Rose scrolled :)
wonderful answer lol)
Caden sighed and hung up the phone, tossing it aside and sitting next to Rose, putting his arm around her per usual. "Sorry I like, haven't said a single word to you, been busy with too many calls for too many problems which aren't mine." He says quietly, picking his phone up to scroll as he grew bored.
“It doesn’t matter”
"Whatever you say," Caden mumbled, opening his phone and starting to scroll.
Rose rolled her eyes, curling up.
He only tossed her a glance when she rolled her eyes, him having become accustomed to it. Caden simply loosened his grip slightly.
Rose fell asleep.
He watched her as she fell asleep, just a whisper of a smile on his face.He had put her through all this, and for what? A few shots? And he took her halfway across the world and had already killed somebody? That's fucked up if you ask me but, opinions are opinions I guess.
Rose slept, fighting against the inevitable nightmare.
Caden stood, walking onto the back porch.Glass of whiskey in one hand, cigar in the other. He leaned on one of the posts, thinking about everything.
Rose felt the nightmare getting closer, making her break a light sweat across her back and make her tremble.
"The fuck am I doing?" He questioned, wondering why he'd gone into the cold rather then stay inside.Caden scowled, at this point questioning life as he put the cigar out and walked inside, setting the glass down and immediately going to Rose's side.
Rose started muttering-pleading-in her sleep, her nightmare one of Caden leaving her for the gang.
He gently rubbed her back, pulling her into his embrace. "Babe you're okay, you're okay." Caden reassured, his lips almost brushing against her ear.
Rose eventually settled down into a sleep that even nightmares couldn’t disturb.
Caden kept rubbing her back, having turned on a TV show.
Rose woke a few hours later, not recognizing where they were for a moment before the day’s events caught up with her.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked after a moment, voice quiet.
“Horribly.” She muttered, not meeting his gaze. She felt so small in a foreign country, not knowing who or what might be just outside, knowing someone wanted her dead. It rattled her to say the least.
"Didn't look horrible," Caden announced, glancing at her. "You looked....peaceful.As if everything slipped away.The problems," -The voices..- He thought, shuddering slightly at the thought. "And everything else just, gone.Only darkness," Caden explained, watching the TV.