
Horse avatar. Marking: Similar Background: Her name means snow bird so I want something that has a snowy background.
Horse Avi/Stable/Club Set: Horse Avi Markings: Exact.. Similar.. Don't Care: Exact or close to Background Preference: Super Dark Extras (props DO cost extra, please refer to price sheet): Charm's Art club member?: Yes or No: Yes I would love if you could make her glow, kind of like a fire fly as her name is Luminating :D

For everyone waiting on orders, I should have them finished this weekend sometime! Sorry, finals have kind of taken over my life this week, but I'm on the downhill side of things now!
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For Railside:  For Jeri: All other orders are in progress, this weekend did not go as planned at all. Sorry.
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Sun.exe has stopped working.
those are *beautiful* Charmie!
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Charmie this is so stunning!!!!

So..... I'm so sorry, this is so unprofessional, but as of tonight I'm cancelling all shop orders and closing up shop, maybe for good, but especially for the summer. For a mini explanation, I'm dealing with a lot in my personal life family-wise right now, and I'm getting ready to embark on a 14-credit hour summer all online. I love everyone who has ever bought art from me, and I'm super sorry I'm canceling 2 orders. I really hate to do it, but I've barely found time to log on to train, let alone sit at my computer for hours on an art piece. <3
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It's all good. Life is busy and such. Thank you for letting us know!

Awww I'll miss coming to you with my RO babies but I'll wait as long as it takes <3 good luck with your summer online things and hope you're okay <3
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I can't wait to try and get some art from you in the future Charmie :D