
"Why would you- Never mind. I'll be back." She said, stopping in the middle of a sentence. She walked to grab her keys, driving to the gym and letting her anger and confusion out until she was shaking even more from tiredness. She checked her phone to see if Caden had texted
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"Alright.Love you." He mutters,sobbing once again.Caden cried until his eyes ran dry,walking to the balcony and going still,getting lost in thought.His mind swirled around him as his mind twisted,thinking everything to not be for his survival,but for fun. brb)

k) Rose drove back home and walked in the door silently. She walked upstairs and grabbed clothes for a shower. She took a shower, saat on the bed, and checked her phone. Katie: You able to come over? Rose: No K: y? R: bcus K: C? R: Y
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Caden walked inside eyes still red.He stopped and looked at Rose,seeing her peaceful.Caden sighed and shook his head,walking out into the stairway.He looked around and felt small,the mansion bigger,way bigger,then him.All he did was sigh and walk downstairs,turning into the kitchen.He grabbed the brush and started cleaning the dishes left in the sink,trying to distratc his mind.After what felt like years,which was only a few minutes,Caden walked off,mind not occupied.He needed to find something to do,something to occupy himself with,for now.

Rose watched him get up and went downstairs after a moment. She took his hand and stood in front of him, looking at him. "I'm sorry I freaked out." She said sincerly. "That wasn't fair of me." She added after a moment. "Hey, you okay?" She asked
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"You should've.That's,that's the right thing to do.After hearing somebody tell you that they've killed two people?" Caden pushed her hand away and stared into her eyes. "That's the way people are supposed to react." He says,turning and walking off.

Rose sighed and walked back upstairs, not able to deal with him right now. She'd thought he was past this. The upset, sad, depressed Caden. She just wanted her upbeat, football, happy Caden back. The way they were in the beginning
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Caden walked off,seeing the sun had hit the center line,indictaing it was noon.He shrugged off the feelings,not anger though.Anger stayed,per usual.His phone started ringing and he picked up. "Hello?" Hello,Mack here.Your buisness trip for nine days is in two days. Wait what?Buisness trip?What trip? The,one for the OM? I'm supposed to go somewhere else,for the OM? Yes,sir. sigh Whatever,I guess.Where is it? Your not going to like this one,but its in Queens,New York. Fuck!Why Queens? I've no idea. Thanks for the reminder,talk to you soon. Caden hung up and cursed under his breath.Why Queens?You always were in a sketchy place.City or not city.

Rose checked her phone. Katie: Wyd? Rose: Why? K: come over R: N K: You never hang out anymore and it's not fair. Last time I saw you was the game! R: And? K: Pls? R: N
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Caden walked back into the bedroom and took out a suitcase,still silent.He satrted packing,enough suits for eight of the days,as a entire day would be spent travveling. "Before you ask I'm going on a buisness trip to Queens.I'll be up in NYC for a bit,presenting every day." He broadcasts,folding and packing more clothes.