
Sage was somewhat confused when she got up and chuckled softly. "If you think I'm going to turn down your love, ever, then you're wrong," he noted softly. He enjoyed their time together. It happened a lot, but that made life more interesting. (Responding then crashing bc I'm completely dead lol)
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(cont. Tmrw.... Zzzzzzz) Amira turned and looked into his beautiful eyes. "You're so handsome and perfect." She whispered. "I will never let you go." She kissed his jaw, then walked to do the dishes. Once she had finished rinsing and scrubbing food off of the plates and cups, the door unlocked and Luke walked in. "Hey Amir- What is he doing here?" Luke demanded, walking up to Sage. Luke's lips slightly pulling back over his teeth in a grim smirk, he chuckled at Sage. "You're tragic! What are those scars from?! Amira, you have better taste than this, c'mon. What about a couple years ago, Caleb? He was cool." Luke said, still standing his ground, 3 inches away from Sage. "Shut the fuck up, Luke! Caleb was a jackass! And so are you! Go to hell!" Amira screamed at him, memories flooding in like the first night Sage and her were together. She grabbed Sage's hand and led him upstairs, keeping tears back with a thin attempt at bravado. "We're leaving. Now. Today." Amira said, throwing clothes into a duffel bag. The tears finally broke free, upending her efforts to pack and leave her horrible brother in the dust. She stumbled to her bed before collapsing into a ball, crying. "Please don't talk to Luke. He's an asshole." She mumbled, brying her face in the pillow.
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Sage smiled over at her, kissing her cheek in response to her comment, moving so he could watch her as she moved to the kitchen, smile lingering on his face. When Luke came in, and immediately decided to pick on him, he had to refrain from punching the guy. "Wouldn't you like to know," he snorted, still settled on the couch. He wasn't going to start anything with him, but he'd certainly finish things up if he was an ass about things. He blinked over at amira when she got upset, moving to make sure she was alright. She yanked him upstairs and he followed, shocked. He sat down next to her when she flopped over, just trying to comfort her best he could. "We can stay at my place for now, if you want, until we can get our house," he murmured.
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Amira could finally see again when Sage offered for her to stay at his place. "Yeah. I just need to get out of here before I do something stupid, like hit him. He would swing right back with ten times the force, then you would react and he would love to lay you out. Won't your parents kick me back here, though? I just don't want to leave you." She said, tossing her bags to the bedroom door. She could hear Luke downstairs heating up food for his dinner. "Fucking asshole." She muttered.
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Sage wrinkled his nose slightly in response to her comment. "I'm sure he'd love to take a hit at me, though I doubt he'd get very far before I flattened him," he noted with a shrug. At her next comments though, he shook his head. "My dad's normally passed out drunk somewhere, and my stepmom hates me either way so I don't care what she says," he mused. He chewed on his lip ring for a moment before sighing. "What happened," he asked gently. "With your last boyfriend?" He didn't want to make the same mistakes....but he also wanted to understand her.
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She sat for a moment, silent while she listened to him. "H-he, uh, raped me." She whispered, surprised by his question. "He was a clean slate person, nice to adults and the cheer team, but he was different around me. He used me. In bed. You're the only one that knows that. Since then, he's had 3 other girlfriends." She turned away from him. "But you're different. You actually love me. I think."
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Sage's brows furrowed when she told him what the other boy had done, moving to wrap his arms around her with a sigh. "I do love you," he hummed. "And i understand...i've had my fair share of bed relationships too," he murmured. "My stepmother being one of them," he added after a moment. "Part of the reason I've been so keen to move out with you."
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She cried in Sage's arms, ashamed that he would see her like this. "I'm sorry. I need to toughen up." She stood and grabbed the bags, tossing them lightly out the window and onto the lawn. She took Sage's hand, kissed him, and soflty jumped out of the window.
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Sage shook his head with a sigh when she said she was sorry. "No, you don't," he murmured. "It ok to cry sometimes. We all have to now and again," he hummed. He moved to help her toss her stuff out the window though,climbing out after her and leading her into his house. As expected, his father was passed out in the couch, empty wine bottles scattered around the room. He wrinkled his nose slightly and sighed. "I'll take care of him....he gets mad if he wakes up and the rooms messy like this," he noted. "You can go ahead and put your stuff in my room." His dad was angry, all the time ...and he didn't want her on the receiving end of that. If he hit him, he'd definitely hit her.
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"Alright." She said, glancing at the blackout drunk man on the couch. She walked upstairs and put her bags down. Amira sighed and crossed her arms. "This is shitty." She muttered to herself. "What if his dad sees me up here?" She laid down on the bed and waited for her true love, worrying about him.
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