
Jacob said " Joseph go in side I'll be back" he nods and walks away Jacob ran and grabs flame saddle up, Jacob got on and gallops out of the the place and towards her house, using half of his rein to use it like a whip, Jacob gallops into her place and jumps up dropping the reins and runs to the door and knocks waiting for her to answer while he leans on the door frame
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Dakota jolted up. She peeked through the blinds. It was Jacob. "Oh, no." She whispered. Her face was a mess. She quickly sprinted to the bathroom, washed her face and walked to the door. She slowly opened it. Dakota had wished he didn't see her. But apparently he did. So much for that. She looked at him. "H-Hi." Dakota said quietly. She looked down in embarassment.

Jacob said " are you okay Dakota " Jacob wanted to know the truth but he could tell she washed her face, flame trots to the pastures and neighs, Jacob stays leaning but puts his hand under her chain and lefts her head up that way he was staring into her eyes
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"Yes i'm fine... No, i'm not. I don't really want to talk about it. Unless you can already tell why. I just thought you felt different about it. Oh, nevermind." Dakota said. She walked closer to him. She put her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. It's just, I've never liked anyone. Well, until I met you." Dakota walked off the porch and went to get Athena. Flame was standing nearby. He seemed to be waiting for Athena to get out. So Dakota let Athena play with Flame for a little bit. She looked at Jacob and smiled. She was still sad. She could tell that he knew. Edited at August 7, 2022 05:29 PM by Brookfield Stables

Jacob walks over she was then slide his hand around her waist and turns her around and looked straight in her eyes and said "hey I am sorry, it is really hard for me to do this but look I like you too from the moment I laid eyes on you " he wanted to kiss you right there and know but he didn't know if she wanted that Edited at August 7, 2022 05:44 PM by wildpony
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Dakota didn't know what to say. She was speechless. "I don't know what to say." Dakota said. She just hugged him and cried into his shoulder. "Life is so hard sometimes. No one has ever told me that before. I never thought someone like you would come along." Dakota dried her eyes and smiled at him. Athena and Flame were still running around having so much fun. Dakota decided to join them. She ran out to Athena and hopped on her. Dakota would ride bareback a lot. "You coming?" Dakota looked at Jacob and shrugged. "We're going for a ride, wanna come?" Dakota got down and walked over to him. She grabbed his hand and called for Flame. "Let's go." They all trotted out towards the horizen.

Jacob smiles and flame kinda jumps a little bit but Jacob stayed on then he looked over at her and said " you know if I knew you earlier then this you won't be getting away from me very fast I am just shock that you don't have boys wanting to be with you" Jacob looks back at looking straight forward
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"Well, funny you say that. I actually had a whole group that followed my around last year. I rejected every one of them." Dakota shook her head and laughed. "And i'm suprised you don't have any girls that like you!" Dakota smiled at him. Athena and Flame were having the time of their lives running through the fields. Dakota kinda wanted to ask Jacob to be her boyfriend, but it would be really weird for a girl to ask a boy. So she just stayed quiet. She looked into his eyes. Then she turned back to Athena. "Let's head back. It's getting dark." Dakota said. The stars were out. She layed down on Athena's back and looked into the sky. Her hair fell to the sides of Athena and her emerald eyes shined in the night sky.

Jacob laughs and said " oh no I am a nerd everyone hates that about guys anyways I was happy no one follows me around ",Jacob looks up and the sky and then said " Dakota want to be my girlfriend " looking over at her while laying down on his horse hoping she would say yes
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Dakota froze in shock. "Y-Yes! Of course!" Dakota said looking back at him. This was one of the happiest moments she had ever felt in her entire life. Athena and Flame were so happy! They pranced around in the grass. Fireflies swarmed the sky above them. Dakota knew they had to go back soon. They galloped all the way back. Once Dakota put Athena back, she turned to Jacob. "Bye!" She said. Then, she kissed his cheek and walked inside.