"Yeah Yeah Sure" Zach Said TurninG Khrone Around And Kicking him Into A Canter. Him And Khrone Clear The Jump With Ease "Ha! See Kiddos" Zach Said Petting Khrone, And Slowed Him Into A Stop By May Edited at January 15, 2023 06:29 PM by Blue Hood Sanctuary~
(<<time skip>> lol) - They finished jumping and the pony club kids were called to warm down. "I'm gonna go for a quick canter around the track, do you wanna come?" May asked Zach "Or should we just warm down and finish?"
"Lets Finish Up, I Gotta Go Get Ready To Bring Daisy And Duke To there Vet Checks, But After That You Wanna Hang Out In The Club room?" Zach Said exhausted
"Ok." The two trotted back and did their warm-downs in the dressage arena, making sure their horses were properly warmed down. Then they took them back to the tie-ups and untacked them. Once May was done untacking Harry, she took him to the wash bay and gave him a nice, refreshing bath.
After Zach was done untacking he clipped on his chain and deep red nylon lead to his fluffy red halter, "Good Boy Khron" He said feeding Khrone a carrot. Zachery led him to his pasture with a coolor on He unclipped the lead from his halter "Alright bye boy" He said walking out of the pasture and going to his car picking Daisy up and kissing her muzzle "Hi Daisy Baby, And hiya dukey" he said putting them into the car and driving off (Sorry it took so long our power went out 0-0 )
(Time SKip) Zach got back and parked his car in the dusty old parking lot. He picked up Daisy and set her on the ground doing the same for Duke. Zachery walked into the stables and opened the club room door sitting down at one of the tables "Hey May!" He said shaking his head and sighing
"Zach! Heya! I was wondering if we could do some round pen work with J, he needs it." May chuckled. "And then maybe a trail ride on Hazza, or some dressage. I know there's no pony club today, but the farrier is coming to shoe I think, and both Jay and Harry need new shoes." May sat down on a dusty couch, bridle in hand and started cleaning.
"I Guess I Could I Got A New Mustang Coming In Around 4Pm, Think We Can Fit It In Before Then?" He Grabbed His Endurance Bridle And Started To Clean It "And That Trail Ride Seems Fun, Khrone Hasn't Been On One In A Bit" Zachery Said Finishing Up His Bridle Head Piece And Moving Onto His Reins
"Oooh how exciting! Tell me everything!" May said as she moved on to her saddle. Keeping J's racing saddle spick and span was very important, but keeping gear clean in general was crucial.
"About The Mustang? All I Know She's A Plain Bay with socks on all four and a large star, And Really Spunky Then Started Call Her Miss. Devil, " He Chuckled "Welp, We Better Get To the Round Pen You Wanna Grab Jay, I'll Meet Ya There" He Said Getting Up And Jogging towards The Round Pen & Horse Walker Area Edited at January 16, 2023 02:55 PM by Honey's Manor~