
Cadence noticed Ares come in and flashed him a smile before sitting at the expansive table and eating
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The dinner was warm, and the aromas wafted around the room. Floating above the noise of chatter as everyone gathered and ate together, conversations circling the table. Ares ate quietly, laughing at the boys who argued playfully, enjoying the first meal he didnt have to make for himself in years.

Once everyone had eaten and was finished, she took care of everyone's dishes and got her boots on. She flashed Ares another smile and up to him, her hand brushing his. She leaned over to whisper in his ear. "C'mon. Let's go for a ride." She whispered, tugging on his hand and pulling him to the barn
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Grinning like a chesire cat, Ares excused himself from the table and snatched his hat off the hook before following hot on Cassies heels. "Slow down there sugar, where we riding to?" he chuckled, tacking up Boy. They both swung their legs over their horses, their eyes locked, and for a split second Ares felt a hot blush cross his face. He snapped his gaze to the yard, the sun setting slowly cast a golden glow.

"You'll see" She taunted, spurring Lucky into a falt-out gallop. She grinned over her shoulder, leading him deeper into the perimeter's lush forest. She had a special place she liked to go- just enjoy the calm and quiet-and she wanted to share that with Ares. She pulled Lucky to a stop a few feet from a small natural pool that was around 6 or 7 feet deep, the water clear as glass. She smiled at him and stripped to her bra and underwear, jumping in happily. "C'mon!" She called to Ares.
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Sitting deep into the saddle, Ares chased after her through the forest. She had no fear, he felt as if he was chasing the wind itself. They pulled the horses up at a clearing, centered in it was a glass pond with bright clear water. "Woah.." he whispered, the space was so soft and quiet, like a little haven. A chuckle rumbled from his chest as he watched Cass jump into the water, clothes lying in a pile next to the bank. He slid his shirt off, and tossed his jeans and boots into a neat heap, tucking his socks away. Left only in his briefs, he ran and dove into the water. When he popped his head up, he turned to look for her. "This place is incredible, how did you know it was here this whole time?"

"Well, when I was younger I was just riding, blowing off steam, and came across it. I didn't realize how late i'd been swimming until My phone was buzzing crazily and my very worried father was scolding me for not being in by curfew." She giggled lightly at the memory
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He ran his fingers through his wet hair, trying to push back loose strands. "Well I'm glad you found this spot," he said, his teeth flashing in a soft smile. "I had a spot like this back at my old place, except it wasn't quite as pretty as this. It was just a clearing, an open side of a mountain, far out from the barn. A space where I could just sit for hours, and sketch or sing as I liked. I feel honored that you've shared this with me," he spoke with his voice soft, but sincere.

"Maybe then you should show me your place sometime." She said softly, an underlying tone there beneath her happiness. He had been there for everything, her highs and lows
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He stared at her, eyes wide. She had become such an intriguing woman, he realized she was no longer the little girl he had grown up with. "I'll take you to my spot one day, it's about a 5 day ride from here so we'll have to make a trip," he smiled splashing the water softly at her.