I only have mares and studs and still always manage to stay in the top 10 (often top 5) of most winnings per stable per month. When you figure out showing it doesn't rrally matter if you had to sacrifice anyones 🏀🏀 for it or not!
Golden Haha what I would give to have that problem XD I don't have enough good geldings so can only enter like 20 - 50 horses in shows and its not making me enough lol
Haha No worries Ara ♡ I honestly can't recall the story line I had lined up for Storm XD I'd have to reread it to try or start a new RP with a new character 😄 😅 but read my last post it did seem to end on a cliff ;)
Since I've been obsessing about it over the last few days (no, I don't have a problem, it's perfectly healthy XD), I think I remember most of it so we can do a debriefing if you're down! But it's definitely worth rereading in my option just for the heck of it, if I do say so myself *cough* And you cannot replace the fire that is between Storm and Noda! They are each others epic loves! <3