
you pull down a classic texas road pine trees every were before you saw a brick drive turning you gasped before looking out the window at the foal that darted across the field full speed with a chuckle you read the sign "black heart ranch" it was painted perfectly with a horse jumping through the B one cuting a cow by the word ranch and one doing a sliding stop though the H you kept going down the drive till you saw a big red barn by the looks of it could fit about 25 horses you parked in the dirt by the barn and walked in seeing a sign that told you what stall to put your horse(s) in you walked down the ile looking at the stall they were oak wood with sliding doors and black metal bars with a window that could open and close so the horse could look out in the ile way you put up your horses before going to sign in =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hello welcome so this is a rp based of of my real life ranch i thought it would be fun so here we go ! rules ALL HEE RULES APPLY cursing is allowed but dont got overbord you cannot controll others people and or horses DO NOT be rude disrespectful or impatient NO CHAT SPEAK if you have read all rules put Cabee in other -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Roles are Ranch hand. * fixing fence stacking hay helping anyone who needs help moving cows and blowing out the barn every night*( faith medow ! max 5) stall cleaner *cleaning stalls* (no max) lesson student * being a pain in the ass for the instructors* ( faith medow no max) riding instructor * teaching students how to ride and tacking lesson horses for little kids*( one slot taken for godly strength max 3) horse trainer.* in charge of starting horses the owner cant at the moment and or finishing horses the owner starts *(max 3) ranch owner *trains horses rides leson horses when students cant come keeps every one in check in charge of moving horses around and assigning ranch hands their jobs*( me ) border * faith medow cleans rides turns out and feeds their horses* name: nicknames: age: gender: hight: appearance: personalty : backstory: role: other: horse sheet show name: barn name: age: hight: appearance: personalty: backstory: feed/extra care: tack: other: Edited at April 28, 2024 07:06 PM by ~solar stables~

name: BrieAnn black nicknames: bree age: 24 gender: female hight: 6,4 😭 appearance: brieann has hasle eyes that change color with her mood normaly a dark brown or green she has ash brown hair that falls at her sholders with a well built body normaly wearing a tight fitting tee shirt with jeans and boots along with a 3 dagree burn in the shape of a triangle in her left forarm personalty : brieann is quiet and keeps to herself never really talks mutch she is normaly found with horses or her bottle calf easy e backstory: she grew up in oklahoma with her 3 little brothers and 2 older half brothers plus a abuseive father her mother broke up with her father when she was 7 and her half brothers were at there moms house when she was 9 her mum met her stepdad who brieann liked the first time she met him and she doesnt normaly like people when she first meets them when she was ten her youngest brother cole was born at 14 they moved to texas and they built up black heart ranch role: owner other: Cabee horse sheet show name: BH hitched in vegas barn name: vegas gender: mare age: 4 breed: quarter horse hight: 17,2 personalty:vegas is the sweetest mare you will ever meet she loves to stick her head through the stall window and greet every one in the morning or if its closed she will stick her nose through the bars but when this mare switches to work mode she will run all doy long you can go day work her gather catle theres no end to her she will follow the stall cleaners around when the clean the fields wanting pats backstory: born in black heart ranch out of a smooth as a cat mare and a once in a blu boon stallion she was going to be a sell progect but brieann got atached and she stayed feed/extra care: tripple crown gold + balencer + salt and grass hay tack: a dark brown working cow horse saddle with a blue saddle pad and a dark brown bridle with a cutting horse on the buckle to ajust it other: Cabee Edited at May 21, 2024 09:17 AM by ghost light stables

Can I reserve a stable hand and rider
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Faith Meadow said: Can I reserve a stable hand and rider

here is one name: Kylian Michael Jackson nicknames: K or Mike age: 24 gender: Male height:6.1 Appearance: https://i.postimg.cc/8CbBhsCt/jason-aaron-baca-free8955cowboy-by-jasonaaronbaca-d9h1sa3-375w-2x.jpg By Jasonaaronbaca@Da personalty : he is a tough guy to know even when it comes to the past or talking to girl he use to have a girlfriend but dumped him for his best friend that he lost over her. He injoy being with cows and horse and working for the owner of the ranch but he wished someone cared about him Backstory: use to work on his dad ranch and herd cows around for pasture to pasture. He hated his mom but didn’t mind his father as he was also a bull rider sometime but now just someone who watched the rodeos he doesn’t usually date but if he likes someone he will role: Stable hand other:Cadee - horse sheet show name: Val is Mucha barn name: Val age: 3 hight: 17.5hh Appearance: https://i.postimg.cc/25N2QP78/blaze-001-by-notoriousstock-d7yrc0b-fullview.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/nzH25BWy/blaze-045-by-notoriousstock-d7yrcl7-fullview.jpg By notoriousstock @Da Personalty: she has a strong personality she doesn’t let anyone ride her only him but if she likes a someone she would show it by stay near her but running off to find him but usually she stay away from everyone even horses she is a smooth ride and doesn’t buck or bite Backstory: she was born at his father farm and his father came her as a birthday gift but they had to sale her before he found her again at a horse market but she came to them again scared and skinny he been working with her for a while now feed/extra care: she needs a high diet with hay and a salt type feed she sometimes needs a dry lot tack: she had a black saddle and red saddle pad with a black bridle and black boots other:Cadee
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here is the other one name: Asa Coldwater nicknames: Asa age: 18 gender: Female hight: 5.7 Appearance: https://i.postimg.cc/fLnyTvsP/sunday-mornings-by-emilysoto-d8maoo7-375w-2x.jpg By emily soto on pinterest personalty : she has a stubborn and doesn’t really like people but her mom told her she had to go to horse lesson so she did and she ends up liking it but then again she wants to be left alone when it comes to he past life Backstory: she has a trouble past she didn’t know her father and she lived with her mom until she turned 18 she left and got a apartament one her own but kept in contact with her mom and that how she got force to go role: rider other:Cabee - horse sheet show name: Kill if you can barn name: Killa age: 5 hight: 18 Appearance: https://i.postimg.cc/YSjYmRJq/free-use-stock-4-by-scenemyemo-d4ihgam-414w-2x.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/jj9N6Nb6/free-use-stock-by-scenemyemo-d4hw0nw-375w-2x.jpg By SceneMyEmo @Da Personalty: she is a stubborn mare doesn’t like doing what asa tells you she likes being in the pasture and eating grass she is very lazy but she doesn’t like male she would bite them or buck at them if they came close to her Backstory: she has her own past the asa doesn’t know about she was bought and raised when she was 3 with her so she been beat by a wrip feed/extra care: Nothing really just grain and hay tack: is a brown Saddle with a greenish blue Saddle pad and a brown bridle other:Cabee Edited at April 28, 2024 05:50 AM by Faith Meadow
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hi can i reserve a riding instructor?

Godly Strength said: hi can i reserve a riding instructor?
on it!