
Malakai Negri - Kai got dressed and was immediately dragged off for honeymoon planning. It was an exhausting day and he missed Camery every second of it. So he was very much happy to see her when he came in for dinner. Kai walked right over to her and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her on the cheek. "Its so good to see you after a long day," he murmured lovingly before sitting down at the table.

Camery Valatieri - Camery felt a little grin spread across her cheeks as Kai came over. God she loved him. Those little loving gestures. The ones he was afraid to do infront if other people... they were so perfect. She patted his jaw softly. "I've missed you," she whispered gently after a moment or two. Soon, though, they all settled down. Her mother seemed to watch them... that was fine. She had every right to be nervous. But these people were nothing but kind, and she was sure she'd grow to love them. She'd be staying for a while... at least until they figured out what was going on.
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled "I missed you too," he murmured, sitting back down as food was served. "So, how was wedding planning?" Kai asked her softly, not minding that her mother was watching every move his family made.

Camery Valatieri - Cam started to eat quietly, though gave him a grin when he asked about wedding planning. "Good! Your mother has the flowers all ordered- oh, thank you by the way," she grinned over at the woman... she'd really been such a big help. "And we have a dress, I think. We went to see some cakes today too... they're gonna need to be a lot bigger," she mused happily, clearly buzzing. Her mother nodded quietly, having followed her around all day. "Anything interesting happen?" She asked after a moment. He looked like he'd had a long day. She herself wanted nothing more than to get back to their room.
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Malakai Negri - Kai nodded. "Thats good," he smiled, taking a bite of his food. "Not really. I just finished organizing the honeymoon and went downtown to supervise the reconstruction," he replied. During his fathers rule, he had left the entire kingdom to fend for themselves, letting the public buildings and privately owned homes just crumble, and leaving the citizens no money or materials to repair anything. It wasn't just that. People were starving, corpses just lying on the streets. So after Kai had gotten better, the first thing he did was cleaned up the streets and made sure everyone had access to food, clean water and the medical care they needed. Now that that was done, he had started to rebuild everything that needed repairs, starting with homes and then moving to other bigger, public buildings.

Camery Valatieri - Cam grinned over at him after she took a bite of her food. Malakai had been really on the ball... his father had given him a kingdom that was barely on its feet, and in a few months he'd managed to to build trust within the kingdom. The people loved him, they'd started moving into homes, growing crops and started trading and working rather than fighting for things. She was so proud of him. He was the sort of king every Kingdom needed. "I'll come down with you one of these days. I'd love to see how it's all coming along," she hummed gently. She wanted to help where she could. It was all very well and good that Kai was doing something, but she wanted to help put his kingdom back together. After a moment, she finished her meal. Her mother didn't eat much, which was expected she supposed. She smiled and gave a light nod. She excused herself from the table, just before her mother. The older woman smiled, and walked with her daughter up to the room she was given. Cam made sure she was settled before giving a smile. "If you need anything at all, just give me a shout. Hm? We're not far," she hummed happily. Her mother nodded. The woman was so bubbly and friendly, just the way Cam was... but she just seemed so shut down. "You look happy, princess," she woman murmured, reaching out to cup the girls cheek. Camery nodded gently, and leaned forwards to peck her cheek. "I am happy mom," she reassured her before sitting up. "I need to head back... you'll be okay," she promised softly. She turned and walked down the halls, back towards their room. She felt a bit better about it... her mother was safe. It was a one time thing. She didn't know why it had happened, but they'd look after her now. Edited at February 22, 2025 08:17 AM by Belle
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Malakai Negri - Kai nodded and smiled. "Of course," he replied. "There is still a bit of gang violence on the outer rim so we'll hafta be careful, but sure," he explained. He'd love to take her down. In a perfect world, he would let her go wherever she pleased without a guard or himself, but there were still some people in the Night Kingdom who hated Day people, and he didn't want her getting hurt. After Camery left Kai spoke with his family for a bit before everyone had finished and they all dispersed to their rooms for bed. Kai went up to his room and settled down, waiting for Camery.

Camery Valatieri - Cam wandered back to her room quietly, a soft breath escaping her as she shut the door behind her. She loved this room. She felt so safe in it, and it constantly smelled like Kai. She loved it. She spotted Kai in his bed and raised a brow at him. "Awww sweetheart did you have a long day?" She asked playfully after a moment, starting to get changed. She crawled across the bed, and flopped down so that her legs were between his, and she was resting on his chest with a smile.
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled, holding her close. "Yeah, I did. But my day gets infinitely better when I have you in my arms," he hummed contently.

Camery Valatieri - Cam smiled softly to him, and let herself sink into him. She sort of wrapped her arms under his neck and pecked his forehead gently. "Is that so?" She asked softly, leaning in to peck his jaw, then flashing him a grin. "I always miss you so much during the days you know," she murmured softly. "And I'm glad I can make your day even just a little bit better..."
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