
Aspen Fire ES said: Name Luna
Nickname N/A Gender Mare
Age 6
Role Herd Mare Personality Luna is a quiet mare but she tends to find herself in social conversations with the other herd mares. Even though she's friendly, she isn't afraid to speak her mind even though she chooses her words carefully, depending on the situation that she's in. The mare can be quite kind to anyone that she meets but when push comes to shove, she'll let you know when enough is enough. Luna can get quite skittish at times even though this trait of hers has gotten her out of some dangerous situations like predators for example.
Looks Luna is a Bay Tobiano Oldenburg x Mustang cross with a small-ish star on her face, she would have bright green eyes. The mare would have a build of a oldenburg from her sire's side but the confirmation of a mustang from her dam's side. There would be a few patches of bay on her whole face/mid top part of her neck/ears, both of her sides, front of her neck + her chest, and almost fully both sides of her hindquarters while she'll be mostly white overall on her neck, body, and all four of her legs since her hooves are a light color. Her mane and tail would both be black but her hair would be quite long since she's been out in the wild for so long. She stands proudly at 16.2hhs while weighing around at 1,700 pounds.
Backstory Luna was born on the range a few months ago when her dam escaped from a breeding facility that was caught in a blaze. She had been raised by her dam since foal hood but she never really got to meet her sire since he didn't make it when the barn, that her mother escaped from, was on fire. When she reached yearling hood, her mother was killed by a mountain lion the moment when she was told to run, she was also taught to never look back as it would only slow her down in the end.
Crush Open Mate Doesn't have one Offspring She never had a Foal in her entire life.
Dislikes Humans, Getting into unnecessary fights, Pushy stallions, and Not treated as an equal as if she's some kind of prize.
Likes Stallions, Adventuring, Spending time with either herself or with other mares, and Tries to make friends.
Accepted! Great details by the way.
Name: Azealia Nickname: Silver Star, Secretariat's Little Sister, Shining Star, etc etc. Gender: Female (mare) Age: 3-4 (currently turning 4) Role: Herd Mare Personality: Sweet, Gentle and Caring, though she is bruding, mean and snarky sometimes. Looks: A buckskin but is hidden with unique white tobiano markings on her body. The silver from the hair comes down and plays with the tobiano as well, normal tobiano hair, the tail is more yin yang in unison. But it is blended beautifully and gorgeously, making Azealia a prize. Her leg markings reach up to her shoulders and her hind quarters, close to the croup but a little near the underside of the tail. Azealia's eyes are sapphire and emerald green gems, she also has a bald face revealing a *reversed* badger mask. Backstory: A running mare that is much faster then any other horse in the world of humans and the wild, she is much faster then an average horse, she also has a draft build but is still much faster because of her thoroughbred energy and genetics make her a Thorough-Dale (Thoroughbred X Clydesdale). Azealia is seen as a great breeder both for racing and for the wild, though she broke free before mating with a stallion, and has ever since been seen as an Iconic Idol and fantastic horse with a personality with that of a kind women. She is also left alone if ever captured, because she represents so many symbols and is also respected, everyone knows who Azealia is. Fun fact: She is also called Secretariat's Little Sister! Crush: N/A Mate: N/A Offspring:(Do not put these unless you're a mare!) none, never. Dislikes: Mean horses, prizing herds, prizing stallions, looking-for-mate stallions, stallions in general but will start to get used to their rules, other mares (doubtful of kind ones), same for foals (unless they insist on staying with her). Likes: Being alone, searching, running to her best speed (which is much faster then who broke Secretariat's record and the horse after!) Edited at November 28, 2022 08:36 PM by RoseTheInkDemonWolf

RoseTheInkDemonWolf said: Name: Azealia Nickname: Silver Star, Secretariat's Little Sister, Shining Star, etc etc. Gender: Female (mare) Age: 3-4 (currently turning 4) Role: Herd Mare Personality: Sweet, Gentle and Caring, though she is bruding, mean and snarky sometimes. Looks: A buckskin but is hidden with unique white tobiano markings on her body. The silver from the hair comes down and plays with the tobiano as well, normal tobiano hair, the tail is more yin yang in unison. But it is blended beautifully and gorgeously, making Azealia a prize. Her leg markings reach up to her shoulders and her hind quarters, close to the croup but a little near the underside of the tail. Azealia's eyes are sapphire and emerald green gems, she also has a bald face revealing a *reversed* badger mask. Backstory: A running mare that is much faster then any other horse in the world of humans and the wild, she is much faster then an average horse, she also has a draft build but is still much faster because of her thoroughbred energy and genetics make her a Thorough-Dale (Thoroughbred X Clydesdale). Azealia is seen as a great breeder both for racing and for the wild, though she broke free before mating with a stallion, and has ever since been seen as an Iconic Idol and fantastic horse with a personality with that of a kind women. She is also left alone if ever captured, because she represents so many symbols and is also respected, everyone knows who Azealia is. Fun fact: She is also called Secretariat's Little Sister! Crush: N/A Mate: N/A Offspring:(Do not put these unless you're a mare!) none, never. Dislikes: Mean horses, prizing herds, prizing stallions, looking-for-mate stallions, stallions in general but will start to get used to their rules, other mares (doubtful of kind ones), same for foals (unless they insist on staying with her). Likes: Being alone, searching, running to her best speed (which is much faster then who broke Secretariat's record and the horse after!)
Pretty Name, Accepted!
Name: grimreaper Nickname: reaper Gender: mare Age: 2 1/2 personality: reaper is a strong,independent,firm, short temper, mare who doesn't have friends bc they all think she is scary. She doesn't bond very easy and has a dislike for stallions and makes it clear. All the foals are scared of her as well. Looks: she is a black mare with a white bone shaped marking on her forehead as well as a Scythe on her rear end. Backstory: she was born to flight line and ruffian(say she isn't dead) in captivity but she was able to escape. She never liked to be kept ina. Stall or be kept in with fences. She was also to dangerous to be kept with the others or be ridden. Crush: open Mate: open Offspring: open Likes: she only likes very young foals and will steal other mares foals so she can have one. She will defend the herd with a strength that can only be described as a mother bear. Dislikes: she hates stallions,humans,being close to a bunch of others and being pestered.

Greengrassranch456 said: Name: grimreaper Nickname: reaper Gender: mare Age: 2 1/2 personality: reaper is a strong,independent,firm, short temper, mare who doesn't have friends bc they all think she is scary. She doesn't bond very easy and has a dislike for stallions and makes it clear. All the foals are scared of her as well. Looks: she is a black mare with a white bone shaped marking on her forehead as well as a Scythe on her rear end. Backstory: she was born to flight line and ruffian(say she isn't dead) in captivity but she was able to escape. She never liked to be kept ina. Stall or be kept in with fences. She was also to dangerous to be kept with the others or be ridden. Crush: open Mate: open Offspring: open Likes: she only likes very young foals and will steal other mares foals so she can have one. She will defend the herd with a strength that can only be described as a mother bear. Dislikes: she hates stallions,humans,being close to a bunch of others and being pestered.
Where is the real rp? May I have a link?)))
She/him hasn't started it yet,

Name: Slate Nickname: None Gender: Stallion Age: 5 years and 2 months Role: Herd Stallion Personality: Slate is known for his flirty and confident attitude toward the herd mares, Yet he respects boundaries and isn't very pushy. Slate has trouble noticing others' feelings so he relies on body language to understand what they are feeling- He enjoys bragging about totally "real" stories about himself and his past, and Most of them are true but he is quite the attention seeker and can result to manipulating to get his way, although he can become quite cold and ignorant.
Looks: Slate is a dark blue roan with a very faint brindle along with pure black chimera on his left front leg that trails up to his neck, He also has a bit on his back right leg that goes along his stomach. Under his chaos of colors, you can see dapples almost like a palomino, His eyes are dark blue.
Backstory: As a foal, his parents were very special to him and he was like a totally different colt, But when the barn caught fire the only horse that made it out was him. He ran as far as he could as Slate couldn't bare the grief that the farm would bring him if he returned Thats when he met Calypso in the Rocky Herd, She helped him get past grief and he supported her in her attempt to prove to her father, so he came with her. Crush: Open/ N/A Mate: Open/ N/A Dislikes: Others bragging, Others not catching the mood, Negativity Likes: Successfully Flirting, Positivity, Bragging Edited at February 5, 2023 09:38 PM by Savannah Stables

Name: Oh, Grey Warden Nickname: Warden Gender: Stallion Age: 10 Role: Herd Stallion Personality: Warden is kind and gentle to anyone he interacts with but prefers to keep to himself most of the time. He will, however, never turn down the company of another herd member, and he will sit and talk as quietly as he acts. Looks: With a bulky body, Warden stands at 16.2hh, a powerhouse of a boy that does not match his personality in the slightest. He is a blue roan with black stockings on all four legs and a white blaze. His body bares the scars of a lone stallion on his own for years. Backstory: Warden's story isn't as tragic as most were. He lived a relatively normal and happy life until his third birthday in which the lead stallion, his father, decided it was best that they parted ways. Warden, knowing that this was the way of life, began wandering as a lone stallion, and for years, he was content with this, albeit a little lonely. Now as a ten year old, he has decided it would be best to find some company, maybe settle in and just...enjoy life. Crush: N/A Mate: N/A but open Dislikes: Humans, wolves, big cats, losing those close to him, fighting. Likes: Solitude, talking with other horses, apples, traveling, the scent of rain.
Please bare with me if i have made any mistakes it’s my first time doing an RP like this. >>>>>>> Name: Raven Nickname: N/A Gender: Stallion Age: 3 Role: (??? - Ambitious Stallion) Personality: Young and headstrong Raven thinks he has what it takes to be in charge. However, his inexperience may be his downfall. He has spent most of his time so far in small bachelor groups or on his own. Dealing with mares will be a whole new ball game. Looks: Jet black from nose to tail, He lives up to his name. He has the defined musculature of a fit youth at his peak. His bright eyes are black and deep brown. He has the fine build of his breed and stands 16.2 Hands high. Backstory: From Stormcrow out of Black Thunder, Raven was a chip off the old block, inheriting the jet-black colouring of his parents. A spirited youngster he was always getting into trouble and that was a trend that continued throughout his young life. Encounters with wildlife (a skunk is one such that made an impression) and getting into trouble with the mares were all rights of passage for this young Colt. Eventually, he was turned out with a collection of other colts (when the mares had had enough of their antics) where they ran freely. He made fast friends and was soon a leader among them, getting into mischief until training began, However during their time together a broken fence provided an opportunity and Raven and several others broke free. He tried to keep them together but he was inexperienced and unused to fending for himself in the wild. Let alone protecting others, One of his friends was taken by a cougar, and he lost the others in the panic that followed. He has been wandering the wilds now for some time. Crush: (Open) Mate: (Open) Offspring: N/A Dislikes: Skunks, Bossy mares, Likes: Bossy Mares, Mischief and Shenanigans, Food. >>>>>