
"Don't pressure yourself.Don't blame yourself.Don't think bad about yourself.Because in my book,if you do any of those things,your wrong.Oh and also because you'll get overwhelmed with thoughts and then get real tough mental stuff.It kinda sucks.Just a warning." He says warmly.

"Geez, thanks." She said, sarcasm leaking into her voice. She wiggled out of his hold and got up. "I need to go grab something. From my house. Would you come, please?" She asked, walking to grab her shoes
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"Hey,just saying.Don't want you doing what I did." He says,getting a half-laugh in. "Yeah,I don't mind.Then if your dumb brothers over there I can beat him again." He brags,tugging on a pair of air forces and leading the two to the car.He revved the engine as he pulled up to her house,hopping out.

(I didn't know I could write that much) "Just don't kill him. Yet." She said, only half joking as she got out and opened the door. Unlocked. Yeah, he's here. She walked upstairs, barely keeping her calm, and into her room. She stuffed her duffel with her clothes, jewelry, trinkets. She didn't really now if something broke, and honestly didn't care. Shit. Footsteps. She spun around and walked downstairs to find her brother waiting. "What now? Am I not allowed to grab my stuff?" She asked, wishing he would go away. "Not in my house. You finally leaving?" Luke demanded, following her to the car as she put the duffel into the backseat. "Yeah. I don't need to deal with you anymore." She snapped, walking back inside and grabbing money from the back of her bottom drawer. She'd saved it since she was little in case she needed to leave in a hurry. "I'd tread lightly if I were you." Rose said, smirking. "You're on really thin ice, especially if you touch me." She added, walking back downstairs. "What do you mean? Your boyfriend? He doesn't scare me." Luke retorted, following her again. "Not what you said last time." She countered, closing the door. She turned and faced him. "What? Nothing to say?" Rose asked, walking inside once more to grab a pistol that was stashed in her closet. She walked back to the car and placed it on the floorboard of the passenger seat. "I just don't understand why you need to leave." Luke said, smirking. As Rose went to get into the car, Luke grabbed her wrist as he had done last time. "Let go." She said, turning to him. "No." Luke countered, smirking
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His vision blurred with Rage as he saw Luke's hands grasp her wrist..Caden got out of the car and walked to Luke. "Let her go,Luke." His voice was calm,hiding the rage behind it.

"And what are you gonna do?" Luke taunted, digging his nails in Rose's wrist.
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Caden punched him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "What did I say when I was here last time?Hm?That I would kill you?That was a fact,now let go of her." He snaps,lifting Luke off the ground.

"You fucking asshole!" Luke exclaimed, letting go of Rose. He tried to pry Caden's hand off his shirt but failed. "Let me fucking go!" He yelled
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Caden grinned wickedly when Luke flaled around in his arms. "No,you don't deserve to.But,fine.Keep your hands off her." He snaps,dropping Luke onto the ground.Caden walked over to the car door and go it,flipping off Luke as he pulled out.

"Sorry." Rose muttered as they pulled into the driveway. She grabbed her bags and tossed them into the bedroom, sitting on the bed. She put her head in her hands, angry her brother was such an asshole
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