
Sage couldn't help but laugh at her excited response, shaking his head slightly in amusement. He knew she was being dramatic about it all, but he also knew how much she would enjoy eyeing him like candy all night long. "You're rediculous," he snickered softly, though kissed her back happily when she moved to press her lips to his. His eyes widened slightly when she mentioned being in charge, another laugh moving past his lips as his cheeks flushed. "God, Mari," he sort of sputtered out through a laugh, though he supposed it was mostly just funny because it was pretty well true. Though, he did nod his head along with her comment, pouting in a mock way of thought. "I do suppose I'd get cold," he mused, knowing it was warm enough he'd likely be fine. And he could always put a blanket over his shoulders if he really wanted to.
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Mari just grinned dumbly up at him, patting his chest gently. She didn't think she was ridiculous - well, maybe a little, but the thought of it amused her to say the least. She'd just be enjoying her husband for the night, without worry about the kids or... well, anything, really. Her eyes studied him for a moment as she watched his cheeks flush, a dumb grin spreading across her face. "Hm? Do you not like me being in charge?" She teased him lightly after a moment, clearly amused by the whole thing. She was very much in charge, and really they both knew it. She just liked messing with Sage, though. She'd never stop loving how his face flushed up or that silly grin when she said something that got him all flustered. She nodded slowly in agreement after a moment, offering a light grin. "Maybe a little cold. It's fine, not to worry. I'll make sure you warm up," she mused as the shower started to cool down. She reached behind him to flick it off before reaching up to pull him into a light kiss before slipping out the shower with a bit of an amused chuckle.
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Sage chuckled softly in response to Maris comments, just shaking his head as she moved to flick the water off behind him. They both knew he liked her in charge ...and she liked it that way too. He wandered out of the shower after her, a dumb grin still just lingering on his face. "Good," he sort of hummed. "Then we'll all be taken care of," he chirped, drying off and then sort of just standing there, waiting for mari to finish getting ready. The whole idea was so rediculous....but it was fun, and he could see the sparkle in her eyes, so he was more than happy to do it.
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Mari glanced over her shoulder with a bit of a grin across her face at his hum, nodding very ,uch in agreement. They needed to light the fire, actually... keep them all warm. She could do that in a moment - after all, if Sage was planning on wandering around the house naked, she couldn't have him sat there shivering. The thought amused her more than she liked to admit, but she still dried off and grabbed her dressing gown which had been warming up for her on the radiator. She turned to him, although when she just stood there waiting for her in the middle of the bathroom, she couldn't help her fits of giggle. She took a deep breath after a moment, and gently took his hand, leading him into the bedroom before chucking a blanket over his shoulders. "You stay warm, hm?" She mused lightly.
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Sage couldn't help but chuckle when he noted Mari's amused glance, letting her tow him out of the bathroom and giving her a grin when she set the blanket over his shoulders, grabbing a hold of it with a sort of hum and nod. "I'll be fine," he mused lightly. "Just set the fire and it'll warm the house up anyway," he pointed out with a chuckle, sort of sitting down on the edge of the bed, blanket draped loosely over his shoulders. he was clealry still amused by the whole thing, but if Mari liked it then that was really all that mattered.
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Mari chuckled and nodded slowly to him, stepping back to light the fire. She watched him pull the blanket around his shoulders, and a little grin spread straight across her face. She didn't understand how she could find one person alone so... perfect, in every way. His smile was so infectious, and all she could do was grin dumbly back at him. She shook her head slight and turned back to the fire, making sure to light the one in their room, then padding downstairs rather quickly to fo the one down their too.
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Sage sort of just perched there on the bed while she lit the fire there, then moved to wander after her downstairs, plopping down onto the couch while she messed around with the fire there. The blinds were all closed by then, so he really didn't care much that he had nothing covering himself. It was just the two of them. He found himself just watching Mari move around easily, a faint smile on his face. She really was just perfect...and he couldn't be happier to have her, and their kids. Of course, nights like this were nice too, but he did lvoe the kids more than anything.
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Mari admittedly struggled with the fire downstairs for maybe... ten minutes, then looked behind her to find Sage plopped on the couch. She could only grin at him. It was more amusing that she'd thought it'd be. She blew her hair out of her face before pouting at him. "So, you're just gonna watch me struggle then?" She asked with a bit of a laugh. She stood up and pointed to the fire before taking a seat on the couch, her head flopping on his shoulder once she'd got it lit.
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Sage gave her a grin and cocked his head at her. "I thought you just wanted me to sit here and look pretty for you," he teased her lightly, shifting so he could wrap an arm and the blanket around her when she plopped down next to him, just wrapping the blanket around the two of them and curling in. "Besides, there not much room for two people gathered around the fireplace poking around," he added with a sort of wrinkle to his nose.
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Mari grinned up at him after a moment, then shrugged. "Sage, you're so pretty," she mused, then let out a slow breath. Her arms found their way around his sides, and eventually she fell down onto his lap, just grinning up at him dumbly. Yep, as far as men go, he was very pretty. He wouldn't admit that to her, though. A hand rested on his thigh, softly running up and down it calmly, although at his next comment, her brows quirked together. "Hey, I don't mind if there's not a lot of space," she mused.
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