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04:46:34 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-
Hot 2 Trot
04:45:39 PON Champ
two EEE PON mares for sale. Both young. 20k per horse or 35k for both (pm me for the discounted price)
-HEE Click-
-HEE Click-
04:41:39 Blu;KNN;T2Artist
KNN Mare cull!
-HEE Click-
Empire Eventers
04:23:14 Emp or Empy
-HEE Click-

Inventory Cleanout! I have a TON of stuff in my shop that needs to go ASAP! I don't want to throw anything out knowing others might want/need them so feel free to check everything out!
ghost light stables
03:58:37 moldy bread / ghost
ALL COLOR BREEDERS Comepop into my auction there is a bunch of cheap rated and unrated color!!
Willow Grove
03:29:49 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
MakeEm Fancy
03:29:40 Ally 💜
EWW ISH filly! 150k
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
03:28:15 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
EEE+ mares at brood! Only 3k. Take a chance!
Greenheart Stables
03:07:29 Green|Gren|Grenlin
ISO rerolls, 140k in hand, PM me!!
Whispering Wood Barn
03:05:58 ~Whispy~
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Horse Eden Eventing Game
04:46:34 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
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Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-
Hot 2 Trot
04:45:39 PON Champ
two EEE PON mares for sale. Both young. 20k per horse or 35k for both (pm me for the discounted price)
-HEE Click-
-HEE Click-
04:41:39 Blu;KNN;T2Artist
KNN Mare cull!
-HEE Click-
Empire Eventers
04:23:14 Emp or Empy
-HEE Click-

Inventory Cleanout! I have a TON of stuff in my shop that needs to go ASAP! I don't want to throw anything out knowing others might want/need them so feel free to check everything out!
ghost light stables
03:58:37 moldy bread / ghost
ALL COLOR BREEDERS Comepop into my auction there is a bunch of cheap rated and unrated color!!
Willow Grove
03:29:49 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
MakeEm Fancy
03:29:40 Ally 💜
EWW ISH filly! 150k
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
03:28:15 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
EEE+ mares at brood! Only 3k. Take a chance!
Greenheart Stables
03:07:29 Green|Gren|Grenlin
ISO rerolls, 140k in hand, PM me!!
Whispering Wood Barn
03:05:58 ~Whispy~
-HEE Click-

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   Palette Guide February 29, 2020 10:55 PM

The Unknown
Posts: 969
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This is an index of each pinned post and what it contains.

Post 1 - Index, resources <--- (you are here)

Post 2 - What is CSS, selectors, How to make a palette, how coding works, code breakdown

Post 3 - Inspect element, classes and selectors

Post 4 - Pseudo classes, FAQ

Post 5 - Dictionary


These are links to websites that I use when I make my palettes.

W3Schools - Has guides and examples for many different CSS declarations and CSS as a whole. I use this when looking for new code. I highly recommend that you have this page open while you read through my guide.

Postimages - I use this site to host my background and header images.

Unsplash and Adobe Free Stock - I use these sites for background images.

Clip Studio Paint - I use this PC app to make my headers. It's paid, but Krita is a good free alternative.

Edited at November 15, 2023 05:39 PM by The Unknown
   Palette Guide February 29, 2020 11:02 PM

The Unknown
Posts: 969
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Anything above the line is updated as of November 11th, 2023. Anything below the line is part of the old guide. I will eventually make an index.

Hey, uh, Dark, what the hell is CSS?

CSS stands for cascading style sheets. It's a coding language that tells a website what to look like. These documents are called "style sheets", and when you make or edit a palette, you're making a style sheet for the website.

In CSS you use selectors to define what you want to "target". A selector is usually the name of an element, for example, if you wanted to target the body of the website as a whole, you'd use "body". There are many, many types of selectors, which I'll go over before we dig into actually coding anything.

It sounds complicated but it's easy when you get the hang of it. If you've never looked at CSS before, it can be intimidating. What are all the curly brackets and semicolons for?! I'm here to answer your questions and make palettes a less rage-inducing task. If you need a quick reference for what a word means, I'll have a pinned post under this guide with a dictionary for you.

There are more selector types??

Yeah. A lot more, actually. Your selector tells the page exactly what to target. If your code isn't working, try making the selector more specific. See the post under this one (the dictionary) for a list of some common selectors.

A fun tip, you can "group" things together to make your code neater and shorter. For example, if I wanted bold text and italic text to be red, I'd use this:

b, i {

color: red;


That's all fine and dandy but how do I make a palette?

Let's get to the good stuff! First, you need a premium account to make custom palettes. Got one? Awesome! You're ready to start.

Head on over to Stable > Stable Activities, and click on "Manage Palettes". It's right at the bottom, just above manage club. It looks like this:

Clicking on it, you'll come to the palette page:

See where the dropdown says "Blank"? Click on it. Choose "Default" from the menu. Click inside of the big box with all the code in it, click control + a (command + a on a mac, this selects all the text in the box for you) and copy it all by either right clicking and choosing copy or using control/command + c. Then use that dropdown again (or refresh the page), and paste it into a blank palette. Don't forget to name it!

Now you'll have a new palette. Beside "set custom palette" choose your new palette and click submit to equip it. Now to edit it you just choose the name of your custom palette from the edit dropdown and code away!

Okay but how do I code?

Before I get into breaking down what each code piece means there's important things you need to know.

CSS uses a lot of {curly brackets} and semicolons (;). Curly brackets "contain" the declaratons that you use to style things, and you end each line with a semicolon. Like this:

a {

color: red;

background-color: blue;


This code will make links red with a blue highlight, by the way. See how the curly brackets contain all of your declarations and a semicolon ends each line? Do not forget either or anything beneath the missing character will not work (because technically, you didn't end the line/close the declaration).

Please check the dictionary post here (or just scroll down) to read up on what the words I'm using mean!

A word about hex codes

Hey Dark what the fuck is this???


Oh yeah those. Those are called hex codes. They're a computer-y way of defining a colour. They can have numbers 0-9, and letters a-f. F is the most and 0 is the least. Each two characters correspond to red, green, and blue respectively for a total of 6 characters. #000000 is black (none of any colour) and #ffffff is white (all of every colour).

Code breakdown time!

Okay, now you can start coding!

I will include a screenshot of the section in the basic palette template and then a breakdown of exactly what each part does/changes, and some tips for that specific line of code if I have any.

You will learn how to change these afterwards. It's important to know what these do before you code so you don't make your site unuseable.

Please note that I always use either hex codes (#123abc) or rbg codes (255, 255, 255) when I am choosing site colours. It makes it easier for me to pick a specific colour instead of one of the predefined ones. However, if you like predefined colour names instead of codes, here's a list. It also has the hex code for that colour if you'd like.

Shall we begin?

If you've been paying any attention you know the things that say ".primary", ".secondary" etc are selectors. They are no touchie. Do not change them if you want to keep your sanity. The following parts however are declarations and they can be played with!

.primary - Background colour for the chatbox container, where the text input box and post buttons appear. I usually group this and .pgbg. You'll see why soon.

.secondary - The coloured bars that hold your stable flags and the "Stable Info" text on your profile page.

.tertiary - "Stable Info", "About This Stable" etc headers on the homepage.

.quatro - Status messages and the forum main colour. For example every time you edit your palette it says "Palette has been updated." at the top. This changes those.



Sets the colours for these bad boys.


.forumalt - Sets the alternative forum colour to make the colours alternate.


.pgbg - Sets the background colour for the main page. Brownish by default. I usually group this with .primary so that both of those parts of my page are the same colour with me only needing to change one code.


.tablebg - Sets the background colour for tables, like the light brown spot where your quests show up.


.headline - The big text that titles pages. On your stable page it says "Stable Page" at the top for example.


.sales and .main - Sets the background colour for chatbox posts in sales cat and main chat respectively.


.iclass - Text input boxes. In other words, anywhere you type in text.

.tab button:hover - The hoverable tabs that say "Our Stable", "Profile" and "Games" on stable profiles. This only changes the colour when you hover over them.


All of these change the look of the tabs on the bottom of barn and mailbox pages.


All of these change the look of text on buttons.


.sidebar - Changes the colour of the text that says "Chatbox" and "Quests" on the left of the screen.

.sidebarheader - Changes the font and background of the same text mentioned before this.

.statusbar - Changes the colour of your statusbar (where it shows your money and the time).


All of these change the colours of different text across the site. Anything with a suffix changes a different thing, so I've broken them down.

a:link - Changes the colour of links that you haven't visited (clicked on) before.

a:visted - Links that you've visited before. For example on most devices links are blue by default and turn purple after you've clicked on them. I usually keep this the same colour as my a:link text so the forums and chatbox links don't look weird.

a:hover - Links when you hover over them. You can add fun effects, like a text shadow, here to make your links pop out when you hover them.

Anything without "a" is just normal text, not links.


The same suffix rules apply here. These change the subtext colours instead of general text. An example is the amount of store credits you have when you look next to your avatar on your stable page.


.easy - Sets the colour of the placings of horses who are competitive on the easy show enter page. Green by default.


Follows the suffix rules. These change the colours of the timestamps on chatbox posts. You could group all of these together if you'd like to make your code neater.


Sets the colour of post content (what people post) in the chatbox.


.navbar - Navigation bar as a whole. Changes the position of the navbar ("Stable", "Services", etc). Giving this a background makes all of the headers and the space between them have a background, instead of just the headers.

.navbar a - Backup option for the inner link ("Home", "Capture A Horse", etc) colours. If you don't have .dropdown-content a set, the links will use this colour instead.

.dropdown .dropbtn - Navigation bar headers ("Stable", "Services", etc).

.dropdown-content a - These are the links inside the actual dropdowns ("Home", "Capture A Horse", etc).

.navbar a:hover, .dropdown:hover, .dropbtn - Hover effects for your navbar go here.


This changes the background of the website. Usually it's the picture of the trees and the field that changes with the seasons.


Changes the header image of the website.

Edited at November 12, 2023 05:21 PM by The Unknown
   Palette Guide May 28, 2020 11:50 AM

The Unknown
Posts: 969
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The magic of inspect element

Inspect Element is a feature included with most, if not all, web browsers. It allows you to "inspect" the code of the page to see styles used. It's also where I get my selectors from when making custom code that isn't in the default palette template!

There are many ways to open inspect element. As a note, I use the browser Vivaldi, so my screen may look different from yours.

You can either use the keyboard shortcut control + shift + I (not sure on mac), click on the F12 key on your keyboard, or you can right click on a certain element and choose "inspect element". For me on Vivaldi I go Developer Tools > Inspect Element.

Now you should see something similar to this:


This is the developer tools window (I'll be calling it "Inspect" from now on). The parts we need are the part on top (showing the HTML) and the part at the bottom (showing the CSS).

If you used the right click > inspect method you'll already see a whole bunch of stuff, like I have here. This is because the right click method chooses the element under your cursor and highlights it for you. If you want to change the colour of forum posts for example, you can right click on the white part of a forum post and have a look. This is the method that I always use to open inspect because 99% of the time I'm trying to change a specific element.

Now that you've opened inspect let's learn how to actually use it!

How to use inspect

To use inspect you'll need to use your brain a little bit, because sometimes the code can get very complicated.

In the example picture I put above, you see the CSS at the bottom, as well as a highlighted section of HTML code. The highlighted piece of HTML code is what I have selected to look at the CSS for. For example, if I choose the part that says "summerbody", like in the picture, the CSS code at the bottom shows for that element. You should also take note of this thing between the two sections:


This thing here is called the path. It's the way we find what our selector is going to be so we can target and edit it with our palettes. The "html" is irrelevant. The part that matters is the "body.summerbody". That's your CSS selector!

The body at the beginning can be left out, leaving just ".summerbody". If you use this in your palette, you can change the background image during the summer and make your website background change seasonally like the normal ones do. The other selectors are .fallbody, .springbody, and .winterbody.

If you look at the inspect window's HTML section you'll see a whole bunch of little grey arrows beside the HTML. These open/collapse the sections. Anything inside of an element with an arrow is called a child, and the element with the arrow is called the parent. Let's look at this example:


This may look scary, but hang on a second.

See the part at the top with all of the CSS in orange? Those CSS declarations are what are called inline. It means that they are defined inside the HTML itself. If you want to change those in your palette, you're going to have to use the tag !important after your declaration, like this:

.pgbg {
border: 1px solid black !important;

I do not recommend using the important tag more than you need to. It makes your code very messy if you use it too much, and it makes changing certain things very difficult. This is because the important tag overrides everything else and forces that declaration to be the top priority for that element. For example, let's say you want to change your page background to have a black border like in my example. But now you can't make only the left border blue using border-left because the border is already being forced to be black unless you use another important tag.

Classes and selectors, oh my!

In the inspect panel you can see the class of an HTML element. I've circled it in yellow in this example picture:


The class needs a prefix to be selected in your CSS. Classes use a period as a prefix, so instead of just summerbody, you'd use .summerbody. There's a list of what prefixes are for what in the dictionary post.

To find the selector for a more complicated element, like the chatbox text input box example I use in the dictionary, you look at the element's path. Here I've right clicked on the chat input box and opened inspect so it's already selected for me.


See the small arrow to the left of the path? That means it scrolls backwards. It's super long and complicated.

The good news? That doesn't matter!

Start at the part that says "div.primary" and keep adding the selectors to the right of it until you get to the last one in the row. In this case, that'd be: div.primary div div center form table tbody tr td textarea.iclass. That's your full selector!

Now if we use this code in our palettes, we can do super cool and awesome stuff like this:

div.primary div div center form table tbody tr td textarea.iclass {

background: red;

border: 4px double yellow;


Which looks like this when saved!


This will only change the chatbox text area. Anything else won't be changed!

One more tip, you can hover over HTML elements in the inspect panel to highlight them on your page so you can see where and what you're changing.

If you have questions about how to use inspect, please post to ask.

Edited at November 12, 2023 05:16 PM by The Unknown
   Palette Guide November 12, 2023 04:21 PM

The Unknown
Posts: 969
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Pseudo-classes and other shennanigans

A pseudo class is what you use to make your elements hoverable and stuff. They usually are attached to your selector:like-this, with a colon and dashes instead of spaces.

You can use them to make things hoverable (:hover), change when they're selected (:active), and many more. You can find a tutorial here.

That's how you make things such as the header change when you hover over them.

Frequently asked questions

Q: How do I get rid of the brown bar under my nav?

A: First, try reading through the guide and see if you can use your skills to find it. If you can't, here it is:

.gameheader div {
background: transparent !important;
border: none !important;
transition: 0.5s !important;

This code uses the important tag to override the inline elements, as described in my guide. For the love of god don't use these more than you need to. They're super annoying and hard to work around if you have too many.

Q: How do I make things transparent?

A: To make things transparent use RGBA codes instead of hex codes.

Instead of #ffffff, use (255, 255, 255, 0.5). This code makes the colour white at 50% (half) opacity. The first number is the red value, followed by the green and blue values. The last number (the decimal) is your opacity (called alpha).

Q: Can I change the background colour of forum posts?

A: Yes! See my section on inspect element for how to get codes like this yourself. The selector is:


Edited to add: this code can also be used to change the text colours/styles/whatever of forum posts. I've been getting this question frequently lately, so there's your answer.

Q: How do I remove/change the seasons image over the chatbox?

A: Again you can use my guide on inspect element to find selectors for things like that yourself. Here's the code for ease though:

/*Remove season chatbox image*/
div.primary div img:first-child {
display: none;

/*Force quest images to appear*/
tr.mainlineblack td img {
display: inline !important;

Edited at December 2, 2023 11:02 PM by The Unknown
   Palette Guide November 15, 2023 05:33 PM

The Unknown
Posts: 969
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What my funny words mean

Read below to see what each word that I use in my guide means! You can use control/command + F to search for a certain term!

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets, the coding language used to make palettes.

Selector - The name of the thing you're trying to edit, usually has a symbol before it that changes the specificity of your target. Here's a list of selectors and modifiers:

No symbol

Anything of that type. No symbol needed, just the name of the element. "p" selects all paragraphs, for example.

Class - .

Used to select everything of that class, and only that class. For example "" selects all paragraphs with class "center".

ID - #

Selects all elements with that ID. Usually IDs are unique to specific elements, and are a good way to be very specific about what you're choosing to edit. IDs don't seem to be used much on HEE though, so they aren't super important for us.

Universal - *

The asterisk symbol selects every single HTML element on the page. Doesn't matter what kind, if it's part of the page, it gets selected. This doesn't need a name attached to it, just the symbol will do.

Target - The thing you're trying to edit. For example, links, or the header image of the site.

Specificity - How specific your selector is. A more specific selector means a more specific target.

For example using just this:

.iclass {

background-color: red;


Will make every single text box on the site red. However, using this code instead:

div.primary div div center form table tbody tr td textarea.iclass {
background-color: red;

Will make only the text input box under the chatbox red. Read my guide to learn where I got all the wordy nonsense from!

Element - Something on the site. The page background picture is an element, and so is the navigation bar.

Declaration - A command given to change the look of something.

b {

color: red;


The red underlined text is your declaration.

Property - Something you are changing.

b {

color: red;


The red underlined text is your property.

Value - The term or number that you assign to a property. These can be colours, numbers, words, a great deal of things depending on the property you're changing.

b {

color: red;


The red underlined text is your value.

Edited at November 15, 2023 05:34 PM by The Unknown
Palette Guide March 1, 2020 12:04 AM

Former Stable
Posts: 0
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So, is there a certain link to add to do the site background? Or could something like an image that we have on be used?

Edited at March 1, 2020 12:04 AM by Tumbling K Stables
Palette Guide March 1, 2020 05:21 AM

The Unknown
Posts: 969
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Tumbling K Stables said:
So, is there a certain link to add to do the site background? Or could something like an image that we have on be used?

Any Postimg direct link works :)
Palette Guide March 1, 2020 06:37 AM

Former Stable
Posts: 0
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The Unknown said:

Tumbling K Stables said:
So, is there a certain link to add to do the site background? Or could something like an image that we have on be used?

Any Postimg direct link works :)

Palette Guide March 4, 2020 03:21 PM

The Joker

Trivia Team
Posts: 2911
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This is so helpful! Thank you :D
Palette Guide March 4, 2020 03:22 PM

The Unknown
Posts: 969
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The Joker said:
This is so helpful! Thank you :D


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