
Rowan yelped at a bull. His mare ran at the cow, extending her stride to get in front of it she swiftly turned on her axis in a way Rowan wasn't expecting, knocking him off balance but he stayed on. She snorted and grunted with each hoof fall, getting ever more tired the more she worked. She huffed when the bull finally went back to the herd and she could stick to a steady trot. Rowan sighed before he was approached by one of the many ranchhands. "Good work there,-" The cowboy started, he waited for the horrible nickname the others had picked for him, it wasn't rare for the word to leave this cowboy's lips especially. "Rowan, right?" The man ended his sentence using Rowan's Callsign, which spooked him and almost made him spook his horse by jumping. "Yep, that's the name," Rowan confirmed his gaze turning away from the man even if he was still in his presence. He huffed himself as Dyna slowed down to a walk, which for once he allowed. --- It was earlier than usual when Rowan returned, taking his mare to the covered arena to just walk her a bit and make sure she cooled down. He walked slowly along the outskirts of the almost ghosted arena, only him and another he paid no mind to, too focused on his mare.

Emma watched as Rowan rode his large mare into the arena. She sighed in frustration, hopping off of Fury and walking her out to the barn aisle. She untacked in the cross-ties, biding her time, hoping he would come talk to her. She groomed out Fury and scraped out her hooves, humming to the mare so she wouldn't fidget, knocking either Emma or herself off balance. Emma then put the horse's cooler on, and fed her dinner. She fed the studs and non-expecting mares dinner too. She walke slower than usual to the tackroom, polishing up the saddles and bridles, thoguh, they weren't very dirty after being cleaned yesterday.
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Rowan came into the barn about 30 minutes after cooling off Dyna, He walked the aisle with his mare down to the cross ties where he usually had her, He began to untack her, Wiping off the sweat from her coat like usual. And like usual the mare cocked up her hoof and relaxed into the cross ties. He groomed her, giving her a handful of treats before putting her back into her stall, and giving her a bunch of hay. --- Rowan entered the tack room to put away his tack when he spotted Emma. "Emma, right?" He tilted his head, cocking his head to watch her from the corner of his eye as he put away his things.

Emma slightly jumped at the sound of Rowan's voice. "Yeah." She said, placing one of the bridles back on it's hook. She took another off it's hook, scrubbing it with leather conditioner.
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Rowan nods, putting his saddle on a saddle rack. He put his saddle blanket bottom side up to let it dry. "You've been ignoring me," He observed softly.

Shit. "Um...Not really. You just seemed upset, and I was trying to respect that." She said, replacing the bridle. "You've seemed like an introvert." She countered, smiling to herself.
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Rowan frowned slightly. 'upset?' He wanted to scoff but kept his words to himself. 'You seem like you've got your panties in a twist,' Something hissed within him at the woman in the back of his mind. Which he completely ignored. "Wasn't upset," He huffed, pausing "Probably because I am," he replied with a small smile at the woman calling him introverted.

Emma turned and walked up to him, looking him into his deep, beautiful eyes. "If you've got a problem, tell me. I'm not the one who started out off-putting." She spun and walked out of the tack room and back to Fury. She pet the mare, scrolling on her phone.
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Rowan frowned, he never cared to be 'off-putting,' Hell, he'd call that a personality trait he's told that so much! He huffed as he walked from the tack room as well, not giving her any attention as he went on his way back to his cabin. (Going to bed, feel free to respond, I have work tho so might be a bit for a response)

(All good <3) Emma listened to him walk away. She quickly jumped out of the stall. "Wait." She ran after him, touching his bicep. Damn. Those arms... "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so hostile. Can we try again?" She asked, blushing. Oh, shit. You're digging your own grave, Emma. Shit, shit, shit! He doesn't want you! Walk away, Emma! She waited for him to tell her to 'Fuck off' or 'Go to hell' or something along those lines.
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