Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Summer   
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Forecast: Showers Off and On
Tue 06:20am  
Stables Online:  67 
Ponies heaven
06:17:44 Pera/ peral
LOL thank you! Now.. to show it to WP..
06:16:58 he/him 🌈
woah, that's incredible!! 😮
Ponies heaven
06:03:35 Pera/ peral
-Click- Never been prouder of my digital drago arts
Amethyst Ranch
05:52:50 Echo <3
Still so sad she is 3 weeks behind in training but super happy with that week 4 <3
-HEE Click-
Bioshock Manor
05:50:23 Storm
Congrats Sinn!
Sinister Ranch
05:48:51 SINN~ ISH/SH Breeder
My first W!
-HEE Click-
Buried Origins Ridge
05:15:49 Storm
Extremely annoying when you have to fire riders and the BM just unassigns the horses
05:02:19 marsh 🌈
3am crunch hour
04:33:42 marsh 🌈
this look like dapple much? -Click-
Golden Rose
04:14:13 Rose/Goldy
Pretty Gal -HEE Click-
Kiwi Mountains
04:05:22 Kiwi
I could have sworn I turned that keyboard setting thing off. Weird
Kiwi Mountains
04:04:28 Kiwi
Sting, you just reminded me 🤦‍♀️
Narran Park
04:00:39 Sting
lol i always forget to pay the barn manager :D
I seee tqqq
Obsidian Meadows
03:41:16 Sidi
So to shoot for rabicano, at least one of the parents must express Rbrb
Obsidian Meadows
03:39:41 Sidi
-HEE Click- like this
Obsidian Meadows
03:38:53 Sidi
But if they do, it will show up on the color list on their page.
Obsidian Meadows
03:38:19 Sidi
Either your mare or your stud has to carry the gene. You can pay the vet to gene test your horses.
How do I breed a rabicano foal?


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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Ponies heaven
06:17:44 Pera/ peral
LOL thank you! Now.. to show it to WP..
06:16:58 he/him 🌈
woah, that's incredible!! 😮
Ponies heaven
06:03:35 Pera/ peral
-Click- Never been prouder of my digital drago arts
Amethyst Ranch
05:52:50 Echo <3
Still so sad she is 3 weeks behind in training but super happy with that week 4 <3
-HEE Click-
Bioshock Manor
05:50:23 Storm
Congrats Sinn!
Sinister Ranch
05:48:51 SINN~ ISH/SH Breeder
My first W!
-HEE Click-
Buried Origins Ridge
05:15:49 Storm
Extremely annoying when you have to fire riders and the BM just unassigns the horses
05:02:19 marsh 🌈
3am crunch hour
04:33:42 marsh 🌈
this look like dapple much? -Click-
Golden Rose
04:14:13 Rose/Goldy
Pretty Gal -HEE Click-
Kiwi Mountains
04:05:22 Kiwi
I could have sworn I turned that keyboard setting thing off. Weird
Kiwi Mountains
04:04:28 Kiwi
Sting, you just reminded me 🤦‍♀️
Narran Park
04:00:39 Sting
lol i always forget to pay the barn manager :D
I seee tqqq
Obsidian Meadows
03:41:16 Sidi
So to shoot for rabicano, at least one of the parents must express Rbrb
Obsidian Meadows
03:39:41 Sidi
-HEE Click- like this
Obsidian Meadows
03:38:53 Sidi
But if they do, it will show up on the color list on their page.
Obsidian Meadows
03:38:19 Sidi
Either your mare or your stud has to carry the gene. You can pay the vet to gene test your horses.
How do I breed a rabicano foal?


You must be a registered member for more
than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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Faith Meadow x Wild Warmbloods May 29, 2023 07:19 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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Tyler watched them leave, then strode to the Alpha. "Do you really think this is the best idea? Do we need to start a war with the vampires? At the moment, it looks like they reaaally want to kill us, so maybe we should just hold off for a moment." Tyler said slowly
"You fool. We have to fight to survive, it's the way of the Pack." The Alpha scoffed
"No, I believe you are the fool at this point." Tyler growled under his breath, leaving quickly. "And I'm the outlaw." He muttered, striding into the bushes
Faith Meadow x Wild Warmbloods May 29, 2023 07:32 PM

Faith Meadow
Posts: 15085
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Annika said " what weirdos " as she painted something she wasn't suppose to as she realize and sighed it was a guy but she doesn't know his name annika throws it into the closet and walks away from the closet and looks out the window she glad she lived here and not in the woods Annika looks around when she heard the door and said " my lady its about to be bed time and you still need to eat supper" Annika said " i don't feel so good to eat but thanks for saying " the maid said " should i bring something to help the sickness" Annika said " no ill be okay but thanks " maid bows and leaves as annika climbs in bed
Faith Meadow x Wild Warmbloods May 29, 2023 08:04 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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Tyler went back to his small cabin and got everything in order, rolling his shoulders. He would do his job, stupid Alpha or not. "The lone wolf stalks through the shadows, bigger and more ferocious then the rest." Tyler mused, repeating something he had heard the other werewolves whispering. "They should write poetry while I'm over here making daggers." He snorted, adjusting his daggers before walking out of the cabin. Tyler sniffed the air, following the strong scent trail of the vampire. Thankfully he could do this in human form, since he hated going into wolf form and would only do it when's necessary. Plus the vampires reeked very strongly of blood, so they were easy to trace. Most of the werewolves smelled like different things of the forest. Every one had a different scent... like Roses, Bark, Leaves, Sap, or Pine needles. Tyler took his mind off of that as he got to a big manor, sniffing the air again. He could tell the girl was sleeping, up in a bedroom. He then walked into the brush and trees near the bedroom, climbing a tree and resting there.
Faith Meadow x Wild Warmbloods May 29, 2023 08:23 PM

Faith Meadow
Posts: 15085
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Annika pulls her clothes off and slides into bed and pulled the blanket over she usely sleeps with no clothes only her private thing as she closes her eyes and trying to shut down all the noise from the hallway from her parents making out and crap like that
Faith Meadow x Wild Warmbloods May 29, 2023 08:28 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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Tyler just lounged in the tree for a while, his eyes drooping drowsily. Did he really want to do this? Would it help the war at all? -oh yes, kidnapping the campire kings daughter. Helpful in stopping a war- Tyler thought sarcastically, looking a little annoyed. He played with a dagger a little, his mind running on full gear. If he tried to break in now, vampires would probably hear him. He could be perfectly silent, go into the girls room, put he really to sleep for the time being, and get out again... but there wasn't a garuntee no one would see him. It would be much safer to just wait until she took a walk or something. Tyler sniffed the air again, trying to tell where everyone was. The vampires were in different rooms... two adults in one room that smelled extremely weird. They were obviously doing what Tyler would call disturbing things. The other room had a single vampire in it, though he didn't smell much fabric. Which meant... "Yeah, maybe now isn't the best time to kidnap her." Tyler muttered to himself, making a face. He just tried to relax again, laying about thirty feet up in a tall tree
Faith Meadow x Wild Warmbloods May 29, 2023 08:39 PM

Faith Meadow
Posts: 15085
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Maid was closing her window and tell her to get in to bedtime clothes which Annika listen and groans as the maid walks out but didn't see the guy at all Annika put her nightgown on after a while of laying their hearing her parents she felt like she was about to throw up Annika got back into bed and sighed as she closes her eyes before smelling around was something off about the place or was there someone here Annika shrugs probably it just the guys anyway that would smell gross she was happy that she wasn't married
Faith Meadow x Wild Warmbloods May 29, 2023 08:44 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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Tyler attempted to flick his ears, and failed yet again. "I suck at this human thing." He mumbled, even though he spent more time as a human then most werewolves. Why were human ears so small? Tyler ran a hand through his hair and sniffed again, recoiling at the weird scent coming from the adults bedroom. "Good holly miss Molly, lord help me, goodbye." Tyler muttered under his breath, slowly standing up on the branch. Even though he was bigger then the average werewolf, he was rather agile... and jumping through the trees was actually a hobby of his. He stalked along the thick branch before sniffing again, directing it more towards the girls bedroom. Well, he smelled cotton mixed in with the vampires scent so that was great. Maybe she was sleeping, or hopefully she was sleeping. Tyler would wait a little longer, he had to ... because he was disgusted from staying here too long. -Curse you keen nose- Tyler thought, moving from branch to branch like a shadow flitting in the moonlight
Faith Meadow x Wild Warmbloods May 29, 2023 08:48 PM

Faith Meadow
Posts: 15085
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Annika groans when hearing her parents she wanted to yell but keep quiet is all she had to do for now she watches hbed before sighed and yell " enough would you two I am try to get some sleep hear " her parents quiet down and she heard her mom said " sorry sweetie " Annika rolled her eyes before going to sleep all the way this time
Faith Meadow x Wild Warmbloods May 29, 2023 09:36 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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Tyler waited probably thirty minutes before giving another tentative sniff. Aha, she was asleep. That took SO long and he had to suffer through all the noise And smell coming from the adult vampires bedroom. "I will never understand love." Tyler growled under his breath. "Sounds more like they're trying to kill each other." He added, scaling the tree forward till he was near the castle. He then took in a shallow breath and jumped silently, since the castle wasn't that far. Tyler grabbed onto the windowsill and used his boots to muffle the landing, making it almost silent. Tyler quickly climbed in and injected the vampire with a plant that would make her stay asleep.
Faith Meadow x Wild Warmbloods May 29, 2023 09:56 PM

Faith Meadow
Posts: 15085
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Annika didn't feel anything and since she was sleeping so she really didn't mind and she didn't smell dangerous coming in but she didn't know she was in a dream a good one
( Sorry for the short don't know what else to add don't want to take ur lines)

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