
Kai rubbed her back and kissed her head as they went back to watching the movie.

Camery let out a slow breath, although, admittedly after another half hour or so she started to doze off. She didn't wake up until the credits started, and she gave a heavy sigh and leaned in to press a light kiss to his lips. She sat up rather groggily, then flopped down heavily again.
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Kai smiled and kissed her back, kissing her head when she laid back down.

Cam closed her eyes after a moment, although quickly jumped up. "Oh, my dress!" She squeaked, quickly hopping out of the bed and throwing a jumper and slippers on. It would have arrived by then - and she wanted to make sure the alterations fit properly. She looked back over and pecked his cheek quickly. "I'll be back. Stay here," she hummed gently before sort of rushing off.
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Kai smiled and chuckled watching her jump up "Alright,"

Cam rushed down to the little room that they'd promised her the dress would be in... and, as she suspected, it was there. Thank god. It really was beautiful. She couldn't wait for Kai to see it. She tried it on, and when she was satisfied it fit, she put it neatly away before padding back upstairs to Kai, a big grin across her face.
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Kai waited, grinning at her when she came back. "How is it?" He asked.

Camery came back over and perched on the end of the bed, his grin bringing her own smile to her face. "It was perfect! It's beautiful. I can't wait for you to see it," she chirped lightly to him. She was clearly getting more and more excited about the whole thing. It was in two days. They'd be married in two days.
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"I can't wait to see you walking down that aisle," he smiled, watching her. "Hey, Cam? Are we spending tomorrow night apart?" He asked, worried. He couldn't last without her, couldnt sleep. He knew that was a tradition many couples followed, but Kai really didn't want that tradition.

Camery grinned at him. She couldn't wait to see him at the alter... oh, he'd be so handsome. She couldn't wait. She let out a soft breath after a moment, and sort of flopped over on the bed so her head was resting on his lap. She looked up at his question, though, and shrugged gently. She, quote evidently, was very set on tradition. The whole children thing showed that. "Well, I was assuming so," she murmured softly. After a second though, she pinched her brows together. "It's what we're supposed to do, right?" She asked lightly.
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