate
10:04:08 Green
What is your cat's name? I have two cats myself. My friend also has two.
I got a cat on my lap, to am pretty good.
I hope you feel better soon.
It sucks being sick.
Greenwood Estate
10:01:57 Green
I'm good! Sick but good! How about you?
How are you doing today Green?
Greenwood Estate
10:00:45 Green
Hi everyone,
The Joker
09:58:17 Ari <3
Oh cute
-HEE Click-
The Joker
09:57:16 Ari <3
Same here, it doesn't cover them completely but it definitely makes them more affordable
Willow Grove
09:55:53 Stalker of Chat
Its very nice to get store credits from quests. Beyond helpful for me, ive been able to afford a few svens since that update
The Joker
09:54:07 Ari <3
I gotta say I'm such a fan of the questing system update, specifically the credits
Greenwood Estate
09:32:47 Green
Hidden Falls in packed right now
Gem Queens Estate
08:54:20 Snow❆Gem
Pretty homo dun grullo with those speckled white socks. :D

-HEE Click-
Gem Queens Estate
08:52:13 Snow❆Gem
Man, there's two i like but they have WEE requirements. I have only like 2 unbred mares like that. lol

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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NightClan X Belle February 21, 2025 09:00 AM

Posts: 17031
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Sage nodded happily and pecked her cheek before wandering off to the barns, feeding and watering all the horses before heading back to the house after making sure nothing needed his immediate attention. When he wandered in, he took the bag from Mari with a grin, slinging it over his shoulder and the moving to lock the house up once the rest of them were out the door. He moved to take Liz's hand when she reached for his, sort of wandering along slowly to keep pace with her, occasionally calling to Silas to stay where they could see him.
NightClan X Belle February 21, 2025 09:25 AM

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Mari grinned and followed him along, her hand wrapped around her daughters and a little picnic basket in the other hand. She smiled as they reached the lake... really, it only seemed to get more beautiful every time she saw it. She set the basket down, and told Liz and Silas to go off and play while she set ecerything up. Sage would probably like to go and mess around for a bit, too... he'd always enjoyed himseld when he messed with the kids. She made them put swimsuits other than their closthes on... one too many times they'd just dived in their clothes, and had to walk back soaking wet. They complained the whole day, and Mari didn't need that.
NightClan X Belle February 21, 2025 09:55 AM

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Sage had moved to help Mari spread out a blanket and set the bag down on a corner to keep the wind from blowing it over. He jogged off to join the kids after that though, since they were calling him over and he did enjoy running around and messing about with them. He did miss the times where he just ran around all the time, a bit, but he certainly wouldn't give the life they'd made for themselves to go back out on the streets. He did have that urge though, to go run off and cause mayhem somewhere. He decided he wouldn't give in to those thoughts since if he did so that Mari might kill him herself, though of course he knew she'd never actually kill him. But she wouldn't be happy to hear about it, for sure. Either way, he focused on just playing with the kids for a few hours, until they'd moved on to something else and he wandered back over to flop down next to Mari with a grunt, laying on his back to let the sun dry him off.
NightClan X Belle February 22, 2025 11:25 AM

Posts: 8595
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Mari settled down quietly, watching as her two children and big kid of a husband run around. They were so brilliant. She loved watching them running around. They seemed so happy, and she couldn't help but grin at the sight of them. She watched as Sage flopped down next to her, and flashed him a grin before leaning in to press a light kiss to his lips. "Oohh, you're not as fit as you used to be, hey babe?" She chuckled softly to him after a moment.
NightClan X Belle February 22, 2025 11:44 PM

Posts: 17031
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Sage had enjoyed running a around with the kids, but they definitely had more energy than he did. He wrinkled his nose slightly in response to Maris comments, chuckling softly. "I'm not sure whether to argue that I'm perfectly fit for my age or that I've never been that fit," he noted, amusement lacing his voice. "They have more energy than me for sure," he added with a groan, shaking his head slightly, a fond smile appearing on his face. The kids really were just the best.
NightClan X Belle February 23, 2025 02:53 PM

Posts: 8595
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Mari smiled happily to him after a moment and gently bumped his side. "I dunno. You got pretty fit a few years back. You had muscles and everything," she teased lightly. She looked back at the kids as they ran around, and gave a small chuckle. She'd been much the same when she was very young; always looking for something to do, run around, see her friends, that sort of thing. Although, apparently she was a brat too back then. According to her mother, anyway. She glanced back to Sage. If he had the chance when he was young, she could put money on idea of him running around full tilt with his friends. He would have been so bubbly and friendly. His life had taken that from him, but he was different with her and the kids. He always just seemed so much more content than when they'd first met. "It's not hard," she mused. "Silas could run for days," she mused lightly.
NightClan X Belle February 23, 2025 05:58 PM

Posts: 17031
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Sage gave the girl a mock offended look in response to her comment, huffing out a breath and pouted up at her. "I still have muscles," he snorted. "You even pointed them out the other night," he added mischievously, eyes glittering happily. Though, at her comment about Silas, he groaned and nodded. "No one can keep up with that one," he noted fondly, sort of chuckling as he glanced out over at where he and Liz were messing around. It was sweet really ...the kids were wonderful together, and it was nice to just watch them. Messinga round with them was fun too, of course, but sometimes it was just nice to sit back. Watch them grow.
NightClan X Belle February 24, 2025 12:45 PM

Posts: 8595
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Mari smiled lightly to him after a moment or two, sort of sitting back on her elbows. She leaned over and patted his torso, giving him a playful chuckle. "Yeah... I guess..." she teased him lightly. She handed him a towel to dry his hair off with, since he'd been running around with the children. She looked back at them, watching them run around. She was glad they could give them this life. She was glad they gave them a space were they felt sade enough to run around like the children they were. She smiled gently and called them over after a bit to eat something. They rushed over lilke wild animals, and she couldn't help but grin at them.
NightClan X Belle February 24, 2025 03:01 PM

Posts: 17031
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Sage just grinned over at Mari, a soft chuckle coming from his lips. "I can't help it if you think I'm handsome," he teased her lightly, moving to grab the towel and sit up to dry his hair off once she handed it to him. He wouldn't have cared if it was wet, but it was easier to put up if it was dried off a bit, he supposed. When the kids came running over for food, he chuckled softly and helped settle them down, drying them off a bit before they got on the blanket he and Mari had been on, and then helping them get food.

Edited at February 24, 2025 05:18 PM by NightClan
NightClan X Belle February 24, 2025 06:34 PM

Posts: 8595
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Mari rolled her eyes at him, although his grin brought her own grin across her face. "You are very handsome, you absolute brute of a man," she teased him playfully. She watched as the kids came sprinting over to them, her eyes lighting up slightly. Oh wow, were they perfect. God she loved them. She set some towels out to wrap them up in while they ate, making sure they all had everything they wanted before settling back down against the blanket, happily snacking on a few of her own sandwiches.

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