
"We're gonna make the other Kingdoms so nervous they'll shit themselves," he chuckled. The biggest kingdoms were the Day and Night Kingdoms, binding those two kingdoms would make them unstoppable against the other lesser kingdoms.

Camery giggled at that thought. Yes, that would almost definitely happen. They were to already very powerful kingdoms; and they both had very different enemies. Hell, they were still enemies themselves, really... at least until her father stepped down. She had a feeling it would be... a long time until then. That man had so much fire in him it was insane. Still, the idea of it was good... and it would be so good for their people, too. "They'll be running for the hills, Malakai! We'll be unstoppable," she giggled lightly. She was never one that was after power, really... but it was still cool to think about.
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Kai smiled and chuckled. He settled a hand on her stomach, thinking for a moment. "I can't wait to have kids," he whispered.

Camery smiled, although as his hand rested on her stomach, she couldn't help but look a liiittttllllee confused. Then, though, she grinned. "Neither. Although, the idea of waiting still puts me on edge," she murmured after a moment.
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Kai ran a hand over her belly. "I know, baby, I know," he sighed, scooting down and kissing her stomach right underneath her belly button. "We will have them soon enough, I promise," he reassured her.

Cam watched him move, and sort of reached down to run her fingers through his hair as he pressed a kiss to her stomach. "But it's gonna be agesss," she complained, the movie still playing in the background. She then looked over at him and gave a small smile. She knew he wanted to wait a little while, and that was fine... but that didn't stop her from being impatient.
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"No it won't, babe, only a little bit," he reassured her, rubbing her belly with his thumb as he gently held her side. "We'll wait until we're ready and then it'll be one night. Only one night and I promise you'll be pregnant by that morning,"

Cam watched him for a moment, her eyes soft as she let out a long, slow breath. "You can't promise things like that, Malakai," she whispered softly after a moment. And what if they never decided they were ready? Then what? The only reason they were waiting was because he wanted her to want children, not heirs. But she wanted both. She didn't see how it could go wrong. She rolled onto her side after a few seconds, and buried her nose into his chest with a soft breath of air. "I love you soo much to wanna wait," she complained with a childish chuckle.
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Kai smiled and chuckled. "I know baby, I know," he chuckled. "It'll only be a little bit. We're still so young, I promise we'll have a huge family, as many kids as you like, but we don't have to start now,"

Cam groaned, closing her eyes as though it was actually, physically, painful. "I knowwww," she huffed, although puffed out a soft breath of air. She knew deep down that she was being very dramatic about it, and she knew it was good to wait, sensible, but it just wasn't what she'd had in mind. She just sniffed and moved to rest her head on his chest, her eyes wandering back towards the movie.
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