He chuckled lightly at her argument, and hummed out a sleepy "yeaaa," in response, though they were both sort of starting to drift off again by that point. Her soft breaths slowing down sort of luleld him back to sleep, which he did happily. He really was just more than happy to rest and curl up with her. And he did need the rest, he supposed. He did feel much better with sleep.... hopefully, now that Mari was back he would actually get better soon. He hadn't yet...his cough was still rather bad, but he felt better just having her here with him. He would start toying around with the whole art idea though....that would give him more rest than the horses. Whatever he did, he knew Mari would support him in it. Hopefully, the art would go somewhere and they could use that as a bit of a money maker on the side. They only had so many horses, after all. But for now, all that work seed impossible...all he wanted to do was cuddle up and rest.
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Mari gave a soft smile at his voice, though soon drifted off quietly, just happy for the rest. She'd been back a few days now, but that didn't stop the fact that she was still so completely exhausted. She was still healing, after all. Ensuring that the swelling on her head had gone down some more and that her wound was actually closing up. It would eventually, she hoped, but it was nice just to sleep for a little while.
Sage woke when he felt Silas tugging on the hem of his shirt, whispering "daaadd wake uppp," in his ear. He groaned slightly and rolled over with a deep breath and sigh, running his hand along his eyes before mumbling "what's up buddy," to the little boy, to which Silas responded he wanted breakfast. Sage nodded and sighed, rolling out of bed with a yawn and ambling down to the kitchen hand in hand with Silas. "What sounds good today," he hummed once the boy was settled, reaching down to pat Amber as she rubbed herself between his legs.
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Mari groaned softly when she felt Sage move from her side, but smiled quietly as the sound of her sons voice. She let her arms drift away from Sage as she started to wake up a bit more and let him out of bed. She was in bed a little while longer before eventually letting out a breath and forcing herself up... she had to wake up sooner or later. She grabbed Liz and woke her up gently before waddling into the kitchen to set her down with the warm and mouth watering scent of the waffles that were being made.
Sage settle the boy down, chuckling when the boy chirped "waffles, waffles!" Silas loved his waffles....he always wanted them. That was fine....they'd gotten some groceries the other day, so they had enough to make some for him. He made a few for Mari too, since she'd be hungry. He himself wasn't super hungry, but they did smell good, so he made a few for himself as well. As in, one. A smallish one. But that was fine....he didn't want too much. He greeted Mari happily when she came down, pecking her and then Lizzie good morning as he handed Mari her food, Silas already wolfing his down. He slid into his seat soon enough, his own food in hand.
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The girl smiled softly when she heard her sons voice chiming, then gave another one when her husband pecked her cheek and gave her a plate. She pecked his nose happily, soon enough giving him a small smile and plopping down on the table, slowly attempting to give Liz something to eat... still had nothing that she was used to, but she was getting used to the solid foods, she thought. A lot of her teeth were in. Ow anyway, so she could eat pretty much whatever they put infront of her as long as it was soft enough for her.
Sage grinned over at Mari when she pecked his nose, plopping down on the chair next to her and munching on his own breakfast as he watched Lizzie try to eat her pancake. It was amusing, to be completely honest. Soon enough though, it was time to clean up, so he scooped the dishes up and wandered over to the sink to wash them up and put them away. (Short, I'm being called xD)
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(Don't worry!) The girl sat patiently for a little while before eventually getting to eat her own food, and going to put Liz back to bed, and left the door to the yard open so that Silas could go and have a run around the yard as requested. She then went to help wash up before looking over to Sage curiously. "Were you going to need a hand with anything today?" She asked him softly after a moment or two. "I don't mind helping out a little, even if it's just setting everything up on the porch and getting some people to see some of your art," she asked him gently.
Sage glanced over his shoulder at the woman when he heard her voice, and shrugged. "If you want to dry the dishes off I don't care," he mused. He knew she liked to work....he just didn't want her to overwork. She knew her limits though, and he trusted her to let him know if she needed to stop or sit down for a bit. He hummed in thought when she mentioned the art though and let out a grunt of agreement. "You should do the marketing," he admitted. "I'd scare away all the customers," he chuckled lightly. They'd see his face and take off running... especially people with higher rankings. But also, he just had a tendency to look like he wanted to murder them, which wasn't entirely inaccurate at times, but still. Edited at October 19, 2023 06:49 PM by NightClan
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Mari gave a light nod and started to help him out quietly. She gave an amused laugh at his comment before shaking her head. "I am a bit more inviting, I suppose," she mused softly to the boy after a little while. It was a bit amusing... she didn't think he was scary in the slightest, but he also didn't look at her as if he was going to maul her in any second. "Yeahh, you can be pretty scary from time to him," she murmured gently to him with a bit of a chuckle.