
Caden waved goodbye to Rosa as he went to the lockerroom to get changed.He then walked to the football field and discussed plays for thursdays game.

Practice was lots of lines and VI's (Vomit inducers) because the coach was worried they might lose state finals. Rose cursed under her breath as she urged the team on, "C'mon guys, 2 more sets!"
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"Alright first half,yall are the home team,other half,yall are the away team,alright?" The team nodded. "Alright,The Picado.Let;s go." Coach Keith blew the whistle and the ball practicly flew to Caden.He passed it to Omar,scoring a point.

(Sorry, will be off for a bit soon...) After practice, Rose went back to the locker room and got dressed. She walked with sore legs and a hurting head to Caden's car where she waited for him. When he came, she kissed him, long and slow.
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(ur good) Caden leaned into the kiss and found his hand on her back,and his other in her hair. "Nervous for tommorows game,got called a backfired dream by Charli,A.K.A. the annoying ahh cheer captain who has the fatest crush on me ever.She's so annoying I swear.How was your day?" He asks while pulling out of the parking lot,focusing on getting home.His hand rest on her thigh,per usual.

"Exhausting. I feel so much pressure for carrying the team to state. At the same time, though, I don't want to win so we don't have to go to regionals, then nationals" She said, groaning, "I think my coach currently hates me. She gives me this wierd glare, like i've murdered her dog or something." Rose places her hand on his that is resting on her thigh. "Can you stay over at my place tonight? My mom won't be home. She's working a 24hr shift today. She started at noon." Rose offers, looking over at him.
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He listnes. "I understand how you feel.Im practiclly carrying the entire team to state.If I don't make us win,heck,Coach Keith would actually kill me." A car pulled up next to them. "Oh gosh,Rose act like your not here please." He sighed. "Caden!Oh my gosh why were you so rude to Charli?gasp Hand on her thigh?! Ugh,your so annoying.Wy do you have to do that.?" Caden looked over his sunglasses at them. "Why do you guys have to be so annoying?" The light turns green and Caden speeds off with a guilty smile on his face. "You want to go to my place instead?Or no?" He asks,unfazed.

"Yes." She says, laughing.
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"Alright." They soon pull up to a well built house.

(Sorry, just got up) Rose gasped at the beautiful home. "Want to give me a tour?" She asked, kissing his cheek.
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