Jester, I get it. I had keepsakes, family heirlooms, things from relatives that have passed, all in that truck and gone. I get being angry. But you don't need to invalidate how other people feel about it. I don't know if the people who stole my stuff will ever be caught, but thats okay.
AZ, Then it seems we feel similarly after all. Looting? Illegal, and in this situation, disgusting. Shoot? No. Arrest? Yes. I'm sorry you mixed up my responses with someone else's beliefs.
"I do need a new McLaren.....the other one has dings here and there.....why not just get another?" He asks,pulling out his phone. "Only 300k.Not that expensive.Here me out,a navy one with royal blue details.Just like the old c8.Nevermind,im buying that car back.You can get a McLaren,though.Im going to try to find it again." He says,getting up and walking to the couch.