
Fucking brother's here. She texted him and immedietly regretted it, not wanting him to worry since he was stuck thousands of feet in the air for the next few hours. She took a deep breath as Luke punded on the door, threatening violent things if someone didn't answer. Murphy was barking like mad, and Rose refused to let her fear overcome her
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. . . Read Caden did'nt text anything back,worrying like crazy.Luke was back,and Rose was vulnerable without him.What could he do though?He was stuck thousands of feet in the air.All while she was stuck thousands of feet below on the surface.

Rose saw he'd read the text, but didn't respond. She figured he'd be like that, not responding just worrying about her. She heard glass shatter downstairs and Murphy retreating to a different room. "Rose?!!" Luke bellowed throughout the house. She nearly answered, a instinctive reposne, but caught herslf. She moved to the darkest corner, clutching the gun in one hand and her phone in the other
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She's fine.Nobody but her and Murphy are home right now.Its fine. Caden calmed himself down as his flight continued,eventually landing.He walked off the plane and got his bag from the baggage claim.Once he had his bags,he loaded them into the Camero and merged onto the highway.

She could hear Luke downstairs, hoping that he wouldn't come upstairs. She wasn't afraid to shoot him, she was afraid of what he'd done in the past and that he may do it again. She hoped Caden would come home soon or else she might take matters into her own hands
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Caden finally arrived at the house and walked up to the door.Stopping infront of it. "Bloody hell what the fuck happened to the window?" He asks,shaking his head and walking inside,not spotting Luke.

Rose breathed a sigh of relief at the familiar voice. The breath was shaky, but there. She knew Caden woulnd't be too happy when he sees Luke, and hoped he would be safe. Luke Luke spun, gun pointed at Caden at his outburst. "Where's Rose?" Luke demanded
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"Shut up.Anyways," He turns towards the broken glass. "Was this you or was it the dog,a pissed mailman,or something else?Because any of those options are bad because the company said it was bulletproof glass." Caden turned back around and saw he had a gun.He simply walked over and aimed Luke's gun to his head. "Shoot me.I dare you.Go ahead.I don't care.Pull the fucking trigger." He snarled,voice strong.

"Your fucking slut didn't open the door. Where's Rose?" Luke asked again, fear slowly dawning on him
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"Stop changing the topic.Shoot me.Your gun is already directly on the kill spot.You barely even touch that trigger and i'll be dead.Boom,just like that.And ass-hat I don't fucking know!I was on a shitty work trip for the past week.Other then that,shoot me.Go ahead.I won't care." Caden says,patience running out.