
After a while of watching more Tiktok, Rose walked upstairs and curled up next to Caden. She closed her eyes, breathing in his scent, and slowly fell asleep
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Caden's eyes fluttered open as he saw Rose climb into bed. "I love you." He managed to breath out before the drug pulled him back under.

Rose woke a couple hours later, the sky dark yet speckled with stars. She slowly got up, hoping to not wake Caden, and walked over to the balcony. She looked out at the bustling city with wondering eyes
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Caden slept.Darkness was all he saw.The occasional apperance of Rose popping up.Last nights game played over in his head non-stop,not wanting to leavd.

Rose, head clear of any thoughts, sighed with contentment and felt the slight breeze flow past the balcony. She walked downstairs after a bit, grabbing her lotus and sitting on the couch while responding to Katie's text. Katie: Hey! Why did you look so pissed last night? You had a terrible RBF going on there lol Rose: Idk Katie: When you started dating Caden, you stopped hanging out with me.... Rose: What do you mean? Katie: Like, he's just your boyfriend. He doesn't need you every waking minute lol Rose: How would you know? You were cheated on Katie didn't respond
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"Who you texting?" He calls from the shadows,walking into the kitchen. "Morning,love.How'd you sleep?That was the best sleep in my entire life." He bragged,grabbing a RedBull and letting Murphy outside.

"Holy shit, Caden. Don't scare me like that." She joked. "Katie." She answered, shutting off her phone and walking to him and wrapping her arms around him
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"Mm.Katie seems nice." He said with a smile,letting Murphy back inside.

"Sure." She half agreed, walking into the kitchen and sitting at the bar
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"You don't like her,do you?" He asks,skepticle.