
. * REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS THREAD SO YOU RECEIVE ALERTS! * jdandrews/chris_zarriello/unsplash, puppetstringz/da . . . . . In the wilderness of Montana, lies one of many wild mustang herds. This herd, also known as the "Shooting Star Herd", named after one of Montana's flowers, has been here for years and has their own set of unique traditions and superstitous beliefs. . This herd believes that once a horse passes, they live in the stars where they watch over their herd and loved ones, sometimes sending signals to the physical world to warn about the future or to say hello. And when it rains, sending sounds of thunder, those are the deceased members of the Shooting Star herd galloping together. This causes the members to see thundering as a sacred time where celebrations/ceremonies are held under. Both mares and stallions traditionally wear feathers and flowers tangled in their manes/tails, however many stallions choose just to keep feathers in their manes. Edited at May 1, 2023 05:10 PM by Unicorn Acres

= PLOT = The Shooting Star Herd has lived in the same peaceful area as always for years upon years, however, a nearby herd has other plans. This herd is known as the "Yarrow Herd", and is relatively new in it's origins. The Yarrow Herd wants to completely wipe out every other herd in the west Montana region, starting with Shooting Star and eventually the other nearby herds. They plan on doing this by invasion, or forcefully making horses give up their past life and starting a new life in the Yarrow Herd. . This new motivation for conquest is fueled by a drought that's slowly spreading across Montana, leaving little to no water and food. The drought has already ecompassed the Yarrow's land, so now the herd is on the move to take land that hasn't been affected. Although the drought will slowly affect all of the grasslands, Shooting Star's is still lush, filled with water and food, which made them the next target. This soon will cause Shooting Star to either fight back, or quickly create an escape plan that will result in a very long walk in hopes to find a new home. * to get a good view on what these lands look like, search "Glacier National Park". This isn't taken place there, this is more taken place in an imaginary area in Montana but looks extremely similar to the national park mentioned above. . Edited at April 26, 2023 07:46 PM by Unicorn Acres

= TRADITIONS = Tradition is something the Shooting Star herd takes very seriously, completely ignoring traditions (ex. not showing up) may result in exile if there is not a valid reason. Many traditions are a nod to the herd's past and legacy. . Welcoming Ceremony Once a new member joins the herd, a welcoming ceremony will be held for them. The male herd leader will introduce the member and allow the new member to make an introduction. The herd leader will explain the rules, ranks, etc. Members are expected to be respectful and welcoming, giving small presents to the newest herd member such as flowers. Every horse in the Shooting Star herd is required to attend when one of these are held. . Challenging Recital Challenging recitals are held when a horse challenges another for their higher rank. Competing for a lower rank is not allowed. Whichever member loses will be exiled from the herd, and whoever wins, shall be promoted to the higher rank they competed for. You can not challenge the leaders, you will most likely be exiled if one does as it's seen as extreme disrespect. When a leader dies, their role is passed onto the next heir. Attending these recitals are not required, but members are highly encouraged to do so. . Death Ceremony Death is extremely sad, but also inevitable. When a herd member dies, a funeral-like event will be held where herd members will gather together for a moment of silence. Everyone in the herd is required to go, with the exception of the passed horse's family, and is seen as extremely disrespectful if one doesn't. . Promotion Ceremony When a horse is promoted to a higher rank, a ceremony is held where herd members will congratulate the now promoted member. The female and male leader will give a speech, declaring what is now expected from them. Members are expected to also bring small gifts. Members are not required to attend these. . Birth Ceremony When a foal is born, it is extremely exciting for the herd. There will be a ceremony held a couple hours after the foals birth where the medicine-horse will bless the foal/s with a white feather. A white feather signifies purity, protection, and determination- promising a secure future for the foal. Members are required to attend these. . Horses names must be and are traditionally nature themed. (EX. LeafHeart, PineFern, ETC.) Edited at April 26, 2023 08:18 PM by Unicorn Acres

= RP RULES = * Follow HEE rules. * Everyone MUST be a mustang. No crosses. * Lead stallion and mare must have a foal at some point. * Don't single people out! If you do this, you'll be booted from the roleplay. This means if another persons tries roleplaying with you, you interact back. No 1x1s. * Minimum of 200 words each reply. Please no one liners whatsoever. * When talking out of roleplay, use "//" . * Don't go crazy cussing. * When roleplaying, please use decent grammar. * In "other" put "rainbow". * You may use photos for appereances but you also MUST properly credit. Don't get our thread locked! * This is a semi-realistic roleplay, please don't make your OC too unrealistic! Powers are prohibited. * Make your posts organized!
* You may have multiple characters. * Keep things PG-13. Skip past mating scenes please and avoid extreme violence. * Follow the herds traditions. * The leaders words are law. Edited at April 26, 2023 08:14 PM by Unicorn Acres

* keep in mind that these ranks aren't realistic.* = MASTERLIST/RANKS = Lead Mare: IrisCloud Lead Stallion: WildWest . Second in charge: StormFire, (1/2) . Mare Warriors: Nightshade, (1/4) Stallion Warriors: OPEN (0/4) . Babysitters: OPEN (0/2) . Foals: OPEN (0/3) Yearlings: OPEN (0/3) . Herd Mare: OPEN (0/6) Herd Stallion: OPEN (0/6) . Medicine Horse: LavenderLily Edited at May 5, 2023 08:57 PM by Unicorn Acres

= SIGN-UP = Name: Age: Gender: Rank: Desired Rank: . Appereance: Personality: . Kin: Crush: Mate: Offspring: . Other:

Unicorn Acres said: = PLOT = The Shooting Star Herd has lived in the same peaceful area as always for years upon years, however, a nearby herd has other plans. This herd is known as the "Yarrow Herd", and is relatively new in it's origins. The Yarrow Herd wants to completely whipe out every other herd in the west Montana region, starting with Shooting Star and eventually the other nearby herds. They plan on doing this by invasion, or forcefully making horses give up their past life and starting a new life in the Yarrow Herd. . This new motivation for conquest is fueled by a drought that's slowly spreading across Montana, leaving little to no water and food. The drought has already ecompassed the Yarrow's land, so now the herd is on the move to take land that hasn't been affected. Although the drought will slowly affect all of the grasslands, Shooting Star's is still lush, filled with water and food, which made them the next target. This soon will cause Shooting Star to either fight back, or quickly create an escape plan that will result in a very long walk in hopes to find a new home.
I know sign-ups arent ready yet but i am SO excited for this! such a great plot <3

aww THANK YOU!! im so bad at keeping up with PM roleplays (usually accidentally over-look them or my replies just dont send XD) so i decided to just create a forum RP of my own, considering that'd be easier to keep up with LOL Savannah Stables said: I know sign-ups arent ready yet but i am SO excited for this! such a great plot <3
Edited at April 26, 2023 06:53 PM by Unicorn Acres

Name: Iris Cloud (goes by Iris)
Age: 5
Gender: Mare
Rank: Lead mare (or second in charge)
Desired Rank: Lead mare? (please lol)
Personality: Iris is one of those mares who are friendly towards almost all of her herd mates but very hot-headed (with a temper) she tends to be more skittish around the stallions but always tries her best, She's naturally motherly so foals have her heart lol
Kin: N/A (Open)
Crush: N/A
Mate: Open.. sorta?
Offspring: N/A Edited at April 28, 2023 06:57 AM by Savannah Stables

Accepted!! <33 Savannah Stables said: Name: Xena
Age: 5
Gender: Mare
Rank: Lead mare (or second in charge)
Desired Rank: Lead mare? (please lol)
Personality: Xena is one of those mares who friendly towards almost all of her herd mates but very hot-headed (with a temper) she tends to be more skittish around the stallions but always tries her best, She's naturally motherly so foals have her heart lol
Kin: N/A (Open)
Crush: N/A
Mate: Open
Offspring: N/A