Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Crisp, Clear, and Cool
Tue 06:26pm  
Stables Online:  93 
06:25:43 Crowley
-HEE Click-
06:24:45 Asfa
ISO wild or G2 RID stallions or geldings with E ratings. Paying 1500 per E, no brands please.
Sunset River Arabian
06:24:31 AA Broods and Studs
5k off for the next 3 orders above 20k!
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
06:09:56 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Irish Cob Painting at auction! Please consider bidding. 🫶🏻

-HEE Click-
EEE+ broods starting at 3k! Some are W producers. Take a chance!
Ice river stables
Irish sport horse auction bids start at 1000 -HEE Click-
Fireball Stables
06:03:08 Fire
ISO a 3 month upgrade. Have an EWE mare, WEE mare I can trade or I'm also happy to trade a EWW filly
Dash and Duchess
06:01:39 T1 Artist, W+ seller
Looking at selling this girl :)
-HEE Click-
I was quite reluctant at first, but I don't actively breed SH so here we are,
She's a 2yr old WWW girl with Silver and Creme!

She is out of AALB girl Oeia and Top ABLB retired Atlas, with many more top LB horses in her pedigree

So far she is 5/6 wk 4 is up wk7 and AU wk 8

Feel free to PM me with offers :)
05:42:48 Blu;KNN;T2Artist
-HEE Click-
RO babies:
-HEE Click-
FR folder: (Pm if you find any that are not for sale)
-HEE Click-
Pre-Made art for sale!
CCC Rumble art T2
-HEE Click-
Ice river stables
anyone selling art
Legacy Leagues
05:36:07 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
06:25:43 Crowley
-HEE Click-
06:24:45 Asfa
ISO wild or G2 RID stallions or geldings with E ratings. Paying 1500 per E, no brands please.
Sunset River Arabian
06:24:31 AA Broods and Studs
5k off for the next 3 orders above 20k!
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
06:09:56 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Irish Cob Painting at auction! Please consider bidding. 🫶🏻

-HEE Click-
EEE+ broods starting at 3k! Some are W producers. Take a chance!
Ice river stables
Irish sport horse auction bids start at 1000 -HEE Click-
Fireball Stables
06:03:08 Fire
ISO a 3 month upgrade. Have an EWE mare, WEE mare I can trade or I'm also happy to trade a EWW filly
Dash and Duchess
06:01:39 T1 Artist, W+ seller
Looking at selling this girl :)
-HEE Click-
I was quite reluctant at first, but I don't actively breed SH so here we are,
She's a 2yr old WWW girl with Silver and Creme!

She is out of AALB girl Oeia and Top ABLB retired Atlas, with many more top LB horses in her pedigree

So far she is 5/6 wk 4 is up wk7 and AU wk 8

Feel free to PM me with offers :)
05:42:48 Blu;KNN;T2Artist
-HEE Click-
RO babies:
-HEE Click-
FR folder: (Pm if you find any that are not for sale)
-HEE Click-
Pre-Made art for sale!
CCC Rumble art T2
-HEE Click-
Ice river stables
anyone selling art
Legacy Leagues
05:36:07 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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Staghaven Manor | Semi-Lit | Open February 3, 2022 12:04 PM

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Aww thankyou, i'll start on correcting any info on my sheet :)
Staghaven Manor | Semi-Lit | Open February 3, 2022 12:29 PM

Former Stable
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Full Name:Aster Kalfling
Nickname: n/a
Gender:male ( ftm )
Appearance:Aster is quite tall,standing at 6"2 and quite slender.He isnt skinny though,more muscular than the average person.His hair reaches to his shoulders when let down, but is usually kept in a half up half down style, with his fringe and baby blue dyed side tails staying down , the artificial color matches his mossy coloured eyes and semi-cold skin tone.Like the rest of his family, he has a 'perfect face'(or at least she used to) with the only natural marks being a carpet of freckles placed in such a way that they look fake.The proper fault is a very noticable hoof shaped scar over her eye,cheek,nose and the front of her other eyebrow.This scar resulted in partial blindness in her right eye and discoloration.Though some may think of it as ugly,it is unique and makes him different and he likes it.At least it makes him look badass.
Personality: Aster is definitely a classic trouble maker,and she will drag you into his games.Despite this he will be your ride or die, Aster wears his heart on his sleeve and is loyal to a fault.If you get in trouble he makes sure the blame is on him.Aster isnt much of a social person and likes to keep to himself,on the rare occasion he makes a new friend,they're usually long term.He is an extremely dramatic character,making anything extreme,also comedically sarcastic and quick with comebacks and insults.
Dislikes:deep water
Mother:Cassandra Maria Kalfling g
Father:Eddie Kalfling (sorry not sorry)
Siblings:Edward kalfling,James kalfling ,Nova Kalfling
Student or instructor:Student
Primary Discapline:Eventing
Backstory:Aster was actually born in the centre of Berlin,Germany.The majority of his family were born in Germany. He moved all over the world for most of his life staying for little over a few months in most places he stayed.He became fluent in a few languages ; German (obviously),English,Greek,Japanese and French.He stayed the longest in these countries, about 2 years each,due to him being quick learner, he quickly adapted to life in those countries and learned their languages for obvious reasons.The reason he travelled so much was her father's business, he traveled the world helping companies get back on their feet, then moving onto the next.A few times it took a lot lot longer to get them running again for various Reasons.
The last country was the USA where his family and him settled.He was 9 when he started riding and got him his first horse at 12,Cinnamon.That horse was pretty much the devils right hand, and the reason he had a huge scar.

Aster was riding one day, doing small jumps , when Cinnamon decided to buck him.This wasnt uncommon for a horse to do so Aster got up and chased after him.Clearly not in a spooked or agitated mood, Cinnamon kicked her in the face, crushing the brige of his nose so much that the rest of his hoof could reach and break his brow and cheek bone.Aster had to get multiple surgeries for nose reconstruction because of how.., well mangled and destroyed the bone was, but the scar of impact stayed in the same place .it took him a few months to get riding again but he made little hesitation to re-home cinnamon.He had caused he so much pain, and he never really clicked with him,not like with his next horse (which she loaned) Berry.Berry was an unusually nice mare, and helped Aster a lot.
Aster bought his second horse at 13;Dionysus.He was bought as a very young horse, just 2.He ended up being one of the best decisions of Asters life.He was such an amazing horse.She bought Eos and Aphrodite at 14, and Spartan for his 15th.Then he found Trig and everything changed,and the rest we already know. He left the rest of his horses back home, and brought only Trig to Staghaven

Trigger Happy


General info:
Sex: Stallion
Height: 17.2 HH
Weight: 652kg
Breed: Dutch Warmblood
Discipline: Show Jumping
Personality:Trig has a very fiery personality and is know for his wild tendencies ,however,he is an incredibly good jumper and works perfectly with his owner Aster.He is definitely the sort to get hyper around mates,and has started a few fights with other stallions.He is extremely playful when he has the chance but hard working and focused except we'd when he sees a crop/whip or plastic bag.
Genetic info:
Extention: EE
Agouti: aa
Creme: CC
Roan: Rnrn
Dun: dd
Pearl: PrlPrl
Silver: ZZ
Champagne: chch
Grey: gg
White: we
Tobiano: Toto
Splash White: splspl
Sabino: sbsb
Rabicano: rbrb
Frame: oo
Leopard Complex: lplp
PATN-1: patn-1patn-1
PATN-2: PATN-2patn-2
Brindle: X-
Sooty: No
Pangere: No
Chimera: No
Mane Frosting: No
Amber Eyes: No
Green Eyes: No
Tiger Eyes: No
Heterochromatic Eyes: Yes
3rd POV Description
Trig was born at a small stable in Germany and stayed with his mother for only a few months,his current owners could not afford to keep him.Of course being separated from his Mom at such a young age had negative impacts on his behaviour.
He had 6 homes (1st -birth place,2-nd-Germany,3rd-France,4th-Uk,5th USA-Utah,6th-USA-Louisiana)up until 1 year 9 months because all 4 other owners could simply not handle such wildly bad behaviour at such a young age.
Until a family(6th home) had bought him to keep only as a pasture horse with no intent to ride him,that is where he was stolen from.
A group of horse thieves entered the yard and took him and smuggled the colt into Mexico.
He spent the next few months being worked into the ground and whipped for the smallest things.
He seized the chance to escape when the paddock fence was being fixed, running into the large expanse of the deserted Mexican countryside.
Though this hasn't been verified, it is believed an animal control group captured him with some difficulty and released him into Colorado near a large horse herd.Over the next year the herd drifted into Utah ,then briefly into Idaho.
Idaho is where he found his forever home.A young boy would see the herd in the distance from his window.On the 6th day of seeing them he got in his car and drove to the area in which they stayed for a short while.
A particularly chromey youngster caught his eye;Triggy.He tried for weeks to get close to him but every time he turned away and bolted,thankfully Aster was a smart boy.
On the 3rd week of his daily visits he just sat from 6 am until 6pm,eventually a curious mare walked up to him and took a carrot that was offered.Trigger decided that if the mare trusted the human he would too,and so he crept slowly forward to investigate.The second he got within 10 meters of him, they both felt calmer and Aster fell in love with the stallion.
He returned every day for weeks, the pretty horse slowly getting more comfortable around him,he would be stroked by him, but only the face and shoulders.
Aster had found out the Bureao ofLandManagement were doin a round-up in his area for the stray herds that had wandered into Idaho .They were rounding up around 1,200 horses and he was positive that that beautiful chromey colt(well, stallion) would be one.
Aster already had a few horses but he had a gut feeling about this, no matter how much his brothers and friends would say he shouldn't have anymore horses,he knew he couldn't let anybody else take him.
When it came to the round up , BLM considered just leaving him because of the fight he put up,resulting in a few scrapes but no permanent marks.
Aster panicked on the day of the auction, he couldn't find him.It was nearly to the end of the Auction day when hd saw him.On his own in a small pen,he rushed over with enthusiasm and filled out an application to bid for him.$5,000 for practically wild horse was a big risk.
It took Aster a few weeks to get him used to his new home at his father's small ranch but Trig settled in.On the 6th week he decided to halter train him, which went amazingly well.Over the next couple of months he spent another few thousand dollars on getting him professionally trained to all gaits when ridden,not to mention the breaking fee.
Skip forward to the next year, he is winning local jumping comps.Skip to the age of 6, he is a championship winning athlete, getting high placment in most shows he enters.

Edited at February 3, 2022 12:33 PM by Ladybird Estate
Staghaven Manor | Semi-Lit | Open February 3, 2022 12:30 PM

Former Stable
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if anything needs changing, let me know :)
Staghaven Manor | Semi-Lit | Open February 3, 2022 12:32 PM

Former Stable
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Looks pretty good !
Staghaven Manor | Semi-Lit | Open February 3, 2022 12:32 PM

Former Stable
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i forgot the genetics >~<
Staghaven Manor | Semi-Lit | Open February 3, 2022 12:33 PM

Former Stable
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Welp anyway if You get accepted Ill Be You're trainer My name is Charles King Eventing Trainer !
Staghaven Manor | Semi-Lit | Open February 3, 2022 12:35 PM

Former Stable
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wooo exciting
Staghaven Manor | Semi-Lit | Open February 3, 2022 12:36 PM

Former Stable
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Yep I would say You're Getting In just depends on if the owner likes it !
Staghaven Manor | Semi-Lit | Open February 3, 2022 12:49 PM

Caaldir Equestrian
Posts: 430
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Ladybird Estate said:
Full Name:Aster Kalfling
Nickname: n/a
Gender:male ( ftm )
Appearance:Aster is quite tall,standing at 6"2 and quite slender.He isnt skinny though,more muscular than the average person.His hair reaches to his shoulders when let down, but is usually kept in a half up half down style, with his fringe and baby blue dyed side tails staying down , the artificial color matches his mossy coloured eyes and semi-cold skin tone.Like the rest of his family, he has a 'perfect face'(or at least she used to) with the only natural marks being a carpet of freckles placed in such a way that they look fake.The proper fault is a very noticable hoof shaped scar over her eye,cheek,nose and the front of her other eyebrow.This scar resulted in partial blindness in her right eye and discoloration.Though some may think of it as ugly,it is unique and makes him different and he likes it.At least it makes him look badass.
Personality: Aster is definitely a classic trouble maker,and she will drag you into his games.Despite this he will be your ride or die, Aster wears his heart on his sleeve and is loyal to a fault.If you get in trouble he makes sure the blame is on him.Aster isnt much of a social person and likes to keep to himself,on the rare occasion he makes a new friend,they're usually long term.He is an extremely dramatic character,making anything extreme,also comedically sarcastic and quick with comebacks and insults.
Dislikes:deep water
Mother:Cassandra Maria Kalfling g
Father:Eddie Kalfling (sorry not sorry)
Siblings:Edward kalfling,James kalfling ,Nova Kalfling
Student or instructor:Student
Primary Discapline:Eventing
Backstory:Aster was actually born in the centre of Berlin,Germany.The majority of his family were born in Germany. He moved all over the world for most of his life staying for little over a few months in most places he stayed.He became fluent in a few languages ; German (obviously),English,Greek,Japanese and French.He stayed the longest in these countries, about 2 years each,due to him being quick learner, he quickly adapted to life in those countries and learned their languages for obvious reasons.The reason he travelled so much was her father's business, he traveled the world helping companies get back on their feet, then moving onto the next.A few times it took a lot lot longer to get them running again for various Reasons.
The last country was the USA where his family and him settled.He was 9 when he started riding and got him his first horse at 12,Cinnamon.That horse was pretty much the devils right hand, and the reason he had a huge scar.

Aster was riding one day, doing small jumps , when Cinnamon decided to buck him.This wasnt uncommon for a horse to do so Aster got up and chased after him.Clearly not in a spooked or agitated mood, Cinnamon kicked her in the face, crushing the brige of his nose so much that the rest of his hoof could reach and break his brow and cheek bone.Aster had to get multiple surgeries for nose reconstruction because of how.., well mangled and destroyed the bone was, but the scar of impact stayed in the same place .it took him a few months to get riding again but he made little hesitation to re-home cinnamon.He had caused he so much pain, and he never really clicked with him,not like with his next horse (which she loaned) Berry.Berry was an unusually nice mare, and helped Aster a lot.
Aster bought his second horse at 13;Dionysus.He was bought as a very young horse, just 2.He ended up being one of the best decisions of Asters life.He was such an amazing horse.She bought Eos and Aphrodite at 14, and Spartan for his 15th.Then he found Trig and everything changed,and the rest we already know. He left the rest of his horses back home, and brought only Trig to Staghaven

Trigger Happy


General info:
Sex: Stallion
Height: 17.2 HH
Weight: 652kg
Breed: Dutch Warmblood
Discipline: Show Jumping
Personality:Trig has a very fiery personality and is know for his wild tendencies ,however,he is an incredibly good jumper and works perfectly with his owner Aster.He is definitely the sort to get hyper around mates,and has started a few fights with other stallions.He is extremely playful when he has the chance but hard working and focused except we'd when he sees a crop/whip or plastic bag.
Genetic info:
Extention: EE
Agouti: aa
Creme: CC
Roan: Rnrn
Dun: dd
Pearl: PrlPrl
Silver: ZZ
Champagne: chch
Grey: gg
White: we
Tobiano: Toto
Splash White: splspl
Sabino: sbsb
Rabicano: rbrb
Frame: oo
Leopard Complex: lplp
PATN-1: patn-1patn-1
PATN-2: PATN-2patn-2
Brindle: X-
Sooty: No
Pangere: No
Chimera: No
Mane Frosting: No
Amber Eyes: No
Green Eyes: No
Tiger Eyes: No
Heterochromatic Eyes: Yes
3rd POV Description
Trig was born at a small stable in Germany and stayed with his mother for only a few months,his current owners could not afford to keep him.Of course being separated from his Mom at such a young age had negative impacts on his behaviour.
He had 6 homes (1st -birth place,2-nd-Germany,3rd-France,4th-Uk,5th USA-Utah,6th-USA-Louisiana)up until 1 year 9 months because all 4 other owners could simply not handle such wildly bad behaviour at such a young age.
Until a family(6th home) had bought him to keep only as a pasture horse with no intent to ride him,that is where he was stolen from.
A group of horse thieves entered the yard and took him and smuggled the colt into Mexico.
He spent the next few months being worked into the ground and whipped for the smallest things.
He seized the chance to escape when the paddock fence was being fixed, running into the large expanse of the deserted Mexican countryside.
Though this hasn't been verified, it is believed an animal control group captured him with some difficulty and released him into Colorado near a large horse herd.Over the next year the herd drifted into Utah ,then briefly into Idaho.
Idaho is where he found his forever home.A young boy would see the herd in the distance from his window.On the 6th day of seeing them he got in his car and drove to the area in which they stayed for a short while.
A particularly chromey youngster caught his eye;Triggy.He tried for weeks to get close to him but every time he turned away and bolted,thankfully Aster was a smart boy.
On the 3rd week of his daily visits he just sat from 6 am until 6pm,eventually a curious mare walked up to him and took a carrot that was offered.Trigger decided that if the mare trusted the human he would too,and so he crept slowly forward to investigate.The second he got within 10 meters of him, they both felt calmer and Aster fell in love with the stallion.
He returned every day for weeks, the pretty horse slowly getting more comfortable around him,he would be stroked by him, but only the face and shoulders.
Aster had found out the Bureao ofLandManagement were doin a round-up in his area for the stray herds that had wandered into Idaho .They were rounding up around 1,200 horses and he was positive that that beautiful chromey colt(well, stallion) would be one.
Aster already had a few horses but he had a gut feeling about this, no matter how much his brothers and friends would say he shouldn't have anymore horses,he knew he couldn't let anybody else take him.
When it came to the round up , BLM considered just leaving him because of the fight he put up,resulting in a few scrapes but no permanent marks.
Aster panicked on the day of the auction, he couldn't find him.It was nearly to the end of the Auction day when hd saw him.On his own in a small pen,he rushed over with enthusiasm and filled out an application to bid for him.$5,000 for practically wild horse was a big risk.
It took Aster a few weeks to get him used to his new home at his father's small ranch but Trig settled in.On the 6th week he decided to halter train him, which went amazingly well.Over the next couple of months he spent another few thousand dollars on getting him professionally trained to all gaits when ridden,not to mention the breaking fee.
Skip forward to the next year, he is winning local jumping comps.Skip to the age of 6, he is a championship winning athlete, getting high placment in most shows he enters.

That art is gorgeous! Welcome aboard!
Staghaven Manor | Semi-Lit | Open February 3, 2022 01:16 PM

Former Stable
Posts: 0
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ooooo thankyou , i'll be doing my first post soon :)

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