All other art credit to bronzehalo@da, they are too tiny for text.
Welcome to the second quarterly...
Please read all the way through if/before you sign up.
As well as keeping your eye out for deadlines and updates on this thread.
Hello everybody! We're so glad your interested in our art contest. For those of you who are new the Creative Clinic Competition is the Rumble's newest addition, the CCC priorities learning and practice. That's why each event has a required skill. One new feature for those of you who followed along on the last one is what we are calling our judge's panel. Every artist who submits a piece, even an incomplete piece will receive feedback and tips from up to 4 members of our team to help learn and improve for future art pieces. For more information check out the intro post for the CCC here.
Jan 8th: Day one of signups, get your name on the list!
Jan 10th: SSCN and the Theme + Skill will be released! SSCN will be sent through pm, Theme + Skill will be posted here.
Jan 11th: Ready, set, go! Work time starts!
Jan 28th: Last call for all entries.
Jan 30th: Voting starts.
Feb 1st: Winners announced!
The contest runs similar to the Rumble, but has it's own unique rules. Once the deadline is reached and the art is submitted the team will take a little while to do any final reviewing and get the voting set up. Then all competitors and hee players will be encouraged to vote on their favorite from each tier. So it's split by tier but not 1v1 in a bracket based system. The artist with the highest votes will be announced the winner and then the identifies may be revealed and the art may be sold.
To enter please send me a pm (278107) with the subject CCC or something similar, and include your stable number as well as your selected tier (1-4). This will be the one and only time you use you stable info for the CCC, from there on out please use your SSCN.
The winner from each tier will receive 50k as well as bragging rights! Even submitted piece, even incomplete receive a 5k submission prize.
Who can enter? Everyone is welcome, everyone from well accomplished tier 1 artists to someone who has never even started an art piece. We'd love you to give it a go. I would be thrilled to help someone start their art journey, and any artist is always welcomed to reach out.
What stock is allowed? How do I credit? DeviantArt (as long as it's from a creator that allows off-site use and manips) and Unsplash are really good free resources, Adobe free is also a good resource. As always paid stock is available as long as you have proof with a mod that you have purchased it. As for crediting on sites like DA or Unsplash the format is username@site, for Adobe Free you must put Adobe in the credits as well as include the image number for easy identification. If you use a banned site, using the stock image breaks the rules or you credit improperly you will get a warning from us, if you fix the issue before the work time ends you will be eligible for the voting round. If not, you are unfortunately disqualified.
What is a SSCN? SSCN stand for Super Secret Code Name, an alias that originated with the Rumble, your SSCN is a silly little name that will be your identity throughout the contest. You will credit your art with that name as well as be referred to as that name. This is very important. Please do not share this until the winners are announced. Failure to do so many result in a disqualification or future contest ban.
Can I sell my art? You sure can, after the winners are announced. Please do not share, post or talk about your art to maintain anonymity. Failure to do so many result in a disqualification or future contest ban.
What if I don't meet the theme or skill? We don't have crazy high expectations for either. All we are looking for is to see an attempt at quick glance for both the theme and the skill (to be revealed later). If for some reason those are not quite reached we'll send you a message and you'll have the rest of the work time to get the work a bit closer to the brief.
Any other questions may be directed to The Rumble Team:
SCF: #266600
Coldwater Meadows: #28845
Reality: #278107
Mossy: #325753
HRS: #275252