Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms used on this website.
HEE- Horse Eden Eventing. SD - Single Discipline AD - All Disciplines Wb- Warmblood TB- Thoroughbred KNN- Knabstrupper ISH- Irish Sport Horse SH- Sport Horse AA- Anglo Arabian RID- Register Irish Draft X- Appendix Quarter Horse RF - Random Factor LB - Leaderboard ABLB - All Breed Leaderboard CS - Cycle Suppressant FR('d) - free range(d) BA('d) - breed approval/ed SM - schoolmaster SM'd in J/XC/D/E - has hit level 10 in that discipline Feds - federations Freshie - 3 y.o. stallion BM - barn manager LC - live cover PB - public brood 1/1 - one of a kind color ebs - Eden Bucks PEE/EPE/EEP/PPP/etc - The horse's ratings listed in order: Dressage-Cross Country-Show Jumping. Example: PEE= ratings of Premium-Elite-Elite To - Tobiano Sb - Sabino Rb - Rabicano Lp - Leopard 1K = 1000$ RB- Rainbow Bridge FR- Free Range CC or XC - Cross Country D - Dressage SJ or J - Show Jumping Mv or Mvt - Movement - Dressage Trait Int - Intellect - Dressage Trait Hrt - Heart - CC and Jumping Trait Scp - Scope - Jumping Trait Spd - Speed - CC and Jumping Trait Str - Strength - CC and Dressage Trait 1o1 = 1 of 1 swell, though not as common BC = breeding centre comp = competitions e.g, i enter a comp every monday shiny = rare coloured LW - lethal white Homo - Homozygous for a certain gene Het/Hetero - Heterozygous for a certain gene SB = Starting Bid (I have also seen OB = Opening Bid) AB = Auto Buy Changeover = The last day/night of the month, when the game resets to a new year. Chrome - flashy white markings HH - hands high (height measurement) OP - Original Poster - as in the person who started a topic in the forum. Edited at February 28, 2019 04:03 PM by Cadence Farms

Some People use XC instead of CC for Cross Country.
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Moonlight stud said: Some People use XC instead of CC for Cross Country.
LOL true i do so myself. I copied this one from the old forum

Somerlaren said:
Moonlight stud said: Some People use XC instead of CC for Cross Country.
LOL true i do so myself. I copied this one from the old forum
LOL, maybe add D for dressage and SJ or J for jumping, as well. :D
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Moonlight stud said:
Somerlaren said:
Moonlight stud said: Some People use XC instead of CC for Cross Country.
LOL true i do so myself. I copied this one from the old forum
LOL, maybe add D for dressage and SJ or J for jumping, as well. :D
All Done :D
Somerlaren said:
Moonlight stud said: Some People use XC instead of CC for Cross Country.
LOL true i do so myself. I copied this one from the old forum

I've seen "rollover" for when<font class="mainlineblack"> the game resets to a new year (it's listed here as "changeover"), but I've never seen "changeover" as a term...

Can you clarify what 1o1 means? Not sure...I'm a ditz XD!

1 of 1, referring to color rarity.

Ah. Thanks. again-I'm a ditz! XD