Hello! Is there any way other than constantly advertising to get more attention to your adopt shop? It seems as if every one I have gets a few orders and then people just ghost it, no matter how much I advertise. Any advice is appreciated! <3
The market is pretty much flooded with adopts. Masybe let things cool off awhile.
One way that i do on my side account (Quarter mile farms) Is i make premades and put them up for sale in the art auction page and sell it for however much i think its worth, and then i put something like, "If you like this piece and want something similar to it, go to my adopt shop!" and then the link to your Adopt shop :) Hope this helps!
Circle Star RIDs said: The market is pretty much flooded with adopts. Masybe let things cool off awhile.
Damn, didn't pay that much of attention to it lol. Thanks:)
Yellow Rose Ranch said: One way that i do on my side account (Quarter mile farms) Is i make premades and put them up for sale in the art auction page and sell it for however much i think its worth, and then i put something like, "If you like this piece and want something similar to it, go to my adopt shop!" and then the link to your Adopt shop :) Hope this helps!
That works as well :D