
Malakai Negri - Kai smiled. "You're so amazing... I don't deserve you," he murmured, kissing her head.

Camery Valatieri - Cam curled into him a little bit tighter, and wrapped her legs around him firmly. "Malakai," she breathed softly, burying her nose into his neck. "You deserve so much more than just me," she breathed softly, a smile lingering on her lips. "And if I could give you everything you deserved, you know I'd die trying," she murmured gently. It was true... she'd try and move mountains, break her back or even fling herself off a cliff just because he'd asked her to. He didn't know how much control he really had over her.
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled. "Well, you are everything to me. You are all that I'll ever want,"

Camery Valatieri - Camery furrowed her brows after a moment, although a smile was still across her cheeks. "And you're everything I've ever wanted," she chuckled gently to him. "And you're gonna be all mine soon, for two whole months," she grinned, pecking his nose.
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled. "Soon, I'm gonna be all yours, forever," he smiled, kissing her forehead.

Camery Valatieri - Cam smiled lightly to him after a moment before leaning in to peck his jaw lovingly. Forever. It didn't seem so long if it was with Kai. She was so excited about it all. To start their little life. Yeah, she was excited about it all, but all the same excited about the kingdoms - she didn't think something like this would ever happen. She didn't think she'd get married to someone she loved, and she certainly didn't think she'd marry someone if the night kingdom, but here she was. Completely head over heels for a man she'd vowed never to speak to, let alone fall in love. She hummed at his question, and sort of looked down at his thigh, where the golden lettering with her name on it sat. "Marriage can be temporary, baby," she murmured gently to him. "That though, that's forever. That's how I know it's forever," she whispered softly to him after a moment, and moved to press her knee to his thigh. "A baby would also not be temporary. God, Kai, I want a child by you," she huffed in what almost sounded like complaint.
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Malakai Negri - Kai chuckled and smiled. "You still wanna get pregnant during our honeymoon?" he asked. He was open to having a baby whenever, so long as she was okay with it.

Camery Valatieri - Camery nodded to him. "I'm hoping to-" she paused for a moment. She'd never really asked him what he wanted when I came to all this. She was always taught that you'd get married, and have as many heirs as you could. She didn't get it, since she was an only child, but that's what she knew. The kingdom needed heirs. She didn't even stop to think what Kai wanted. "Of course, that's if you're happy with it. We can wait a little while if you'd like," she chirped to him.
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Malakai Negri - Kai smiled, "Babe, I want a baby too," he rested a hand on her lower belly. "But I only want a baby if you want one too, and if you want one because you want to have a kid, not because the kingdoms needs an heir, which it doesn't yet. We're gonna be here, ruling this kingdom until we're gray and old,"

Camery Valatieri - Cam watched as his hand moved to her stomach, and sort of rested her hand just ontop of his. She smiled softly and offered him a gentle hum. He was right, she supposed. She wanted to have children - lots of them. She wanted them running around without a care in the world, their lives catered to and preparing them to take over a kingdom, and do as good as a job of their father. "I know... but I can't help but think if something happens to us... someone needs to be here. You've nearly died twice now, and you haven't been ruling long," she murmured quietly. She furrowed her brows again after a moment, thinking hard. "I want a family with you... but all I can think is that we need heirs," she murmured quietly. Hell, she wasn't even a queen, and she was already thinking about it.
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