
Malakai Negri - A few months later, everyone was running around planning for the wedding. It was mostly Camery who was being dragged around for dress fittings and food tastings while Kai took care of the kingdom, but there were some wedding-related things he had to do too.

Camery Valatieri - The next few months seemed to pass fairly quickly. Kai had healed up, thankfully, and they'd managed to tell his mother about the engagement. The woman seemed thrilled, and she wasted no time in getting everything planned. Of course, she and Kai kept a close eye on everything going on, but his mother already seemed to have a plan, and a good one at that. Although Camery loved getting dressed up, the idea of picking a dress out... well, she was having one designed - was stressing her out. Colours, fabrics, patterns, cuts... she didn't know. She just wanted a white dress to walk down the isle with, and then it could be folded up in a box for the next twenty years until her daughter asked to see it. Or Son. Whatever. She was excited though... of course she was, this was her wedding. The wedding where Princess Camery Valatieri of the Day Kingdom became Queen Camery Negri of.. the Night Kingdom? She still needed to discuss titles, she didn't want to loose her spot at the throne back home.
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Malakai Negri - Kai entered the dining room for dinner after a long day of work. He smiled, seeing Camery and his family all sitting at the table. He went right over to Camery and kissed her cheek. "You are a sight for sore eyes my dear," he murmured to her before sitting back down. ( Maybe this is where her mother just walks on in awkwardly? )

Camery Valatieri - Cam settled down at the table, and found herself happily chatting with both his sister and mother. She'd grown to rather like them over the last few months. His brother seemed to be the sibling she never had - annoying the living daylights out of her but she'd do anything for the boy. The rest of the family too, she supposed. When Kai wandered in, her face lit up a little. She hadn't been seeing him as much recently... everyone was very busy. But, after a long day of working, when he was tired and just wanted to relax, he still came to her and greeted her with affection that just made her fall more in love with him. "As are you, hun," she murmured softly, settling back down next to him as the maids started to bring some food out.
(Yesss! I like that. I'll do it in a moment)
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled. "How was wedding planning?" Kai asked, smiling at her as he served himself some food.

Camery Valatieri - Camery hummed in thought as she reached across the table to fill her plate. Wedding planning... yeah, it was going well. Everything was nearly sorted, although it was a bit of a rush getting decorations made. "Good," she drawled happily. "I've my measurements now... I just need to figure out exactly what I'd like on this dress. And I need to go and see the cake we discussed... I'm thinking it's gonna need to be bi-" Her rambling came to a rather abrupt halt as the doors to dining hall swung open, and a woman walked in. She looked ragged and exhausted, but the gold markings on her skin matched Camerys own. Yeah, she knew this woman. "Mom?" She asked flying out of her seat and dashing over. The woman was balling her eyes out. She'd never seen her like this before. "Camery..." she trailed off, her arms swinging around her and holding on tight. Cam took a step back as the woman nearly collapsed on her, but gestured to a maid to drag a chair over. She sat her down carefully and crouched infront of her. "Shh, it's okay, I'm here," she murmured gently, taking her mothers hand. The woman began to explain that her father had completely lost it. He was ruining the kingdom, and he'd become... well, not at all like the dad she knew. The woman had bruises all over her, and she could only imagine what had happened. "Daddy did this?" She asked quietly, to which her mom just nodded meekly. "Okay. It's okay, you'll be safe here..." she trailed off, giving Kai a look for a moment. She wanted her mother to be looked over by the nurses... make sure she wasn't too hurt.
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Malakai Negri - Kai caught Camery's look and nodded, gesturing to the maids to get the nurses. Kai stood, walking over and bowing to Camery's mother. "Good evening, your majesty," he said politely. "You're going to be safe here, everything will be taken care of," he reassured the woman softly, setting a gentle hand on Camerys shoulder.

Camery Valatieri - Camery glanced up when he walked over a thankful look crossing her face as his hand landed on her shoulder. She'd never seen the woman like this. She was always so brave, like nothing could touch her. She reached to push her hair back behind her ears and offered a gentle smile. "He's right. You'll be okay," she murmured. The older woman looked up, and nodded. "Thank you..." she noted meekly. Cam rubbed her shoulders comfortingly, though when the nurses came through, she helped the woman up and into the wheelchair the nurses had brought with them. Cam glanced back to Kai after a moment. "I should go too. Don't stay up waiting," she whispered, pecking his cheek before jogging along to catch up with her mother. She hoped the woman would be okay... god, that was all she wanted. It wasn't long until the nurses had her cleaned up and patched up, and gave her something to help her sleep. She reassured the woman she'd be back in the morning. She made her way back to their room when the nurses said it would be better just to let the woman process. She crawled in quielty, given that it was pretty late and she didn't want to wake Malakai. She stripped herself of her clothes and changed into one of his shirts that she'd claimed as her own before going to brush her teeth and such.
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Malakai Negri - Kai was awake. He found he couldn't sleep without her. So when she went to brush her teeth. He got up too, walking over to her. He silently came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her cheek. "How is she?" he asked gently.

Camery Valatieri - Camery was just drying her face off when he came up behind her, and jumped a little before spotting his reflection in the mirror. She sighed and leaned into him, running her hands along his triceps. She found his gaze through the mirror, then sighed slightly. "I think she'll be fine," she murmured. "As fine as she can be. The man that's done nothing but love and dote on her for years flipped a switch and now look at her," she muttered under her breath. Her jaw clenched slightly at the thought.
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