
Levi said" I'm good my neck will be sore for few days I'm going to take my car to the precinct and tell my rookie she will have to be on her own for few days I'm going to head home ."

Evelyn raised her hand to rub her own neck. "Yeah I know what thats like. A good heat pack and some painkillers will do the trick" She smiled again weakly. "I can show your Rookie the detective and forensic departments i need be so you can rest up" She said.

Levi said" if she like to her name is Nina King she should be getting on the clock asthe precinct and get thr crown Vic out of the garage.

Evelyn nods. "Well tell her I'll see her tomorrow. Tell everyone to care. Especially you Levi" She looks at him, a sincere tone to her voice. She waved him goodnight and left the hospital to head home.

Levi hops in his Police Cruiser and started it up and drove to the Precinct and found his rookie as Nina said"evening sir." As Levi said" you will be on your own for few days if you need help are detective will help you."as Nina said" what happened before I got on." As Levi said" a car accident turned shooting two paramedics and me after a semi truck hit a car

Evelyn got home. She couldn't stand looking at the new clothes in her closet. They made her feel sick. She made herself a warm tea, sat in bed and cried.

Levi went home and hoping to get some rest for the rest of the day as Nina stood by crown Vic reading the handbook still getting to know the handbook

Evelyn made it to the office the next day. She spotted Levi's rookie stood next to the police car. "Hey!" She waved. "I'm Evelyn, I'm one of the detectives for this precinct and I thought we could cover a few things while Levi is away".

Nina said" let what stuff he has my doing traffic with the Crown Vic umm I saw his car it was riddled with bullets was yesterday a bad day for him."

"Just to get to know a few of the departments, including mine and forensics. Today would actually good day" She pauses pointing at the car with the bullet holes. "They will be examining any bullets they've extracted" She smiles.