
haha xD Roans are a curse
Glad everyone here had a decent RO! I got a few good keepers myself! Nothing too flashy, but the highlights are probably my black EWE boy and a buckskin pearl tobiano sabino frame EEE boy. Praying for nice training on both
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Hi! I just discovered this game and my stable is just over a month old. I probably don't have any good horses to share - YET - but that is certainly my plan. I loved Arabians in RL and am indulging my passion now virtually. While I'm still learning the ins and outs of breeding here in the game, I have some RL experience with breeding various species of critters. :-) I found a wonderful mentor to help answer many of my questions, and through her, found this group. I'm inspired by your beautiful horses. Focusing now on AA breeding/showing/ratings, but I hope to branch out to adding a color line and a solid line (I mean, who can resist a black stallion? Stuff of childhood dreams). Thanks for letting me chat here and introduce myself.

Welcome, Hillcrest!!!! Glad you found us! Who sent you our direction?
Ellaira Ashvayer "adopted" me and has been really helpful. It wasn't exactly directly, as she has been talking about color breeding and genetics and mentioned how nice Looking Glass Stables is, so I sort of found this forum that way. The whole color genetics is a complicated subject that I'm finding very interesting. I hope to learn more from everyone. Thank you! Arabesque Arabians said: Welcome, Hillcrest!!!! Glad you found us! Who sent you our direction?

Of course! You've come to the right place to learn the ways of genetics lol. Between all of us, I'm pretty sure we dabble in basically every color lol. Feel free to ask any specific questions you come up with, either here or through PM :D

Hillcrest Arabians said: Ellaira Ashvayer "adopted" me and has been really helpful. It wasn't exactly directly, as she has been talking about color breeding and genetics and mentioned how nice Looking Glass Stables is, so I sort of found this forum that way. The whole color genetics is a complicated subject that I'm finding very interesting. I hope to learn more from everyone. Thank you! Arabesque Arabians said: Welcome, Hillcrest!!!! Glad you found us! Who sent you our direction?
If you have any genetics questions. My box is always open. I've bred color for several RL years. I've gotten up to 13 homozygous genes in ISH, and PON. :)
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I'm still in "experiment a lot mode". So many pretty horses to acquire! I do try to purchase and bid with a plan in mind, though. I'm focusing more on ratings now while I learn about genetics, later I am looking at developing a color line and solid line (I know solid/no pattern don't sell as well, but it's a personal favorite of mine). I'm sure I'll have more detailed questions as I start to read a lot more and try to make plans. I wanted to share this little cutie. I have high hopes for him, he's starting to show pretty well for me, someday he might be a good sire to share. I had to have him because he looks identical to an Arabian colt I bred in RL. Arabesque Arabians said: Of course! You've come to the right place to learn the ways of genetics lol. Between all of us, I'm pretty sure we dabble in basically every color lol. Feel free to ask any specific questions you come up with, either here or through PM :D

Oh, he's lovely, Hillcrest! And he was up on Hrt wk 7!!! Super strong in that respect!!!
Thank you! It wouldn't have mattered if he was good or not (he was all level 1 when purchased), just because he is a twin of RL horse I bred. LOL. I'm just glad he seems to be improving pretty steadily. I'm not 100% sure I understand the leveling process and how fast is great, good or not so good. I see the connection between showing and breeding and choosing matches, but the intricacies of whether they level in week 3 or 4 or 8 and how that impacts their future showing/breeding status is something I am still trying to figure out. Arabesque Arabians said: Oh, he's lovely, Hillcrest! And he was up on Hrt wk 7!!! Super strong in that respect!!!

So the horses have intrinsic strengths and weaknesses. The only way you can figure them out is to train them in all disciplines. Here's a basic cheat sheet for what a level-up in a trait means. * Wk 1-2: No horse EVER levels up these weeks Wk 3: Only the strongest of the WWWs sometimes level up wk 3 Wk 4: If a horse levels up this week it points to that trait being strong. Wk 5: I would consider a lvl up in this week to be a middle ground Wk 6: Ideally, all traits should be at 2 by this week Wk 7: Anything that goes up to 3 this week is strong, especially if it also went up wk 4. Anything that is still down this week is definitely a weakness. Wks 8-10: Kind of another middle ground, but anything still at 2 by wk 10 can be assumed to be a weakness I would say Wk 11: Another week where if a horse lvls up to 4, it's definitely a strength. * After that I think it spreads out a bit more and I'm not sure, but you usually have a pretty good feel by that point. You can definitely keep training after that (I usually train/track for at least 15 wks). Hopefully that is useful to you :D Edited at October 21, 2021 01:20 PM by Arabesque Arabians