
Sage glanced over at Mari when she spoke up, chuckling softly as he offered her a mischevious grin. "That sounds lovely to me," he chirped lightly, turning his eyes back towards the road. "Maybe I can just wander around the house naked for you, just like you asked for," he added, nudging her playfully. He was really only teasing, though it would be rather funny he supposed. At the moment it was mostly a joke, but if there was a night for them to mess around it would be this one while the kids were gone, he supposed.
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Mari smiled when he agreed it was a good idea, and a rather amused look crossed her face for a moment as a thought popped into her mind. Sage strolling around naked, just because. Yeah, that was a very pretty picture. She may just do the same thing. She hummed as though having to think really really hard about... something or other. "And I think that is an incredible idea," she mused lightly to him, a grin spread across her face at the very thought of it. Yep. Stood barefoot and buttass naked in the kitchen in the middle of the night sounded pretty good. She then pouted slightly with a small chuckle. "First though, we're making dinner. I'm starving," she huffed. Edited at March 19, 2025 02:46 AM by Belle
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Sage snickered as he noted the look in here eyes, knowing the thought of just messing around was quite amusing to the both of them. They rarely had time to just mess around the two of them, so tonight was a chance to DJ that sort of thing, he supposed. He agreed when she said they'd make dinner first though, grunting with a nod. "Me too," he admitted with a sort of laugh. Food did sound lovely, he supposed, so he could be patient for the rest.
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Mari smiled lightly, and it wasn't long until they arrived at the house. She climbed out, saying a little hello the horse pulling the cart before looking back to Sage. "I'll go get some food on. Come in whenever you're ready," she chirped lightly to him. She turned off into the house, quickly getting something quick and easy on the stove. Yeah, she was next best thing to starving right about then. Just before Sage wandered on back in, she popped some plates out on the table and dished up with a happy smile across her face.
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Once they were home, sage had hopped off the cart and nodded in agreement to Maris comments. "I'll be in soon," he hummed lightly, tugging chaos along back down to the paddock he was normally kept in after unhitching him from the cart. He got the harness and everything put away, and then wandered over to the house, delighted to be greeted with the smell of a nice warm meal. He sat down at the table eagerly, digging in once Mari had settled down next to him in her own seat.
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Mari offered him a light smile when he sat himself down, and moved to press a light kiss to his head before plopping herself down and digging in. Just as she finished, she stood to put their plates to the side before looking back over at him curiously. "How's Att handling it all?" She asked softly. She knew the boy often seemed to get lost in the mix of it all, but at the end of the day his grandparents had died. Even if they weren't related, she knew the boy was rather fond of the queen.
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Sage had moved to help Mari clean up dinner, humming in response to her comments. "He's alright," he noted. "He'll miss them, but he's really just wanting to stay out of the way of all the drama and hide in the barn," he added with a sort of fond chuckle. He'd lost his grandparents, but he had seemed alright - he certainly wasn't in mourning like Anya was or anything like that. He was really just close to the queen...so the kings death hadn't bothered him much at all. This had gotten to him a bit, but he was handling it all well.
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