Mythological said: Both
Thank you for your input!! I don't feel like the most creative person xD I feel bad. Haha. But I want y'all to enjoy it so I appreciate the input.
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Big sign up sheet WWW and WWE combo straws. I can donate some of the combo straws, and next year (161) my WWW stallion will be a freshie. Edited at October 26, 2022 10:03 PM by Sikoa Acres
Updated ;-) Mythological said: Both straws, glasses, ebs
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Big sign up sheet! I have finals in December (like horse show finals, not high school finals haha) so I will not post fast enough ever for the random posts haha.
Prizes! ABLB straws! Sven! (If possible of course haha) Horses? glasses/meds
Both svens, Ferrari straws or just straws in general and ebs
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Straws, Svens, Glasses,Medallians, and EBS
I think a sign up sheet would be more convenient for most people especially since it will be during the holidays and a lot of people won't be online very often. - As for the prizes I think art, ebs, straws, and breeding items (glasses, medals, and possibly svens) would be nice to see. ❤️
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I agree that the sign-up sheet would give everyone a better chance at winning rather than the few who seem to always be on 🤪😊
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Yes, definitely sign up sheet I think ABLB straws, ebs, and breeding items are good ideas for the giveaway
Club dues... we have never talked about this because I never wanted to make this club into a club with large dues. I want people to win quality things at a low price.
Right now we make approximately 6,000,000 a full RL year. Sometimes we do mini giveaways (spring, summer, anniversaries, etc.) but most of it goes to a huge Christmas giveaway. YOU are currently paying 12k a full RL year. ❓Do we want to raise the dues? ❓ I personally suggest that 5k be the highest amount. I think 10k is to much for what most people want to spend.
If we only raised it to 2k we would be doubling our income to 12,000,000. 1k 🟰 6,000,000 2k 🟰 12,000,000 3k 🟰 18,000,000 4k 🟰 24,000,000 5k 🟰 32,000,000 I am ABSOLUTELY fine with leaving it the same. But if you want to raise it a couple ebs per month I am willing to plan more giveaways that are bigger and better!
https://horseeden.com/forums.php?f=53&t=63311 click here to cast your vote! I WANT to hear your opinion. Edited at November 1, 2022 04:19 PM by Lazy L
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