Mountain Lion Name: Lucus Mik Gender: male Age: 15 Appearances: He is average height (about 5'6-5'8). He is kinda skinny, and he has a lanky cowboy build to him. He has atomic blonde hair that he keeps cut short. He has icy blue eyes that seem to change from different shades of blues from time to time. He usually seen wearing a leather jacket, t-shirt and jeans or a normal white tee and shorts with tennis shoes. His skin is tanned, and he has a big scar that starts at his shoulder, goes around his chest and wraps around and goes down his back. He tries to hide his scar from others since he doesn't like to talk about it or anything else personel. He usually wears his favorite pair of sun glasses. Personality: He is naturally cold and distant from others, and tends to stick to the back of the crowd/room. Though he tends to be more friendly to those he gets to know better. He's nice in his own way. For example usually when he is picking on sombody he means it in a light harted way, and means the opposite. He is normally calm and collective, and he tries not to get mad and lash out at others. He doesn't like talking about himself, or about his scar and how he got it. Animal appearance: He looks like a normal mountain lion, besides being about a foot taller, his unuasual blue eyes, and the scar. He also has a single black zig zag under his eye. Sexuality: Straight Father: Conner Mic Mother: Left after attacking him/after she foud out and saw him as a mountain lion. Siblings: None that he knows of Mate: None Children:None Fighting experience: He is knows enough to defend hisself if he needed to, and he's pretty good at boxing and he does it as kinda of an hobby. Other: He has a pet racoon named Rascal, and the name explains enough. He was raised in a cabin in the woods, and went into a small town school where he was messed with because he never interracted with the others in fear of shifting. Edited at September 3, 2022 03:36 PM by dark moon ranch


Werewolf Name: Nathan Hart Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearances: Standing at 6'3, he can be seen as lanky and quite skinny for his age. Dark brown hair styled curtains looks like a mess half the time. Though, it’s not long enough to cover his eyes just yet. He has a matching stubble-ish on his chin, giving him the look of a stressed student (which, admittedly, he is). Nathan has small bags under his eyes, not that dark but still shows the sleep he lost out on, a handful of freckles painting his face more so the area around his nose and eyes. Pale skin make his forest coloured optics stand out more. Nathan’s left ear has “two” silver piercings starting at the top with a small ring and a stud like one on his lobe, a matching silver chain connecting the two. For his attire, his is most seen in a clean yellow hoodie with either a black or white shirt under and ripped black jeans. His shoes range to old converse high tops to new, pure white Nike Air Force 1s. Personality: Nathan is that type of guy that you see sitting on his own or lazing about in the halls. He limits himself to four friends as, in his words, “he doesn’t belong in social groups,” but those four or less friends will always come first (atleast before himself). He is socially awkward, rather opting to be by himself for a few hours a day. Though, if you manage to strike a conversation with Nate without him walking away, he has a cold attitude and comes off as snarky, but he’s friendly towards people that actually want to get to know him. He is overprotective of his friends or just people that don't deserve to get bullied and things like that Don’t be confused when Nate snaps at a person because he holds grudges for a long time, often getting aggressive to said human if they push too far. He can stand his ground pretty well for a closed off 17 year old (he can throw a mean punch too, don’t tell anyone). He doesn't like to start fights, but if one were to happen, he wouldn't back down. Animal appearance: The wolf's base pelt is jet black but light brown flecks are scattered around. He also has white paws, tail tip and ear tips with the same forest coloured eyes Sexuality: Bisexual Father: Dean Hart Mother: Monica Hart Siblings: Julien Hart (2 years younger) Mate: None Children: None Fighting experience: has basic self defence but can definitely stand his ground if he were to be caught in a fight. Other: when will this start? edit: i edited out his stutter, it didn't seem right for him Edited at September 3, 2022 04:46 PM by ThunderStrikes

Accepted it soon start soon I'll get the post up soon
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Human Name: Rigby Griffith Nickname: Iggy Gender: Male (cisgender) Age: 17 Appearance: Tall and willowy, there is an essence of pride about Iggy when it comes to his appearance. Among his clean-shaven face lays a beauty mark besides soft lips, a scar caused by a fight years ago rests upon his sharp jawline, yet he prefers to ignore the flaw. A pair of circular glasses are held up by a sharp nose, but behind the lenses is a pair of devious silver orbs. Above his eyes rests angular eyebrows hidden by a choppy fringe of shaggy ginger hair. When it comes to the young man's clothing he prefers to wear neutral or earth toned outfits in varying styles. He is currently adorned with a beige colored turtleneck and an old, green winter coat with a fur hood; his trousers are a pair of cargo slacks with well worn black converse. It is important to note that Rigby often wears makeup whether it be eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lipstick is dependent upon his mood and/or occasion. Personality: Iggy is charismatic and easygoing feeling most comfortable amidst a crowd of friends. He tends to drift towards those who are more quiet or introverted in hopes of making conversation. Although well known, he wouldn't consider himself popular as he tends to pick fights in which he loses in; but he'll forgive and forget (even if he instigated the fight). To say that he is cowardly and faint of heart would be true! Rigby finds himself terrified of most things no matter how ridiculous, so don't expect him to protect you from a threat. Despite being cowardly, he is rather devious and sly, after all having so many friends comes with such juicy gossip and secrets... Sexuality: Bisexual Father: Frank Griffith Mother: Rebecca Griffith Siblings: Pat Griffith (identical twins) Wife or husband: None (open to romance; discuss beforehand) Children: None Pets: None Fighting experience: Rigby has a laughable track of getting beaten in physical fights. Charisma is more of his strong suit so be aware. Other: I'm willing to add another character if needed just let me know. Edited at August 29, 2022 10:01 AM by Wild West Winds

Accepted thanks for join I'll get the post up at 12 I am currently working
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Well hello, so glad that this rp is getting some attention. Can't wait to start it whenever we do, this one has been sticking in the back of my mind for a while now.
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Sorry I got it wip progress right now
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