"Jacob! Help!" Dakota yelled. His dad covered her mouth. Athena saw what was going on. She nickered to Flame. Both horses reared and called for help. Dakota looked one last time. The last thing she saw, was his fist. Then all was silent.
Jacob look back at the door and when out side and saw dad's truck and said " shit"and ran for the barn opening the door and looking around going to the rope to climb it but it was cut and something covered the top
Athena reared when she saw Jacob. She pointed her nose to the rope. Flame did the same thing. They tried to tell Jacob where Dakota was. Athena cried and whinnied. She tried to tell Jacob that Dakota was hurt. Dakota lay on the ground unresponsive.
Jacob watches then when to the rope and starts up it dad carefully lay her down and smiles he said " you are pretty like your mom" Jacob gotten up and said " dad back off now" dad laughs and said " what are you going to do about it"
Dakota eyes cracked open. "J-Jacob." She said quietly. She closed her eyes again. The pain hurt so much. She couldn't even move her arm. Athena cried and pawed the ground. Although she couldn't do anything about it, she tried to calm herself. But she was so mad. She broke the stall door and reared. She ran out and looked up trying to see Dakota. But she couldn't see her.
Dakota knew she was going to die. So she said her last words. "J-Jacob? I-I love you. Tell A-Athena that I will m-miss her." Dakota said. She smiled at him. She closed her eyes. Athena ran and jumped up the hayloft. At the very back she spotted some stairs. They looked old. She ran up them and came to Jacob. Athena reared and kicked his dad. She walked to Dakota and nuzzled her. Dakota didn't move. Athena looked at Jacob and whinnied. He had to help her.