
Sage felt his grin widen when her fingers tightened when she had them placed on his body. Oh, she wanted him bad....he could tell that much. Well, that was fine....he'd play along. Really, it would all wind up pleasuring them both either way. So there wasn't any harm in it. Not that jora would suggest anything that might bring harm to either of them. He chuckled softly in response to her comments, her voice sending shivers down his spine. He kept his breath carefully controlled, but he could feel his pulse pounding through his body, especially as he saw her gaze dart to the scarf that was hanging nearby. He didn't object as she tied the scarf around his head, checking to make sure he couldn't see anything. She gave him a moment to get used to it, though not before he felt her breath against his ear. He felt his blush deepen at her words, though he felt the anticipation building when she pulled away. He moved to sort of reach over around him to feel where everything was, now that he couldn't see it, eas twitching slightly as they followed the noises of Jora's footsteps around.
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Jora felt the thrill of excitement as she tied the scarf around Sage’s head, her breath hitching slightly at the sight of her playful grin. This was going to be fun. She could sense the energy buzzing between them, an intoxicating mix of anticipation and trust. Jora’s heart raced at the idea of guiding Sage into the unknown, where every subtle sound and sensation would come alive. “Just relax,” Jora whispered, her voice low and teasing as she adjusted the scarf, ensuring it was secure but not too tight. She could feel Sage’s pulse quickening, could hear the soft intake of breath that sent a shiver down her own spine. It was thrilling to know she had this effect on her, to feel that solid connection between them, heightened by the element of surprise. As she stepped back, Jora admired the way Sage seemed to lean into the moment, her body instinctively searching for Jora’s presence. It was a dance of sorts, one that played with the boundaries of pleasure and trust. The outline of Sage's form stood out against the backdrop of the dimly lit room, and Jora couldn’t help but smile—she had all the power in this situation, and it felt exhilarating. “Can you hear me?” Jora teased, her voice deliberately soft, coaxing Sage to hone in on the sounds around her. She took a step closer, her heart pounding with the anticipation of what was to come. The air felt electric as she moved, a playful spirit guiding her every action. She could almost sense Sage’s gaze flickering in her direction, and it made Jora feel bold. “Follow my voice,” she instructed, wanting to draw Sage closer, to feel her warmth, to play in this space where sight was taken away but connection was at its peak. The power dynamic stirred a rush of adrenaline within Jora; it was thrilling to be the one in control. As she moved again, Jora kept her voice light and inviting. She couldn’t wait to see how Sage navigated this new terrain and to explore the boundaries of their shared experience. Every moment felt charged, and the possibilities stretched infinitely before them. With her heart set on guiding Sage through this delightful game, Jora knew their journey into the unknown would lead to untold pleasures for both of them.

Sage's ears twitched softly as he figured his surroundings out, the soft jingle of the earrings hitting each other sounding quietly in the air around them. He chuckled sfotly at her first comment, letting her tighten the scarf however she wanted to and then sort of turning his head in the direction he heard her footsteps move intinctively. She was his sight now....and while his other senses could make up a little bit for his own eyesight, he'd need her to guide him around of they were to go anywhere. Which he figured she'd do. Lead him around a bit and then touch him when he least expected it. Surprise him. The anticipation practically boiled around underneath his skin as he flicked his ears towards her voice, making sure he knew exactly where she was before stepping foreward slowly. He didn't move fast...he really couldn't do that, not unless he wanted to fall over a table or something. But he could hear her footsteps, and her voice, so he followed that. "Of course I can hear you," he snorted lightly, ears moving slightly the entire time he moved about. It wasn't fast, but it was pretty smooth...he supposed the nymph part of him kept him from being too clumbsy, even blind. But either way, he followed her. Each time he drew heard her, he heard her patter off again, pulling a soft chuckle from his mouth. 'Where exactly are you taking me," he asked curiously after a moment, sort of pausing and cocking his head as she changed direction, the soft curves of his pointed ears moving with her before he turned his body to pursue her again, persistant. He wanted her touch...her warmth. He was eager to see what she had in mind.
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Jora's laughter echoed through the room as Sage followed her, his keen ears tracking her movements with ease. "Patience, my dear," she teased, leading him further into their play area. The space was dimly lit, with soft crimson candles flickering along the walls and casting a sensual glow on the plush furnishings.As they navigated the room, Jora couldn't help but appreciate how well his other senses compensated for his lack of sight. His footsteps were deliberate and graceful despite the unfamiliar terrain - a testament to his adaptive nature as a nymph. She gently guided him closer to the bed, its surface strewn with pillows and soft blankets inviting intimacy. Jora paused behind him, pressing her body against his back as she whispered in his ear. "I'm taking you somewhere very special...somewhere I can have my way with you completely."

Sage sort of groaned when she only laughed and told him to be patient, though it wasn't with any malice or ill intent. "I've had patience," he sort of grumbled, though he couldn't keep a straight face and wound up chuckling along anyway, no matter how hard he tried not to. Then she was behind him, and he halted, head cocking sicne he could no longer tell the path to take ahead of him, since she'd cirlced around behind him. He leaned against her slightly when she moved up to his back, welcoming the touch. He hummed softly, ears twitching slightly as he felt her breath whirl around the skin there, warm and inviting. "Special, huh," he mused lightly. "You could do that anywhere," he noted lightly, with a small snicker. "But I suppose it would be niced somewhere comfortable as opposed to the floor," he added, allowing her to nudge him forward again. It was a bit slower than before, since he wasn't following her steps anymore, but she was guiding him physically now, so he trusted her not to run him into anything especially hard or dangerous. He stopped when he felt the bed in front of him, sort of reaching forward to feel it until he got his bearings and could crawl onto it, settling down among the blankets in what he expected to be somewhat the middle of the bed, the anticipation building as he waited for jora to join him. Do...whatever she was planning on doing.
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Jora smiled to herself as Sage followed her lead, his playful grumbling and chuckles music to her ears. She reveled in the trust he placed in her, even with his keen senses limited by the blindfold. Once he settled onto the bed, she crawled over him slowly, savoring every moment of their intimate contact. Her hands roamed across his chest and shoulders, mapping out the contours of his body through touch alone. She undid the buttons of his shirt, removing it from his body. "You'd be surprised what a little creativity can do," she purred against his ear before trailing kisses down the side of his neck.Jora's fingers began to work on undoing the buttons of her own top, revealing more skin inch by tantalizing inch until she shrugged it off completely. The cool air sent goosebumps prickling over Sage's skin as she straddled him, breasts pressing against his chest.*

Sage felt his pulse speed up as he heard Jora crawl onto the bed with him, moving towards him in what seemed to be a terribly slow manner. He let her move onto him happily, a shiver running down his spine when he felt her fingers roam along his body, revealing his skin inch by inch before he shrudded his shirt off. He didn't need to be able to see to know the look she was giving him, either. He chuckled softly at her comment, though he didn't get the chance to respond before he felt her lips press against his neck and his breath hitched. He cocked his head to the side, letting his hair, which was still loose from earlier, fall off his shoulder, giving her all the room to work she wanted. He felt his grin widen when he heard her messing with her own shirt, and then felt her skin against his. "I think I'm figuring it out," he finally responded, lettign the pressure from her chest slowly push him over. He didn't go right away...his anticipation had been growing and growing, so he'd make her wait a little while to get him down. Eventually though, he felt his back rest against the blankets, waiting for her to do...whatever she wanted to do.
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Jora's smile grew wider at Sage's acquiescence, pleased with the way he surrendered to her desires. She leaned in closer, her breasts pressing more firmly against his chest as she began to grind her hips slowly against his straining erection."You're learning," she purred, nipping gently at his earlobe before trailing kisses down the column of his throat. Her hand slid down to cup him through his pants, giving a teasing squeeze that had him arching into her touch. "But I think it's time for you to learn what happens when you please me well enough," Jora whispered hotly against his skin, punctuating her words with a sharp tug on the sensitive body part.

Sage could feel the excitement building, boiling under his skin as she pressed herself over him, lips moving along his skin. He hummed softly in response to her first comment, vaguely amused by her words....it was like she was training him. Which wasn't completely wrong, and he was totally fine with it. Of course, the nip at his ear caused his breath to hitch, and as she moved down his throat he couldn't help but tilt his head back to give the area to her. He couldn't help but hope she'd pay around there....there was something wildly wonderful with how she could nip at him, so close to the throbbing veins and arteries keeping him alive. The vulnerability that came with it. He'd never willingly exposed his throat...but he could with her. He had a sweet spot there somewhere too ...and he couldn't help but hope she'd find it. As he felt her hand to slip into his pants, a light gasp got past his lips, and her next words partnered with the sharp tug pulled a groan from his lips. His back arched as he strained to get closer, seeking any sort of friction from her body. The heat from her mouth heating his skin and her breath flowing around his neck only added to it all, and his mind was admittedly already scattered.
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Jora's lips curled into a wicked smile as Sage's reactions to her touch grew more pronounced. She loved the way he surrendered to her, his body responding eagerly to every caress and whisper of approval. Her hand continued its descent, unfastening his pants with deft fingers until she could free him. Jora began moving along him slowly, matching the rhythm of their grinding hips. "Mmm...so responsive," she purred against his skin, nuzzling into the crook of his neck as she worked him over. "I think you're ready for my special thanks now," she breathed hotly before suddenly rolling off him and straddling his face instead.