
Stable Number: 366020 Stud fee: 125k Item: Filly Sven Total Cost: 1.125M How would this sponsorship benefit your stable? Lyssandra is my first homebred WWW mare after years of trying and the HEE gods also blessed me with the most beautiful color. She is a huge asset to my program and I want to treat her the very best! This is also my ONLY match for RO so my only hope and man are my fingers and toes crossed TIGHT T.T Thank you! Edited at March 26, 2025 08:53 AM by Ambrosia

Stable Number: 280416 Stud (straw/breeding cost): 225k Mare (brood/embryo cost): Free Items: Sven Total cost: 1.225 mil Why would this sponsorship benefit your stable? As always, I'm working to breed a top 5 leaderboard horse, and I think these two have the potential to have a foal up there
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Stable Number: 275705 Stud (straw/breeding cost): 250k Mare (brood/embryo cost): Free(in-house mare) Items: Sven Total cost: 1.25mil Why would this sponsorship benefit your stable?: I really want this match to go well so that my mare has a chance of debuting decently. I haven't been showing much this month since, due to a schedule change at my work, I haven't been sleeping well so I don't believe I will be able to sven it with my own funds Edited at March 26, 2025 06:46 PM by ShiningStar Stables
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Stable Number: 174468 Match link: I do not know how to link the match, so I will put the link of the mare and stud below! Sorry lol Items: Sven Total cost: 1.18million Why would this sponsorship benefit your stable?: Hello, thank you so much for the chance! This match would greatly benefit my stable! The mare I chose for this match will be a maiden, so this will be her first foal! Also, she is the daughter of my first WWW I ever bred, so she means a lot to me! I do not have the funds for a sven, so the possibility of getting one would be amazing! Thank you so much for all you do!
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Congratulations to our March winner, Horse Haven Stables!Edited at March 29, 2025 12:00 PM by Hallucination Manor
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Huge congrats Horse Haven!!
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Ahh thank you so much! I'm so excited!!
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