Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
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Forecast: Crisp, Clear, and Cool
Tue 03:46pm  
Stables Online:  109 
Marvel Manor
Check out AQH's for auction! It ends this Friday!
-HEE Click-
Willow Grove
03:28:23 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
I need a 1mo upgrade ASAP please pm me and I'll send ebs I WILL PAY A MAX OF 95K FOR ONE
Fluffy's Cosy Home
03:20:54 Fluffy
I have:
*WWW/WW Straws
*Items in my store
*Sale horses
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
03:14:38 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Irish Cob Painting at auction! Please consider bidding. 🫶🏻

-HEE Click-
EEE+ broods starting at 3k! Some are W producers. Take a chance!
03:08:28 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

RID Freshie straws for 189 - CC PrlPrl
-HEE Click-
Breezy Way Ranch
02:52:11 Red
-HEE Click-
EEE - EWW multi breed color auction
Fantasy Horses
02:50:29 Fantasy
Calling all Role Players! The Wild Herd is a wild horse herd role play! Open to beginners and seasoned role players alike! RP will start on March 28th or once we have 10 characters!
-HEE Click-
MakeEm Fancy
02:48:01 Ally 💜
EWW ISH filly!
-HEE Click-
Dark Donkey
WWW boys auction
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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Marvel Manor
Check out AQH's for auction! It ends this Friday!
-HEE Click-
Willow Grove
03:28:23 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
I need a 1mo upgrade ASAP please pm me and I'll send ebs I WILL PAY A MAX OF 95K FOR ONE
Fluffy's Cosy Home
03:20:54 Fluffy
I have:
*WWW/WW Straws
*Items in my store
*Sale horses
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
03:14:38 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Irish Cob Painting at auction! Please consider bidding. 🫶🏻

-HEE Click-
EEE+ broods starting at 3k! Some are W producers. Take a chance!
03:08:28 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

RID Freshie straws for 189 - CC PrlPrl
-HEE Click-
Breezy Way Ranch
02:52:11 Red
-HEE Click-
EEE - EWW multi breed color auction
Fantasy Horses
02:50:29 Fantasy
Calling all Role Players! The Wild Herd is a wild horse herd role play! Open to beginners and seasoned role players alike! RP will start on March 28th or once we have 10 characters!
-HEE Click-
MakeEm Fancy
02:48:01 Ally 💜
EWW ISH filly!
-HEE Click-
Dark Donkey
WWW boys auction
-HEE Click-

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NightClan X Belle March 13, 2025 04:05 PM

Posts: 17135
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Sage nodded when she said she didn't need anything, sort of just settling down a bit where he was sitting next to her. "Looks like everything's moving along then," he noted, sort of glancing around. The kingdom was doing well ...and Anya seemed to be dealing with her grief well too. It was hard of course, but it seemed like she was doing better than when they'd first gotten sick and all. "I'm proud of you, you know," he mused after a moment. He hadn't expected to live this long, even after the doctor had patched him up. But he'd seen Anya grow, a lot, and it hadn't been easy for her. He knew just how hard things could be. But she'd handled it all relatively well. And he was proud.
NightClan X Belle March 13, 2025 04:20 PM

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Anya just nodded after a moment, hugging firmly onto her pillow. Absolutely brilliant pillow. "Yeah, it is," she whispered. "Their funeral is next week-" she paused for a moment, looking up at him with furrowed brows. "Will you come?" She asked quietly. She knew he didn't much like them, and she knew her parents didn't much like him, either... but she'd need him there. Something about him always seemed to calm her down. He was almost as good as a pacifier as her pillow was. She looked very confused for a moment, though. "You're proud of me?" She repeated curiously. There wasn't a whole lot to be proud of. She didn't think so, anyway. Whoopty doo, her parents had died and she couldn't even take over the kingdom from them. There were no heirs, and Att didn't count. Just her, and that was more than daunting to her.
NightClan X Belle March 13, 2025 11:43 PM

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Sage hummed softly in agreement, sort of heasitating when she asked if he'd be at the funeral. No one here liked him besides her and att...even the guards he'd worked with had all but forgotten about him. And the king and queen certainly hadn't liked him. But ...if she needed him, he'd go. It would be for her, not the late monarchs. The doctor would likely be there too, so he'd want to make sure the old man was ok also. "If you want me to come, just say the word and I'll be there," he promised after a moment, nodding slightly. Though, at her astonishment at him saying he was proud of her, he chuckled and nodded again. "Sure," he noted. "None of this is easy ...but you're moving forward," he added with a sort of soft smile, though his entire history pressing behind it. Loosing people sucked ...but she was doing much better than he had. That was for sure. "You're strong Anya, whether you want to believe me or not," he added with a sort of shrug.
NightClan X Belle March 14, 2025 08:37 AM

Posts: 8784
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Anya nodded and sat up a little, just readjusting the brilliance that was her bed before settling back down on her elbows. She did look thoughtful for a second, though. Yeah, she'd want him there. She didn't have anyone else. There was Att, but the boy wasn't particularly fond of her. The world suddenly felt so empty to her. She rubbed her forehead and let out a slow breath. "Yeah... I want you there," she murmured, almost still in thought. She needed him there, really. As much as she hated it, he really was the only friend she had left, and she still thought that friend was a stretch. Her brows pinched together slightly, and shook her head. She was moving forward because she had to. All she wanted to do was lay here, for the rest of her life until she faded away. She'd lost Luther, her parents, and Sage had gone too for a little while. Att was his own person, and really, she didn't have much of a reason to keep going - other than the whole ass kingdom. "Yessir, whatever you say," she mumbled softly.
NightClan X Belle March 14, 2025 12:41 PM

Posts: 17135
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Sage hummed softly and nodded. "Then I'll be there," he noted softly. Mari wouldn't mind, he knew ...she'd never had an issue with him being around Anya. He was thankful for that really...if Mari didn't want him around her then he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. But she understood his support for her, and so he would be there if Anya needed him. Though, at her next comment he chuckled softly. "Oh please, you know full well I'll never be a sir," he snickered. He wasn't one of the knights, not by a long shot. He knew she was just joking, of course, and he was sort of joking back. Hopefully he'd at least get a smile from her.
NightClan X Belle March 14, 2025 12:55 PM

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Anya nodded slightly, shifting to sit up on her elbows. Good. She wanted him there, more for support than anything else - although, she wasn't sure how much support it would really be. He'd been the only one to come and check on her, though, after it all, so she supposed he should be there. "Good," she whispered, leaning back againt the head rest quietly. She then cocked her head at him and raised a brow. "Why not? I could very well knight you," she hummed, her brows twisting as she thought. Yeah, she could totally knight him. He deserved it, after everything he'd donw.
NightClan X Belle March 14, 2025 01:05 PM

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Sage nodded at her first comment, though her comment about knighting him cause the corners of his mouth to curve upwards slightly. He shook his head though. "I know," he mused, sort of letting himself lean against the headboard. "But I don't need a title. I'm happy with the simple life Mari and I have grown," he explained softly, a fond look growing on his face. "I don't want a life of fighting anymore...not for me, and not for my children." They shouldn't feel like they have to live up to expectations, or have to fight if it comes to it later on as the son of a knight in Silas's case.
NightClan X Belle March 14, 2025 01:37 PM

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Anya admittedly did give him a bit of a confused look. Simple life? Yeah, right. She could remember him getting bored in the castle. She remembered him getting himself into trouble with Luther just for the fun of it. She really couldn't see him sat at home reading bedtime stories. "Simple - huh?" She asked with a chuckle. She herself wanted that. She wanted nothing more than to sit with a little family that she loved, but the longer she waited to find someone the harder it was getting. She'd wasted her time with Sage, all those years ago, when she could have been working towards that family she'd always wanted. "That doesn't sound very much like you, you know," she then added softly.
NightClan X Belle March 14, 2025 01:57 PM

Posts: 17135
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Sage couldn't help but laugh in response to the girls comment. "Maybe not simple," he mused with a cocked head. There was the art, and the horses, and the kids ....but it was all good. And much simpler without any titles. "But it's certainly simpler than getting a title for the family and all that," he pointed out with a chuckle. "We have what we need, and a little bit extra to spoil the kids with here and there. That's all we need," he hummed, a soft smile just sort of lingering on his face. "I do get bored sometimes," he admitted. "There's not quite as much adventure. But the kids are a whole different sort of adventure, and I wouldn't change what I have for the world," he noted. Then his face softened slightly. "There's something waiting for you out there," he added, nudging her gently. "Just don't give up trying."
NightClan X Belle March 16, 2025 04:50 PM

Posts: 8784
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Anya groaned softly after a moment, rather amused at his back tracking. "I feel like I haven't done enough for you. I mean - you pretty much saved the kingdom at one point," she mumbled. He'd saved her mother, and Atticus, and herself more than once now. She really didn't know why he felt like he still had to be up here. He could go back to his little family, his home, and live out his days in peace. A much peace as those children allowed for, anyways. She puffed her lips out after a moment. "Still sounds boring to me," she mused lightly. It sounded nothing like she Sage she'd scooped up off the streets all those years ago. She pursed her lips together at the idea of it all, though. Yeah, sounded pretty boring. As scary as it had been, she sort of liked the thrill of running around with him. She still resented how it had ended, but she supposed she was happy enough with the way things were now. Well, she wasn't happy that her parents had died, and she wasn't happy Luther had died, or that the Doctor had stopped speaking to her, or that Atticus wanted very little to do withe her, but she was happy Sage was still alive. To some extent, anyway. She shot him a look when he nudged her, though. Something waiting for her? Her face screwed up slightly and she moved to bury her face into the pillow as she groaned. "No theres not, I've tried," she grumbled. She hadn't tried hard, but she had definately tried.

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