Vet comes out- lessons at barn. You are going to spend double hauling a horse 45 minutes to a lesson than you will just driving to that lesson. I drive about an hour to my barn- and when I own again I will be keeping that horse there.
Honestly my first horse, I had the vet come out every time I needed something. The hard part was finding a farrier. I own a small little Hyundai Elantra Limited. No way could that thing haul a horse lol
Well, the place I want to take lessons at is 45 minutes away so if I boarded there that would be a long drive. My goal was to board somewhere closer and drive to a weekly lesson.
Hummer, honestly driving the horse to a different place for lessons sound ultra expensive. Would probably be cheaper to ask the trainer to come to you anyway.
My current barn has the vet and farrier and everything come out. Most vets will do farm visits. Pretty much everyone at my barn who boards does not own any kind of hauling anything.