
Caden heard his father's men in his head, glancing around. "You hear that?" He asked Rose, unsure if she heard it too.


"Swear I keep hearing him," He muttered, starting to become paranoid. -You're a disgrace!- "I just heard him again, I swear I heard him." Caden mumbled, standing, eyes going wide once more with the same fear, no, more fear then they had in Russia. They went wide because he was scared he couldn't protect Rose, or himself. He walked in, running a hand through his hair. The man kept muttering to himself as he walked downstairs, to the kitchen, and opening up the liquor cabinet. Caden grabbed a bottle of brandy and shakily uncapped it, taking a few sips quickly, setting the bottle back onto the counter. The liquid burned down his throat, it settling in his chest, feeling as though he'd swallowed lava. He gagged slightly, pressuring himself into taking another few swigs. The man waited until the alcohol took effect, sloppily making his way back up to the room. He was still paranoid, the fear still in his eyes as he slif back down on the balcony, eyes a ocean of trauma, breath smelling strongly of liquor, and a mind he couldn't figure out. "I just feel like crap, that's probably the reason behind it." Caden mumbled benath his breath, resting his head on Rose's shoulder once more. Every muscle in his body was tense, veins pulsing from stress. A cold sweat had broken out across his skin, and his mind was going nuts. His usual broad, muscular build had turned lean, the defanition of his muscles becoming fainter and fainter each day. Even if the process was slow, his body was slowly stressing itself to its limit. He was only ten or twenty pounds heavier then Rose, having not eaten or drank anything in numerous days. Edited at March 15, 2025 09:38 PM by RFS Thoroughbreds