If I use an image that I have taken, do I have to credit?
If I use an image that I have taken, do I have to credit?
Hello, I made the background myself, which copyright would I need to use for the foal as it's horse eden eventing's artwork
Hi, I have 2 accounts can I use the same avatar for both? Cadence Farms said: How to Properly Credit/Use Artwork on Horse Eden
Welcome to Horse Eden artists! As with any game we encourage you to be creative and customize our horses. Whether you are planning to give your horses their own identities or sell your images for Eden Bucks, we encourage you to read the following about Copyright and Credit.
These are several different mediums that can be used digitally which include, but are not limited to:
- Photos - Photo Manipulations - Digital Drawings/Sketches - Vector Images
When using artwork if it is NOT entirely yours you are required to give credit to each piece that you used. If you use a photo as the basis of your image, please give credit to the photographer. If you download a Photoshop brush, please give credit to the brush creator, and so on and so forth. It is very important that the owner of the image give you permission to use the image. If it is not a stock image or you don't have written permission to use the image, then the image should not be used on this website.
If the photo is all yours, you can just put (c) and your stable name as the credit.
There are many sites on which you can find references or add-on tools for your rendering applications, popular sites include, Flickr.com and Deviantart.com. Both of these sites give artwork owners the opportunity to "market" their pieces under the rules of Creative Commons. (Please click here for more information on Creative Commons: http://creativecommons.org/about/licenses/
Once you find a piece of artwork you would like to use in your piece, PLEASE make sure to check that you can under the different licenses of the Creative Commons.
Let's say you want to use this photo of mine as a reference for you drawing: http://cgray0983.deviantart.com/art/Caballo1-130596004
You will have to say on your piece - "Reference photo: http://cgray0983.deviantart.com/art/Caballo1-130596004. The URL must be clearly visible and not too small to read.
If you are using an image from a website that has stock images for use credit as the following "(c) <insertwebsitehere>"
Stock images MUST be for stock use only and not copyrighted in any way, shape, or form.
Basic images from websites are not allowed unless it is your own website and you own that photo - you have to have taken that photo.
DEVIANTART CREDITING When crediting photos from DeviantArt, we have discussed this and decided the best way to credit this is not a direct link to the photo used but instead the artists account. For example, artistname.deviantart.co m.
Make sure that it is visible AND large enough so anyone looking at the image can easily see that proper credit is given to the artist of whose work you have used to get to your final product. Game moderators will be checking that images used fall under the correct license for Creative Commons or in artist's notes - that is why it is important to give credit. If we find that your image tagged to your horse does not fall under the above stated guidelines, we will remove the image in question.
Also, Note, that as of 3/6/2017 we are no longer allowing use of Imgur as an image host. They do not allow hosting of content.
Another Note: You may only sell art for ebs. Selling of art, or anything else related to HEE, for real life money is prohibited. Please do not hesitate to ask a moderator if you are unsure about whether the artwork you are using is okay to post to your horse - all of us are here to help.
Thank You, The Horse Eden Mod Team

I just want to double check something. If I have drawn my avatar do I put the (c) stable name here on the photo or somewhere else?
If I use my own photo how do I credit it? Is it: (c)my username
can I use my own pictures of my brothers horses with his permission? and what is a few pictures are of my 2 horses?

Rocky Mountain Range said: can I use my own pictures of my brothers horses with his permission? and what is a few pictures are of my 2 horses?
As long as you own the rights to the pictures or have permission by the right holder to use them you may use them. You would credit yourself and/or the photographer.
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Mine just got removed, but it's my own drawing. So what I've read here is that you have to put credit on your own art even if you don't want to? I thought that would be up to the creator right since I decide what I draw and what is drawn in the drawing. Now apparently the game gets to decide what I put on my drawings and that doesn't sound right to me.
Can someone please tell me if I've misunderstood this? Because I think I might have. (:

You just have to put credit on your art even if you have made it, just so the mods know who made it and its not stolen. Its simply to prevent people from stealing other people's art to use as they please. Also, technically its not the game that decided, but a mod. They would have taken down because you simply need to credit whoever drew the avater, or what stock providers were used in the making of the avatar. If you drew it, simply at (c) Blue Sapphire Estate in a corner of the image somewhere so the mods can see it and know you drew it. Blue Sapphire Estate said: Mine just got removed, but it's my own drawing. So what I've read here is that you have to put credit on your own art even if you don't want to? I thought that would be up to the creator right since I decide what I draw and what is drawn in the drawing. Now apparently the game gets to decide what I put on my drawings and that doesn't sound right to me.
Can someone please tell me if I've misunderstood this? Because I think I might have. (:
Edited at May 6, 2021 06:16 AM by Lunar Eclipse