
Amira woke early the next morning. She shook Sage awake gently. "Babe. We need to go." She stood up off the bed, stretching and stumbling backwards onto the floor with a thud. "Ow. I'm good." She said, standing again and walking over to Sage. "We should look at the apartment's availability." She muttered.
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Sage groaned when she woke him but nodded, wincing when he heard glas breaking and his father voice rising downstairs. "Yeah, we should get out of here," he noted, grabbing his things and shoving them in a suitcase. He didn't have much so it didn't take long. And she had a car, so they could go...wherever they needed to. (I have a lab tonight so I won't be on much until later) Edited at November 21, 2024 03:14 PM by NightClan
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(All good. I'm goign to the gym, so off and on :) Amira glanced at Sage, but answered the question herself at the sound of an angry drunk man downstairs. She tossed both bags out the window to gently land on the lawn. She grabbed her keys that she had shoved into her bag, and jumped out the window. She immedietly grabbed the bags and ran to her car, shoving the bags in the backseat.
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Sage nodded when she seemed to decide they were leaving then, and he didn't blame her. He wasn't sure what his dad was upset over now, but if he came upstairs or into the room, despite the door being locked, there was no telling what he'd do. He let out a soft breath, looking around the house one more time before hopping out the window and helping her move their things to the car. Even if his dad was cruel...he couldn't help but still love him. He didn't want to, but he did. He felt like he sort of had to. It was odd moving out suddenly, but he certainly didn't regret it.
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"We should head to the bank first. I can pull some of my money out for our first rent payment." Amira said, getting into the car and starting it. She drove fast, hoping to get to the bank soon so they could move in right away.
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Sage nodded in agreement and hoped into the car once it was packed up. Renting a house or apartment would be their best option. They wouldn't need to buy furniture or anything
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As they pulled up to the bank, Amira sighed. It was a big jump from going to high school lit class with him. He is what I want, though. She thought, getting out and taking Sage's hand. She was nervous to be honest...
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Sage glanced over at her and squeezed her hand when she grabbed him, offering her a small smile. He was nervous too...this wasn't the wisest decision but he didn't see that they had many other options. And he did love her.
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As they walked in, Amira took a deep breath. "Next!" he lady at the counter called, asking for Sage and Amira. Amira led Sage to the counter, "Hello. I wanted to make a withdrawl?" Amira asked, masking her nerves. "Mmm-hmm." The lady said, clicking on her computer. "Name, date of birth, and address." She demanded, looking at Amira. Amira told her quickly, hoping to be done with this. The lady spoke again, "How much would you like to pull?" "6K, please." Amira answered. The lady walked away and came back with an envelope. "Next!" She called, waving the couple away. Amira handed the money to Sage as soon as they got to the car. Amira got out her phone and started researching the nicest, closest, cheapest places. "Here. Pick one." Amira said, handing the phone to Sage.
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Sage took the phone, flushing through the pictures with a hum before settling in one that was cheap, but still nice enough. "How about this one," he asked, showing it to her and when she agreed he found the directions to it quickly
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